Meeting the Emperor

He checked the daily paper for anything that could effect his bottom line, shaking his head at the reports of more military incursions getting closer and closer. this would lead to some sourcing issues, but he'll make it work.

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Ferret's Five - A Change in Venue

Http:// as the night passed and the new day dawned it was clear it appeared that their first incursion into the casino went unnoticed, especially when draggor attempted to login and found his access granted.

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Platinum Light

In her own echoing words since the first day of her incursion: "if it does not bend, it then surely will _break_."

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Game Day

In one violent motion she kicked the hard oak door open and lunged inside moving the large broad blade up to block any foe who may strike out at the sudden incursion. fortunately the first attack never came.

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The Mourning After - Chapter 25 (Final Chapter)

To protect our lands from the incursion of the demons, and assist the guardian deities\* and their chosen champions, the daemon\*, in what ever way necessary. that oath was sworn in the name of asurmen\*, the creator and protector of our world.

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Chapter 1 of my book "A Wolf Asunder"

"we have to inform command of this incursion into our territory," he didn't even need to wait for an answer, as he heard the muffled footsteps of running to their previous position a short run back to a rock outcropping at the edge of this forest.

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Prayer and Demon 7 - Sparring and a Visiting Saint

Yet here you are, making incursion into esles as if _chasing_ after war.

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Military Doctrines and Attributes, and the Road to War

The likurians have had to be offensive on numerous occasions to either retake lost border territory or make small and tactically advantageous incursions into wesitaria, and they have often needed kantarian assistance to do so because they're not equipped to

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Twilight of the Gods (Chapter 15, Book7)

After the incursion found resolution, it was discovered that you were raising the child. kiko demanded you release shizuko to the wild. after all, the child was too young to pay fealty to inari, and thus was not under his protection. you protested."

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Torpedo Run Chapter 11

'lady luck' had carried him through every engagement, from war games just after his graduation to fighting pirate incursions at the system's outer barren worlds. she'd saved his life many times, and in more ways than one.

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