Meeting the Emperor

Story by Vorca22 on SoFurry

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#5 of Misc.

A business-orca is minding his business during the expansion of the great Emperor Thaz. It would appear the orca has something that the dragon emperor wants. Wonder what it could be...

"The results do look promising, I can give you that," said the large orca sitting behind the desk.

The big male had his feet propped up on his rather ornate desk, dressed in a full dark-grey suit, black tie, and white shirt, looking like quite the businessman save for his lack of footwear. He held a cigar in one hand, and a report sheet in the other. His feet were not completely bare, of course, but he wasn't so much wearing anything on his feet.

At his feet was a wolf, dutifully running his thumbs over the soft flesh of the soles presented to him, the white underside of the feet tarnished only by shadow and sweat, his pungent smell of ocean breeze, fish, and acrid musk filled the air around the pair. Despite all of the loving attention his feet were receiving, he didn't seem too distracted from his work.

"And you can assure me results in as little as a week?" He asked, taking a puff from his cigar.

"Of course, sir," said the wolf, "Once the acquisition requests are approved, we can get started."

"Yes," said the orca, blowing a smoke ring from the blowhole at the back of his head. He stretched out a foot, resting the sweaty sole on the wolf's face. "That's the difficult part."

The wolf knew what his job was, his tongue immediately coming into play to stroke and grind over the offered foot, wordlessly thanking the orca for taking the time to look over his proposition.

"This," said the orca, "This product can only be found in the Kalana region, and they're currently at war."

"Is it impossible?" Asked the wolf between slow licks to that foot.

"Impossible? No, nothing is impossible. It's just very expensive, at least double your proposal for that material line. What's our return in that case?"

The wolf didn't stop his work on the feet before him, but his eyes did wander some, lost in thought. Normally it would be hard to think in this situation, but Wade has taught all of his staff how to reason under... pressure.

"Many of these ingredients could have a margin of, say 35%, and we'd still see a return of no less than 86% in the final product." He responded.

The orca nodded, pulling his feet from that tongue and hands, returning them back under his desk. He leaned back, looking where his feet had gone, talking to someone under the desk.

"Break time's over. Let's continue our lesson about reading contracts, hmm?" He shifted forward, a grunt and whine coming from under him as he looked up to his wolf again. "Get started, then. I want status reports weekly."

Wade was expecting a rather uneventful day. He checked the daily paper for anything that could effect his bottom line, shaking his head at the reports of more military incursions getting closer and closer. This would lead to some sourcing issues, but he'll make it work.

Pawz Enterprises, Wade's company, had made quite the name for itself as of late. On the surface, it's just a company that focuses on the feet of its clients, and sells musk-flavored drinks to the public. Custom shoes, comfortable socks, the highest quality foot massages, anything someone might need, given they have the money for it, of course. Below the veneer of service with a smile is an ability to reduce the levels of animosity to those in power. See, the drinks are not just musk flavored, the base ingredient is the sweat from the feet of powerful people. The power one person could wield with their raunchy, sweaty, musky feet toward one other person could be amplified to apply to many people at once.

Wade had been working with the leadership in his area to disperse these drinks at fairly low markups, making it easy for the masses to enjoy what power tastes like. Of course, it helps that this world praises such things anyways. Footmusk just brings a sense of safety to those who give into it. Ever since Wade discovered his feet can do just that, his business has grown.

Enough reminiscing, Wade thought, it's time to get to business. But, just as the large orca sat down the newspaper to get started on his work, he heard a commotion from up front. Whatever was happening, it bothered many of his employees, and it was coming to his office quickly. Wade quickly grabbed his shoes and socks, getting up and making his way to his door.

The door burst open, soldiers in black storming in, the orca noticing that their helmets didn't cover their muzzles, good. The first two are easily dealt with, the orca shoving his musky, damp boots onto the exposed, scaly muzzles. In the short time he had to look at them, they looked like crocodiles. Alligators? Hard to tell, he was moving too quickly. He pushed them to the side, deeper into his office, watching them fall with groans, hands on the boots shoved on their faces.

Wade was surprised when two more appeared. Fuck, how to deal with these ones?

"STOP!" He heard the both of them yell, revealing an opportunity to him.

