fostered from hell part 2
#2 of fostered
Part two.
Sirens blazed as a police SUV and 2 ambulances raced down the highway trying to get to their destination as rapidly as possible.
The process made more difficult on a Saturday with the roads full of cars to hinder them
"Uh dispatch we are approaching the target house, but gates appear closed, requesting permission to ride them down." The officer in charge called in to his radio as he encountered the ornate gate to the families mansion.
"Sergeant Jackson, permission granted but be careful," the radio dispatch returned
Revving up the engine as he approached the gates Jackson's car plowed through them easily, his speed and momentum snapping the rods on the actuators.
Before carrying on up the driveway towards the large mansion-like home the
Ambulances following close behind.
The three officers led the med technicians into the house through the curiously unlocked front door. Quickly checking the rooms as they came to them it became obvious that the crime scene was upstairs, guns drawn they edged there way forwards coming to the only open door upstairs.
Flicking on the light switch a scene of total carnage met them. The parents had been killed in bed and a young child who had to be younger then 12 judging by his size lay with his hand folded across his middle with a bloodstained dagger. Quickly the experienced officers could see the boy's wrists had been sliced Jackson motioned for the other officer to take pulse of the parents while he tried to stem the bleeding on the still living boy.
The paramedics quickly took over upon finding only one was still alive they concentrated there efforts on him. Taking the dagger from him proved more difficult as even with his weakened condition he sought it. One of the police noticed this and in a rare act of compassion taped up the blade heavily with duct tape both preserving the blood on there while enabling it to remain near the boy.
The paramedic flashed a quick look of gratitude, as she was then able to get on with her work.
"Sarge." came the voice of the other one, "I think it's safe to say any blood on that dagger is his own these two have daggers in there chests still, real fancy ones as well."
"Hmm-well cause of death is obvious. I think we have our murderer but I want to know why... bag the knives and bring em with us coroners on his way."
Mikael's trip to the hospital was made while he was unconscious painkillers and liquids were being pumped into him in an attempt to keep him alive.
Once at the hospital and stabilized from his wrists, the doctors and nurses began to notice a few things about him, the improperly set nose and the scarring all over his body.
Checks with the family gp indicated that the boy didn't even have an official doctor's record. Nor in fact did he have any medical history after the age of four.
Several of the nurses were under the orders of a doctor gave the boy a full physical while he was under a light general. When he wasn't subdued, he recoiled and fought if anyone attempted to get near him. With his life now out of danger, the judge had given them a trial date they had two weeks. Two weeks to give his state lawyer a middle-aged scabs victim named Mr. Longsite to prove the boy had some reason to kill, and even then, they were going to ask for leniency based on the medical reports.
Mikael kicked out as one of the doctors placed his hand on his leg before recoiling to the corner of the bed as far as his present IV would let him
"NO never again stay away!"
Even the nurses had difficulty getting close to him. Any such action provoked an instinctive desire to hide.
Finally, they opted for an MRI and a series of x-rays to try to find out what could turn a rich kid into a killer.
The x-ray was disturbing. Badly and partially healed fractures were everywhere while the ultrasound and MRI should evidence of internal damages interestingly to the boys colon kidneys and other soft targets.
The doctor took one look at it shook his head,
"Get his lawyer in here I've something to ask."
As more and more test were preformed and more and more evidence for his mistreatment came to the fore Mikael began to feel ill. More of the achy pains he had had the other day.
Finally with his body mended except a fluey head Mikael went to trial under guard, and
feeling exhausted, mentally and physically trying to keep those men and women from touching him.
Entering the large stone structure Mikael knew he was not going to get out of this one, curiously he didn't care. With the death penalty still in force in Virginia at least he could be rid of his miserable life once and for all. Entering the courtroom proper with its American flag and expensive oak podiums he began to feel depressed, He sat down besides his lawyer who reached over to give him a gentle hug, rebuffed as Mikael shied away quite violently.
"Don't worry kid long as you answer there questions truthfully and honestly you'll be ok."
