Power Fur Rangers- Episode 14

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#16 of Power Fur Rangers

Episode 14

"Powered By Dragon Pt.5"


Furry Sith Lord

Previously on The Power Fur Rangers. The Power Fur Rangers narrowly escaped having their Zords destroyed by The Green Dragon Zord. When the Zord's spirit tried to overcome The Green Power Fur Ranger, he was called back to the moon to have the spell on him strengthened. All the while Lisa keeps trying to escape.

Will The Power Fur Rangers break the spell holding The Green Power Fur Ranger? Will Lisa be rescued? Find out today on the conclusion of Powered By Dragon miniseries...

Movin in like lightning,

You never know what they're gonna throw at you,

Don't give up!

Just Stand Your Ground.

The Fight is Tough,

But We're Behind you...

Go, Go, Go, Go,

Power Fur Rangers,

Go, Go, Go, Go!!!

The Green Power Fur Ranger approached the thrones of The Evil Emperor and Evil Empress. Hre knelt before them, looked at them directly and the lenses of his helmet were glowing emerald green.

"How may I serve you my master?" He asked coolly.

"It's time to destroy The Power Fur Rangers once and for all. I'm tired of interruptions and falling back." The Evil Emperor said. Twin lazors shot out of his eyes and the beams materialized into a wakizashi. The short sword had an eerie black blade and the edges of the blade were a crimson red. The Green Power Fur Ranger picked it up to examine it.

"You will go to Gold city and call my brother, your Zord. Let him wreck the place while you wait outside for The Power Fur Rangers. Don't let them enter their Zords but destroy them at all costs." The Evil Emperor ordered.

"He's too weak," Twisted Pink said as she seemed to walk out of the shadows. There was something unseen and very large behind her. It was hiding in the shadows as if waiting for her command. The Green Power Fur Ranger snapped his head to glare at her.

"I have a better idea. I want you all to meet a friend of mine." She snapped her finger and the giant creature walked into the light. He was a giant shark that had a satchel across his chest.

"How may I serve you? Oh Evil Emperor." He said as he bowed slightly.

"Where did he come from?" The Evil Emperor asked.

"One of those disgusting creatures down there gave me a toy doll. I couldn't resist transforming him into a weapon for their destruction." Twisted Pink replied.

"That still does not tell our Emperor what it can do." The Green Power Fur Ranger barked at her.

"Watch and find out, you little green monkey." Twisted Pink said as The Green Power Fur Ranger softly hissed at her.

The shark pulled a doll out of its bag and it looked to b e excellently sewn. It looked like half a bengal tiger stuffie and half a lion stuffie had been sewn together. The doll appeared to have two heads, one a tiger's head and the other a lion's head.

"Monstrun Arcesse Ktanos!" The shark shouted and the doll began to grow and transform until it was a life size monster.

"Interesting but I could have done that." The Evil Emperor said.

"Let's just say he's here to help you by allowing you to plan out our next move with the monsters he can make." Twisted Pink said coldly.

"S-S-S What is that creature's name?" The Evil Empress asked as she pointed one of her arms at the shark.

"I am Shark-Finster. Doll maker extraordinaire." It replied.

"Bah, we have The Green Dragon Zord. We can keep that... that thing on standby but I doubt we'll need it." The Evil Emperor said.

"How can you trust that 'he' can control it this time?"

"That's why we'll keep your toy on standby, just in case." The Evil Emperor retorted.

"To the annihilation of The Power Fur Rangers!!!" The Green Power Fur Ranger said as he held out his fist in front of him.

Back in the cells Lisa sat trying to pick the locks and just as she was about to give up the lock softly clicked open. She quickly maneuvered to unlock the rest of the chains then she picked the lock on the cell.

Since they had taken The Green Power Fur Ranger away she had n ot seen anymore of the snake warriors.

"They must think that I'm no longer a threat," She said to herself as the cell door swung open.

"Just in case." She muttered as she hid the feather, she used, in the mattress of her cell. She crept out cautiously and made her way towards where she remembered they had stored her Power Ring. She found the area unguarded and heard noises from the throne room where The Evil Emperor was preparing to attack the planet. She placed on her ring and her body began to tingle as she was being transported off the moon.