These muzzles are a bit different, one an orange fuzzy one, the other a smooth black one. Oh neat, another orca! Before they have an opportunity to identify themselves, the orca works with what's he's got, a pair of damp, sweaty socks. One for each mouth, like Halloween, shoved in and shoved back, using the new pair to collapse on the first pair. There, handled. Well, except for the last two.

"Uh," said the orca, eyes wide as the last two of the assault force came in, guns raised, shouting at Wade. Out of options, Wade resorted to his old way of handling things. His hands went up, as if to surrender, before he reached out, using his strength to bonk both of those heads together. It... worked. Somehow.

The last two crumpled into a heap before the surprised orca, Wade quickly checking himself for injuries, mind racing about what to do next. Adrenaline was pumping through his body, but he had a minute, looking down at the group. The uniform looks familiar, but those patches look new. Things look more complicated.

His own musk seems to have worked on the first four, stunning them for the moment. Wade grabbed the two knocked out soldiers, dragging them to the front of his desk and grabbing the paper. The description of the invading force further away matches these, at least the patches do.

"Well well, you're not with Ynilla, are you?" The orca said, sighing and shaking his head. Okay, time to act tough, even though the last thing he wanted was war. "You will go back to your commander, I want to see him personally. Leave these two here," he said, "As collateral."

Wade was half-expecting these soldiers to get back into their original state, remembering their orders. It was surprising then he watched the four men struggle and get up, quickly fleeing from his office. What on earth is going on here?

The two before him begin to stir, the orca quickly leaning back and kicking his raunchy feet back on the desk before him. If playing tough worked once, maybe it'll work again. Or he'll be shot.

"Good morning, you two," he said, putting on a confident grin, "I'm quite unhappy you ruined an otherwise good day. You should try to make it up to me." The orca flexed and wiggled his glistening toes.

He hoped it would work, the orca watching what he'd determined to be a mink and a dragon. They looked at each other groggily, both seeming to be thankful for their helmets. The helmets came off, glares were exchanged... and noses were pressed to white soles! The hell is going on?!

Wade relaxed some more as this rather terrible plan went without a hitch. Nothing about this makes sense, none of this should work, and yet here it is, working, the orca enjoying both his feet being huffed.

"Alright, better," he said, "I hope you don't plan on using only your noses, or do you not know how to deal with feet?"

As the adrenaline died down, he began to sweat, most profusely from his feet, beads of footsweat beginning to travel down his white soles, glistening on the noses of his newest footservants, if only for now. As if on cue, both tongues slipped out, each one lovingly dragging over the orca's soft, musky soles, picking up the strong, addicting musk. What started slow quickly ramped up, the more the pair tasted, the more they wanted.

"Ugh," said Wade, "Amateurs." The orca pressed his feet forward, grinding his soles on the two faces before him. "Use your hands or something, I'm bored already."

His office began to stink as his powerful, intense stench grew and grew. He had the feet of a great leader, and the males before his desk could tell. They shot glances at each other, both shifting as their pants tightened around their waists. Hands lifted, gloved digits slowly and gently massaging the wide orca soles before them.

"Mmmm, okay, not terrible," Wade grumbled, reaching in his jacket pocket to pull out a cigar, "So, why did you come for me, hmm?" He asked, lighting up.

"Your feet... are so..." said the mink.

"Intense," said the Dragon, finishing the sentence.

"Okay, not what I was asking, but thank you. Who do you work for?"

"Emperor Thaz," groaned the dragon as he pressed his face against the foot, dragging up the sweating sole, "Nnngh, my Sergeant is nowhere near this..."

"You must be a great leader," said the mink, continually drinking as much of that sweat as he can get.

Wade just seems to get more confused. "I'm not a leader. Never had a desire for it," he said, narrowing his eyes again, "Thaz. I've heard the name. What do you want with me?"

"More of these feet," said the Dragon, lost in a sea of musk and sweat, mind just about melted from just being near this orca's musk.

"He's gone," said Wade, "You, mink, what do you want with me?"

"Don't know," came the response, "Just had orders to bring you in alive."

Well, the lack of shooting is explained, that's good at least. Also, interrogating is easy, why does everyone say it's so difficult? These two are opening up like books.