Mikael nodded his eyes heavy with weariness His mind doubting the lawyer's veracity
"This court is now in session the honorable Judge Dave P Jenkins presiding"
The bailiff called out as an elderly elk headed scab took the podium.
"Case 3122 of the Virginia state court now in progress the state versus Mikael Thornwood," The bailiff continued.
"Mikael Thornwood you have been charged with two counts of murder in the 1st degree
How do you plead?"
This was the part where his lawyer had instructed him to plead not guilty. That was the official plea that had been logged, not guilty do to extenuating circumstances.
Mikael stood up faced the court and said "guilty." His lawyer looked shocked and as the hubbub in the courtroom subsided.
the judge turned his head to Mikael and spoke
"Young man I have in front of me a pile of documents your lawyer Mr. Longsite has put together for your defense. Moreover, off the record I don't see why you don't wish fair trial so I will ask you again how you plead."
Looking at his lawyer and the judge Mikael, sighed muttered not guilty and sat down...
"Better." the judge replied smiling at the boy, who looked as though he should be in a hospital bed and not in court,
The elk mans eyes could see the thinning of the boys hair and dark circles under his eyes his listless movements and actions spoke far more then anything else this was a boy with no hope and no desire.
"Very well we will proceed prosecutor call your first witness."
The prosecutor a sharp dressed younger man stood and nodded. "The court has only one witness sir we call Mikael to the stand"
Mikael stood unsteadily and walked over to the witness box his eyes down trodden and his heart heavy.
After being sworn in Mikael sat down before scratching his head ignoring the few hairs that came away along with his hand.
The prosecutor was not an unkind man, nor was he the type of man who enjoyed frightening little children; however, he did have his job to do.
"Mikael can you please tell the court where you where the evening of the murder?"
Mikael nodded "I was in my room resting and waiting."
The prosecutor cut Mikael off before he could answer further.
"And where were you at the time of the murders?"
"I was in their bedroom."
Again, the persecutor stopped him
"For the benefit of the jury, the act was committed in the parent's bedroom.
Now Mikael can you identify this item?" He asked holding up an evidence bag holding the dagger used to kill his father.
Just identify it now if you please."
"That knife killed my father."
Mikael replied looking at the knife.
"For the record" he continued speaking to the jury.
"No company has any record of this or any other of the knives held as evidence being manufactured and sold, Mikael do you know where this knife came from?"
"I made it."
"In addition, how did you make it? The prosecutor asked expecting a simple explanation having not any idea of the lethal weapons construction.
"I began with a 2 foot long quarter inch piece of grade 15 bar stock, and forged it in my forge I folded the metal 10 times over to give it strength I did this for the 2 edge pieces the hilt bar was only folded 5 times. Then I pounded the near molten metal of the tips together before hard quenching it..."
As the boy's description began to grow wordy, the prosecutor cut him off.
"Suffice to say you know all about the blade then..."
Mikael nodded.
"What about the second blade the one in your mother did you also make that a simple yes or no please?"
Mikael nodded and said, "That yes indeed he had made that blade."
"The next question Mikael I want you to answer honestly you'll have your chance to defend yourself shortly. Mikael did you kill you parents?
"No further questions your honor."
"Defense do you wish to cross examine?"
"Yes your honor." Mikael's attorney stood up and winked at Mikael.
"Honorable judge I intend to prove that my client acted in self-defense, and preservation of his life."
"Mikael would you tell the court what your father did to you the morning of the event just the first part please?"
"He smashed me over the head with a whiskey bottle."
"He smashed you over the head with a whiskey bottle. Why would he do such a thing?"
"Because I moved the remote while cleaning and didn't put it back." Mikael answered.
"Was this the first time he hit you with an object?"
"No sir it wasn't."
"Your honor, I would like to point out that we have medical evidence that indicates this child has been severely beaten on numerous occasions.