In the secret lair of The Power Fur Rangers, Lion stood before Zolton talking. Brian and Clank were busy repairing and recharging the Zords while Skyler and Terri were finding out about Tom.

"Wait a minute," Zolton said through the holographic image floating above his sphere. "Locking on and transporting now!" Zolton said and a moment later Lisa was transported to the secret lair and as soon as Lion saw her he hugged her.

"You're alright!" Lion replied.

"LIKE not an easy task. It took forever to pick the locks and I have information. Tom Felidae-C is The Green Power Fur Ranger." She said, Lion nodded to her.

"We know, Zolton was able to learn the same thing. Skyler and Terri are out trying to learn more about him. Maybe we can use it to break the spell." Lion explained.

Skyler and Terri entered the chamber and shouted for joy at seeing Lisa. After she again explained how she escaped they revealed what they learned about Tom.

"So he was adopted?" Lion asked.

"LIKE a real troublemaker from the sounds of it." Lisa said skeptically.

"It was his martial arts learning that changed his life and made him more... respectable." Lion added.

"LIKE Whatever,"

"Still we can't give up on him and after the Zord battle I think the spell is weakening. We might be able to reach him." Lion said firmly. An alarm suddenly began to sound and they turned to check the monitors. The Green Power Fur Ranger was raising his Fur Flute towards his mouth area of his helmet.

"Time for The Green Dragon Zord!" The Green Power Fur Ranger said. He took out his Fur Flute Dagger and placed the tip towards the mouth portion of his helmet. The knowledge of how to play the flute filled his mind as if it was second nature to him.

He played an eerie haunting little tune that could be heard for miles around. The melody seemed to tell a sad tale and a call for help. When at last he was finished he heard the distant sound of something huge roaring in response.

In an old forgotten cave next to the ocean a pair of red glowing eyes opened and the dragon opened its wings as he flew out of the cave towards the source of the melody that was played. Its huge size adjusted itself and it decreased its size until it was twice the size of The Green Power Fur Ranger.

It coiled its long body like a corkscrew as he stood in front of The Green Power Fur Ranger. It was ghost-like being completely translucent. Staring at him with its glowing red eyes it jumped towards The Green Power Fur Ranger and entered him making him fall to the ground as it possessed his body.

The Green Power Fur Ranger cried out in pain as his body became metallic and he started to grow to the size of a skyscraper. He was transforming into The Green Dragon Zord and once the transformation was completed the darkened eyes quickly shone red then darkened again.

The Power Fur Rangers ran up and they looked up towards The Green Dragon Zord and they waited for the signal to summon their Zords.

"Zords Arise!" The Red Power Fur Ranger ordered and in the distance a loud crash was heard as 5 different colored robots began to crawl out of the ground. These robots were as big as a skyscraper and they looked like humanoid knights in armor. They began to run at top speed towards The Power Fur Rangers and stopped once they reached them and The Power Fur Rangers entered them.

"We need the MegaZord!" The Red Power Fur Ranger said.

"Right!" The others agreed and the Zords jumped up into the sky and began to transform and combine into the MegaZord. The Red Knight Zord became the body and the Black Knight Zord became the Arms. The Pink and Yellow Zords each became a leg and lastly the Blue Knight Zord became armament for the MegaZord and began to generate an energy field to protect it.

The MegaZord summoned a double sided katana called The Tanto Katana. It raised the weapon as it prepared to attack The Green Dragon Zord with it. The Green Dragon Zord inhaled a beep breath as energy was being absorbed into it so that it could fire a blast at the MegaZord.

"LIKE oh my feathers, is THAT thing his Zord!!!" The Pink Power Fur Ranger exclaimed.

"Yeah and it packs a wallop." The Black Power Fur Ranger said.

"Enough! Tom, you have to listen to me! The Evil Emperor is using you to hurt other species." The Red Power Fur Ranger said and the MegaZord sent the message into The Green Dragon Zord so The Green Power Fur Ranger could hear.

"We live to serve our emperor!" The S;pirit and The Green Power Fur Ranger said in unison. The Green Dragon Zord fired the energy it inhaled into a fiery blast from its mouth. The impact sent sparks flying everywhere and the MegaZord was thrown to the ground.