Wade didn't know how long he would have to wait, but was enjoying halfway decent foot service, so he couldn't complain too much. Thankfully, he didn't have to wait long.

A new person joined the trio in the room, a large kangaroo, not wearing a helmet, but wearing a black uniform with the same yellow sole emblazoned on it. The difference was, of course, this one had multiple stripes on the shoulder.

The roo reached out, grabbing the collars of his soldiers, throwing them back before speaking, "You two, get back to the truck. I'll deal with you later." He turned to Wade, "You are Wade Johnson, owner of Pawz Enterprises, yes?"

Wade was a bit disappointed when his two footservants were pulled away from him, but didn't move from his spot either.

"Who's askin?" He rumbled.

"I am Drakir, Sergeant. I represent the great Emperor Thaz. He desires an audience with you."

Wade nods. "Ah," he said, slowly pulling his feet back and setting them on the ground.

He reached to a lower desk drawer, pulling it open and pulling a pair of shoes out. He keeps an extra pair at his desk, in case a bad employee steals his and runs off with them. In this case, it was an opposing force, but same effect.

"Is that it? Is that why you sent in a team? To ask me to come with you?" Asked the orca.

"They were expected to simply talk. They were too heavy handed."

"Yeah, no kidding. Sorry about... well, all that."

"It was their mistake."

Wade shrugs, tying his shoes and leaning down to look under his desk. "Clean up my office. Keep it clean until I get back."

The kangaroo lead the way out, Wade following and grabbing a case of drinks on his way out, for the group he subdued.

Wade was not disappointed by the number of soldiers that greeted him when he exited the building. It would be in his best interest to stay quiet, he had just cleared all of this up anyways. But, Wade is not an easy individual.

"What," he said, pausing just outside of his building, "Is the meaning of this?! Drakir, you will order your men off of my property this instance!"

The kangaroo stopped, not turning around, his back still toward the orca. He lowered his head, turning it so he could look out of one eye toward the insolent businessman. This was an odd situation for him as well. Now would normally be the time for threats, but this orca took out six of his men. Six privates, sure, no match for the rest of his team, but it was still a surprise nonetheless.

"You will come with me now. You may ride in my private vehicle in a chair or under my seat, but you will join me," he responded.

"Try anything and you'll find yourself back in my office, under my desk," the orca growled back, "If you're lucky, we can find a desk for each one of your men to serve under, too."

More silence. The orca was not going to budge, and neither was the sergeant. During the silence, the orca waved his hand for someone in the building to join him. A wolf quickly stepped out, silently looking at the group of soldiers and standing just behind the orca.

"Simple decision for you Sergeant. How badly does your Emperor want me?"

The kangaroo huffed and shook his head. A wave of his hand and the men standing around packed up, moving to their vehicles, and quickly leaving the roo and the orca alone. The kangaroo waited for a beat before turning and striding right up to the orca and wolf.

"Luckily for you, he wants you unharmed. If I had my way, I'd have you bound up and thrown with the men's dirty socks for a week. No more insolence, am I clear?"

The orca grinned, "Kapral," he said, turning to the wolf, "eight cases of assorted drinks, please. For our guests to take on the road." The wolf nodded and quickly made his way back inside. "I assume you're allowed beverages for the trip, hmm?" Asked the orca.

The kangaroo huffs. "You are an odd one," he mutters, throwing his arms up, "If this is a trick, if any of my men get sick-"

Wade chuckled and waved his hand, taking his case of drinks and walking toward the command vehicle. "You'll bind me," he said, "And throw me with the used socks. I remember. Don't threaten me with a good time."

Wade was ushered to a vehicle behind the command vehicle. Originally, Wade had mistaken this car for one of his upper manager's. It did not match the more armored, larger vehicles around it. Still, it was quite comfortable.

From the building, a pair of rats rolled out eight large boxes on hand-trucks, taking them to the armored vehicles, and returning back to the building. Their conversation was difficult to hear, but they seemed to be arguing about something. There were raised voices and the mention of musk and socks.

Wade watched the soldiers load up with drinks and pulled one out for himself and his new friend. "Try this," he said, handing a bottle over.

The bottle was a simple design, not much different from soft drinks of the time. The label simply read PAWZ with the flavor called "Original Orca." It was otherwise not labeled.

