Survival: Part 1: The Beginnings.
**Introduction** The streets were quiet, filled with an eerie foreboding. To say this was the result of a disaster would be a major understatement. As Thomas A Edison said "There will one day spring from the brain of science a machine or force...
Darkness and Light
Born in darkness, Raised in light, Returning to my comfort, And loosing the fight. The darkness I see, My friend I perceive, In truth, my enemy, Bringing death to me. I grow weary of the dark, The stifling enemy that binds; I would...
Windows to the Soul
The hallways are dark, That lead to the open window. The walls, once brilliant, By pain, have been brought low. The windows are open, Unobstructed, so they can see The emptiness and shame, That has taken over me. Of rooms, there are a...
An Uneventful Swim
It was a beautiful, crisp, clear day when ilbv decided to go swimming. The water was clear, and the waves crashed softly against the shore. The day was perfect, and couldn't have been better. He swam out a little farther and relaxed in the ocean,...
Meeting the Emperor
"The results do look promising, I can give you that," said the large orca sitting behind the desk. The big male had his feet propped up on his rather ornate desk, dressed in a full dark-grey suit, black tie, and white shirt, looking like quite the...