In fact, sir I would like to go on record that the doctor who examined him has declared the Child's condition to be tortured. From what we can gather, his father would beat him and rape him over the smallest things. In addition, would put forward as defense evidence that any one who did that to a young child was a monster...
As Mr. Longsite spoke these words, Mikael raged anger filling him how dare they, how DARE they talk about his father like that.
"Stop it! Stop it! My dad was a good person."
Mikael said clambering over the witness box to accost his lawyer making it about half- way before his leg gave out and he fell to the ground.
"My father only punished me when I was bad; don't say such horrible things about him!" The boy screamed out tears bursting from his eyes.
The bailiff quickly moved to assist the boy who despite his works and actions, shied away once more fighting to his feet, he attempted to flee somewhere anywhere but here finding some sanctuary on the bottom of the witness box sobbing uncontrollably.
Seeing the defense fly into a rage was one thing but never in all the judges' years had he seen anything like this, this needed sorting out in a less spectacular manner.
"Counselors my chambers now if you please," the judge ordered before banging his gavel. "This court is in recess until I reconvene it."
Mikael didn't hear this all he heard was the bailiff, a father in his own right, muttering reassurances to him. Standing guard both for and against the boy
For: if he should need help, his distraught nature obvious to the bailiff, and against: in the slim chance that the wreck on the floor could make a run for it.
Entering the judge's bookcase and oak lined chamber both counselors relaxed, they were adults and sensible they had come there to present cases, not be partisan to the destruction of a child.
"Your honor they" both spoke at once.
"Hold". He replied settling down into his leather chair...
"We have ourselves a problem...The boy killed his parents he confessed we have evidence. No question about it....
Mr. Rivers you saw the medical evidence Mr. Longsite was preparing to present, do you agree the boy had been tortured?."
Mr. Rivers nodded, "tortured and raped, disturbingly not just by his father, coroner places the boys DNA where it shouldn't be on his mother as well, and his fathers was in him."
"No wonder the kid snapped and suffering from Stockholm's syndrome as well.
I'm at a loss how to proceed and I want your opinions off the record."
Mr. Rivers took one of the other chairs in the judge's office.
"Trial by proxy perhaps your honor? If the kids going to break up like that every time we mention these things well, he's a hazard and a non-viable witness. we have his testimony close the court and we can discuss this ask the kid questions but don't make the court so formal if you know what I mean. He knows why he's here he's terrified; hell he tried to kill himself he probably expects the death penalty."
"Mr. Rivers I don't think any judge has give a 12 year old the death penalty in this state, have they your honor?"
Longsite replied moving to his client's defense.
"No and unofficially, I don't intend to...
What I want my lawyer comrades, is a way to get this boy, if not off the hook, then keep him out of trouble. No child deserves this."
"That's what you have to think on for now I'll order the rest of this trial closed to the public on humanitarian grounds. Counselor what is your plan? If we can plan ahead maybe we can avert any more incidents with Mikael."
Over the next half hour, they roughed out how they would prevent such outbursts. Finely feeling they had given the boy, enough time the court reconvened.
Mikael had composed himself again and the trial continued.
After a few more questions and answers, Mr. Rivers brought out a piece of evidence that threatened Mikael's composure again.
"Mr. Thornwood. What can you tell me about this item," holding up the third dagger by holding it on the blade and hilt?
Mikael went berserk.
"Get your hands off that blade do you have any idea the damage improper handling can do to the plating on that blade, Mikael yelled as he rushed the man before securing the bade to himself where he held it correctly.
Mikael's acquisition of a weapon caused the once friendly bailiff to draw his side arm and take aim At Mikael.
"Drop the knife Mikael."
Looking around him Mikael realized the position he was in.
Muttering to himself Mikael looked straight at the bailiff and reversing the blade to it lay against his sleeve.
"I'm sorry I can't. This blade means too much to me.
Seizing the opportunity to regain control of a hostile situation the judge spoke.
"Mikael if I order the bailiff to holster his gun and allow you to hold on to the blade for the moment will swear to answer the rest of the questions without outburst.