"What is it?" Asked the kangaroo, taking the bottle and looking it over, disapprovingly. "Some kind of soda?"

"It's a beverage. I think you'll like it. By the way, mind if I take off my shoes?" Wade asked, already pulling his shoes off. They weren't on long, but it's still more comfortable letting his toes breathe.

The roo nodded and quickly pulled the cap off the bottle. Worst case scenario, he'll tell his men not to drink any of the drinks offered. He took a quick swig of the drink, eyes going wide as the flavor hits him. He stares wide-eyed at Wade, gulping his mouthful. "Is this-" he asked, unable to finish his sentence.

"Oh that flavor?" Wade asked innocently, pulling a foot from a shoe and showing off his glistening sole. "Comes from me."

The roo gulped again, staring at that sole and blinking hard. It was becoming more and more difficult to sit comfortably with his tightening pants. "It's delicious," he said quietly, shaking his head. "I'm fine with just the drink for now. I've... gotta stay focused."

Wade grinned and set his foot down, returning it to his shoe. "Well, I'm glad you approve."

The drive to the base was quiet, the kangaroo not wanting to ruin the moment, or push things further than his general would like. The Sergeant was, of course, below the general, and has often seen the soles of his general's feet, but still had an image to uphold.

After some time, the convoy turned down a dirt path, entering into a well-established base. Unknown to Wade, they have made quite some progress into the lands he called home. Good. The current administration is barely capable as-is.

The armored vehicles peeled off to their designated areas, whereas the orca and roo were transported to a command center. Wade exits the vehicle after the sergeant, watching more men in assorted uniforms salute to the roo. Each one has that patch of a yellow sole and silver toe-ring on their shoulders. Well, someone is proud of their feet.

Wade didn't have to walk far before he was presented before a large Tyrannosaurus rex. The orca was expecting an introduction, a formal meeting. Instead, the sergeant bowed deeply and walked out, leaving the orca looking up to a Dino in silence.

"I am Slivyth, General of the Army of the Great Emperor Thaz." Said the Rex.

"Silveth?" Asked Wade.

"Slivyth," was the simple response.

"I'm going to just call you General."

"Appropriate, if not simplistic. I will take you to the castle," he said, placing a hand on the orca's shoulder.

Wade was about to say something when his vision exploded in a teal light, enveloping everything around him. He held up his hands to his eyes, but just as he did, the light vanished, as did Wade's ability to speak. He was in a fairly dark room a moment ago, but now he finds himself in a massive hall covered in white marble. The walls were lined with windows bigger than some houses, full floor-to-ceiling windows letting in the delightful afternoon sun. Down the center were tall, thick towering pillars, holding the vaulted roof a hundred feet above his head. It became clear who owned such an opulent hall when Wade saw the tapistries. Large, flag-like banners hung from the ceiling, depicting images of yellow soles on the faces of once-powerful men, images of feet presented to the observer, and at the end, by the great double doors, are images of a powerful, regal looking furdragon.

"I... well," Wade said quietly, pushed along by the big general. "Sorry, I'm moving."

Wade walked quietly, just looking over the sights before him, rather encouraged by what he sees. This is someone who cares a lot about their feet, which means Wade is in a good position! He's good with feet!

Wade is pushed to the great doors and they are pulled open by the attending guards, revealing the same furdragon in the pictures, lounging on his throne, by far the biggest being in the room. He looked uninterested, but keeps his eyes on the orca.

"Apologies, Emperor," said General Slivyth. He walked past Wade, up to those feet, giving the middle toe on each foot a gentle kiss, "This orca subdued the first group, kept two at his feet until my sergeant spoke with him."

"That is certainly a unique reason to keep me waiting," came the baritone voice.

Wade was not only struck by the sheer size of those feet, and the relative dirtiness, but the stench that met his nose. He had never smelled anything like it! It burned his nostrils, fogged his head, made him stare at the soles. The smell, truly, was impossible. That smell alone could hypnotize someone.

Wade didn't realize how long he'd been staring at those feet, the slow flex of the toes bringing him back. He looked up to the furdragon's face, seeing a grin plastered on it. Wade looked around, realizing he's entirely alone with this big male.

