Like an Arrow

"honor . . ." the suddenly deadly and threatening patriarch prompted. both rukbat and dante blinked a few times before responding. "honor my shield, honor my sword. wit is my arrow, wit is my bow."

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 14

"honor! duty! discipline!" the red power fur ranger shouted at the green power fur ranger. the words began to resonate deep within him. he was helpless and could not block them out. "honor! duty! discipline! honor! duty! discipline! honor! duty!

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Loss of an Anchor in the Desert

It is fine to spite your father, and to honor what you teach your little brother, and to honor what your mother taught you, and what she was taught by your grandmother; to honor the desert, to honor the kortans in your care.

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Caribbean Esther Ch. 5

"a certain man has been of great service to me," said david, "he has received many honors amongst his people, but he once saved my life." jamie went wide-eyed.

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Windows to the Soul

"yes your honor. well you see, there we were at the club, getting some well deserved rest and relaxation.

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 17

Because you asked to return these particular weapons, it shows me that you honor the dead greatly. you truly are an honorable uany.

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Lying Soldiers

That night, we honored our dead, and we honored their dead, and we honored each other for sacrifice and courage. there had been none that did not fight in this place - either those on the front, whom many lost a part of themselves out there.

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Poem #19

In me is a deep respect and honor for those who have fought for my freedom. if i could, i'd give my all to honor these courageous, brave men and women. for they truly deserve it, sacrificing everything for all of us.

What are some Kyruku customs?

If it is done as a deliberate action, or even attempted with forethought to the action, it is cause for an honor bout.

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Chapter II - Challenge

She can only be without honor if i am without - for i bestowed citizenship upon her. if you have a grievance of honor, you may challenge her honor - but it shan't be a challenge to the death." gryan grimaced in frustration. "challenge?

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Dry Eyes, Cold Hearts (Ch. 4)

They were the ones who still understood honor. they were the ones who still understood loyalty.

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