Mikael didn't hesitate, beings separated from his work was acute agony,
"I do sir." He spoke to the judge his fingers playing over the blade
"In addition, do you swear you won't attempt to harm yourself or anyone with the blade?"
"Yes, sir I do."
"Then take your seat, bailiff at ease."
The bailiff relaxed and as the pistol was returned to its holster the tension left the room, a potentially fatal situation had been averted, and while it was certainly not standard procedure. Only the judges instinct and the scents his elk nose provided assured him this was the right thing to do.
Mr. Longsite took a deep breath before approaching the witness box again
"Mikael as I was asking, what can you tell me about this knife not how it's made mind you, but what its place was on the night of the incident and why you made it assuming you did?"
"This blade... the wolf blade I call it. Was made to take my hurt and my pain and my tears... I more of me put into this blade then anything else I ever made... I can't lose it...On the night of my parents death. I planned to use this blade to end my own life after I did the horrible thing I did."
"Why did you do it Mikael ?"
"I couldn't take it any more... and I didn't know what else to do. I'm sorry I'm so sorry."
Over the next few days Mikael was returned to the hospital as doctors wanted to keep an eye on him elevated temperature readings and other signs caught there attention before long his blood work and other tests confirmed exactly why he had been feeling fluy...
Finally, after Mikael's flu-like condition worsened and he began to show signs of a secondary condition the judge issued a rarely used order.
"Foremen of the jury based on the testimony and the medical evidence. I am ordering you to find him not guilty on the murder counts, and only will entertain manslaughter charges."
The jury nodded at the not unexpected order as they filed out to consider their verdict.
Sentencing was done via a video phone as Mikael's condition continued to worsen he had crashed twice as scabs began to change his body, his changing heart was being rejected by his body. He was put on massive amounts of anti rejection drugs, all being billed to his trust fund.
"Mikael , were ready to hear the jury's verdict can you see and hear us ok?"
Mikael nodded and watched the small screen his dagger by his side as he waited to hear his fate.
Meanwhile in the courtroom the foreman was preparing to readout the verdict they had come up with, while bearing in mind the judges edict.
"Foreman of the jury have you reached a verdict."
"We have your honor." The foreman replied
"And was it unanimous?"
"It was your honor."
"Having heard all the testimony and seen the evidence."
"On the charges of two counts of murder in the 1st degree do you find the defendant guilty or not guilty?"
"On the first 2 counts we find the defendant not guilty.
We do find the defendant guilty for a lesser charge of premeditated manslaughter in aim of self preservation with diminished capacity. And we recommend leniency in his sentence your honor."
"Understood and I will take that under advisement.
"Mikael a horrible thing happened to you for many years, something that will take a lot of work and many years to overcome. I can tell you're not a violent person and that such an act is not really in your nature. In fact it's a first offense. Based on your emotional state and your need for a family I am sentencing you to a minimum of 6 years in a foster family who will be carefully selected to assist you with what has happened, in regards to your great great great great grandfathers will that the estate and its land be willed in perpetuality to the oldest male of the main bloodline. I am issuing an edict to set it aside as a trust that you may inherit on your majority provided you maintain some strict conditions."
"Namely you will undergo counseling until the evaluators are satisfied you are not a threat to yourself and others."
"Two. That you will have no access to the house or its associated funds /save a small stipend until your majority."
"Three. You will spend the next few weeks in hospital paid for by the estate while your condition is dealt with and a foster family is found"
"Four. You seem to have developed a emotional need based on your smithing as such I will issue you a license on probation that allows you to take that blade with you anywhere however if I ever hear about you using it in anger you will go to juvenile hall until your 18 and I send you to prison."
"And lastly An eight year suspended sentence for the manslaughter charges to be reviewed every year based on your school grades and your foster parent's reports...
This court is adjourned."
Mikael lay back in his bed as his body warped around him shifting and changing. Into what the doctors could not say.
Within a week his condition had stabilized physically, he was no longer human mentally no one was sure what he was.
End of part 2