"I asked you a question, orca," the baritone voice spoke.

"I... was distracted by your feet, sir," said Wade, looking back at this Emperor.

"Many are when they meet me. But that answers my question, so here's another. Do you know why you're here?"

"I assume it has something to do with my business. Sir," he said, "I would be more comfortable massaging those feet of yours while we speak, if that's okay."

"It is not," Thaz responded, raising his hand. His hand glowed, as did his tail tip and his eyes. Wade was familiar with magic, and quickly found out what was happening. A sandal floats slowly over to Wade, presenting itself to his face, "You've not proved you deserve the honor. I trust you know what to do with that."

Wade has not yet had someone turn down his offer to work feet. It's rather surprising. Still, he reaches out, picking up the large sandal and looking at it. He could treat it like a foot. He presses the sandal to his nose, taking in a deep inhale. He grinned to the smell, feeling it warm him from the inside out. There was something calming about the burning, rancid, stuffy smell he was huffing.

"So you do," said Thaz, "Yes, your business is a unique one. With some advantageous side-effects. Am I wrong to say that your country has not had any major revolts due to your drinks?"

"Well," Wade said between sniffs, trying to stay focused, "I think our government does a decent job of that."

"Your government officials are incompetent at best," said Thaz, "I would appreciate more honesty on your part."

Wade chirped, surprised he was called out so quickly. Then again, he's talking to an Emperor that takes control of lands with his feet. Likely best not to lie.

"Yes, I dislike the officials. I have noticed that when the populace has easy access to famous or raunchy feet, they don't try to rise up as much."

"Your drinks, what are they?" Asked Thaz.

"Footsweat, concentrated from the source, then bulked and bottled," Wade responded quickly. His nose was basically glued to the sandal, the orca considering what to do next. He watched Thaz, noting the dragon was waiting for something as well.

Seems they both had the same idea, so Wade made a show of it. He pulls the sandal away from his face, moving down to the heel of the sole and leaning forward. His wide tongue presses against that heel, the orca slowly, teasingly dragging his tongue up the footwear. His tongue collects all the flavors mashed into the shoe, making the orca shiver as his eyes flutter closed. It was the single best flavor he's ever tried.

Thaz liked it as well, the show that is. Hard to beat such a show of submission as this. The orca seemed enthralled by the sole, even before he enjoyed the real thing. Yes, this orca would do quite well. Still, no need to stop the show so soon.

Wade took a deep breath as he got to the toes of that sandal, letting it out with a deep sigh. This was some good foot residue. His eyes finally opened, seeing the grinning face of the emperor. Wade knew he did well, but he knows better than to ask for the other foot so soon. He gently laid the one sandal down, picking up the other and making another show of taking a deep whiff of that sole, dragging his nose up before turning the sandal around and slowly licking from the tips down to the heel, letting his head move in one fluid motion as he enjoyed the gift so graciously given to him.

Finally, Wade looked up and saw what he'd been waiting for, a nod and a motion to those incredible, inviting soles. While he wanted to toss the sandal aside and jump into those soles, he controlled himself, taking a deep breath of the thickening air around him, setting the second sandal next to the first, gently. Only then did he move forward, still on his knees, until he was face-to-sole with the emperor.

The orca dug his nose into the ball of the large man's left foot, taking a deep, lingering breath, letting it out with a shudder. Oh fuck, it was so much better up close. The orca could barely contain himself at the pure power that seemed to scream from the soles. All of this and the dragon didn't even have to try! Sandals, flip flops, barely anything to contain the heat that leads to raunch, and yet it's so strong, so intoxicating.

Thaz had seen such devotion before, of course. It was what he did, turning world leaders into drooling, begging foot-servants. This was a rather nice change, however. An orca, leadership potential in his own right, not giving up, yet succumbing intentionally. He opened his mouth to order more from the orca, pleasantly surprised as the orca got to work just on time.

Wade opened his mouth wide, pressing his tongue hard against the arch before him before dragging his wet muscle up slowly. He groaned at the flavor, at the burn against his sensitive tongue, the ecstasy of the flavor assaulting his senses. Curious, however. He'd seen raunchy, he'd seen and tasted soles less raunchy than this that had less flavor. Thaz's was complex, deep, it just drew him in to wanting more. It was all too easy to work to impress.

Thick digits moved up to that sole, the orca opening his eyes to look over the strong toes as he grabs hold of the foot and began to dig his thumbs in. This was always the most fun part. Thumbs began to find each and every tough spot with practiced ease, the orca relaxing every knot, every stress like melting butter. His hands flowed gently over the relaxed portions of the feet, sending a relaxing pleasure up the leg before digging in to relax the next rough spot. The entire time constantly lubricated by the orca's wide, loving tongue.

Thaz was surprised by the skill of this orca, rumbling and churring deeply, his toes flexing slowly. His other foot was not about to be neglected, moving over and pressing on the orca's face, grinding the godly musk over Wade's face, pushing it back, claiming the wide tongue for itself. The other foot was getting a massage, after all.

Wade got the hint rather quickly, groaning as he huffed the stench offered to him, his tongue quickly getting to work, exploring the surface of that delicious, incredible sole. The orca's face flushed, eyes quickly closing. It was perfect. It had been so long since he was treated like this, and these feet were incredible in their own right. His tongue worked up from the heel of the raunchy foot, gliding along the sole to the toes, the orca taking one into his mouth to suckle and slurp on, tongue massaging the pad of that toe.

Orca hands on the other foot continued their dance, moving up to those toes, working each joint, relaxing the tight joints before squeezing and massaging each toe in turn. His movements are slow, methodical, fingers not missing a single tight muscle or sore joint. By the time he reached the third toe, Thaz would be experiencing a relaxation in that foot he'd not felt for a very long time.

The orca had finished his work with one foot, scooting forward to use a trick his father taught him. He took the relaxed foot, placing it on his chest, head between two toes, heel down on his belly. His hands moved up to the other excited sole, beginning to grind into it while he began to rumble. His chest and belly vibrated deeply, further working to relax that first foot while his tongue and thumbs work in tandem with the second foot.

Yet another surprise for Thaz, the Emperor grinning widely and curling his toes around Wade's head and shoulders. Wade doesn't stop, however, thumbs grinding deep into the left sole on his face, tongue still slurping and worshipping over that foot. His hands work the same as on the other foot, yet unique and specific to this foot and the rough spots he finds.

"Oh, I'd be honored to make a flavor from these," the orca groans, grinning between slurps, trying not to speak too much, as it distracts his tongue from more useful tasks.

"Then do. I won't stop you. However, I have rules," Thaz said, still grinning and churring. "My flavor is for my top generals only. Not for the masses."

"Do I get some?" Wade asked, chuckling while his fingers move over the ball of that foot, already moving toward the joints of the toes.

"Keep this up and you can have more than just some drink," the Emperor decreed.

Wade sighed and shivered, the orca finally finishing with the toes before him, head nosing and nuzzling into the toes wrapping around his shoulders. All of this was quite nice, and the warm sole on his body made him shiver some more. With another happy sigh, he finally sets down the other foot and scooted back.

"Your feet, sir," he said with a smile, "Are ready. Careful stepping on sharp objects for an hour, they'll be extra sensitive."

Thaz nods. "You've done well. I want a report on your business. Talk to Slivyth about transport if you need it. Otherwise, I will have quarters prepared for you."

"Oh!" Said Wade, rather surprised, "I, well. Okay. Thank you, sir. May I make a suggestion?"

"Go ahead."

"I'm not sure who trains your foot servants, but I'd like to offer my services to train them. Otherwise, I'm not sure what I'd do while you're off working."

Thaz waved a hand, his sandals floating over to Wade, and stopping. As if waiting for something. Thaz flexed his toes. "Compared to your skill, they are rather amateur, yes. I'll accept your offer. Now, my sandals?"

Wade watched the sandals move, eyes on them, quite confused at the offer. Order? It was unclear what was required of him. He gasped and chirped at the order, quickly taking a sandal in his hand and gently fitting it to the foot before him.

"I appreciate the new role!" The orca chirped out, fitting the other sandal to the second foot. "But I must get going to my business. I need to get things set up for my absence."

The orca stood, bowing to the dragon before turning to grab his boots, beginning to lace them up. "Thank you again for letting me come enjoy your feet. I look forward to next time."