"Our shields took a big hit from that." The Blue Power Fur Ranger warned. "We can't take too many more!"

"Tom Fight me! One on one the winner wins everything! It will be like the ultimate martial arts tournament!" The Red Power Fur Ranger said.

"NO" The spirit said to The Green Power Fur Ranger.

"But I can crush him easily with one paw tied behind my back."

"Get down there and stop them before that fool ruins everything! I never should have made him my Green Power Fur Ranger." The Evil Emperor shouted. Twin Kats bowed both of its heads and transported to the planet

"Now you get to see my monster in action!!!" Shark-Finster cried with glee.

The Evil Emperor glared at his monster from his throne. He growled then turned his special gaze towards his monster and yellow laser beams shot out of his eyes.

"You my monster will reach the Sky, as I watch you with my Dragon's Eye." He shouted then twin yellow laser beams shot down from the sky and when they hit the monster then he began to mutate and grow as large as a skyscraper. The two headed creature made up of a lion and a tiger spliced together advanced towards the Zords.

"Seems your Evil Emperor doesn't think you can handle The Red Power Fur Ranger alone. Wanna see if you can prove him wrong? Or maybe you don't have the honor." The Black Power Fur Ranger mocked and The Green Power Fur Ranger shouted out his rage as he jumped out of his Zord towards the ground. The Green Dragon Zord began to fade and break apart without The Green Power Fur Ranger inside to control it. The Dragon Spirit flew off back towards his cave.

"We got this Lion, you take care of him." The Black Power Fur Ranger said as The Red Power Fur Ranger jumped to the ground and removed his Fur Sword.

"Pitiful, pitiful, pitiful," The Green Power Fur Ranger said as he drew his Fur Flute Dagger and his Fur Wakizashi.

"What did you just say?!?!" The Red Power Fur Ranger asked as he started to worry.

"To the Annihilation of The Power Fur Rangers!!!" The Green Power Fur Ranger said.

"No, no you didn't! You're slowly turning into a creature like Gollip!" The Red Power Fur Ranger cried.

"That'll never happen! Instead you better worry about yourself because I'm about to win and it will be the end of The Power Fur Rangers!!!"

"Will that make your mother proud?" The Red Power Fur Ranger asked.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!!!!" The Green Power Fur Ranger screamed as he charged at The Red Power Fur Ranger swinging his Fur Dagger in one paw and the Fur Wakizashi in the other. The Red Power Fur Ranger gracefully dodged the attack and used his Fur Sword to deflect a couple of attacks.

The MegaZord swung the Tanto Katana at the two headed monster the strike caused sparks to fly everywhere but in response the monster counterattacked by breathing a twin blast of lightning from its mouths.

"Talk about a double pain in the butt." The Black Power Fur Ranger said. They pulled on the MegaZord controls and it punched one of the heads then used the sword to attack the second. The monster backed up and held its heads as it tried to recover itself.

"Odd," The Evil Emperor said as he watched the battle with his special gaze. "It hasn't said a thing so far."

"It won't, my lord, it's just a toy. A very powerful toy, but still just a toy." Shark- Finster added.

"What good is a toy if it breaks so easily!" The Evil Emperor roared.

"My toys are stronger than they look.... sir." Shark-Finster said and changed his tone as The Evil Emperor swung his head to glare at him.

"S-S-S Will you guys stop? You're giving me a migraine!!" The Evil Empress whined.

"You see that, Tom? The Evil Emperor sent a monster because he has no faith in your abilities. Plus he has no honor!!! He won't honor our agreement. You have honor, don't you?" The Red Power Fur Ranger asked as the two of them clashed swords.

"But... but... he is my...." The Green Power Fur Ranger stammered trying to find the right words to say. He was feeling conflicted like a war was being battled inside of him as he fought The Red Power Fur Ranger.

"Honor! Duty! Discipline!" The Red Power Fur Ranger shouted at The Green Power Fur Ranger. The words began to resonate deep within him. He was helpless and could not block them out. "Honor! Duty! Discipline! Honor! Duty! Discipline! Honor! Duty! Discipline! Honor! Duty! Discipline! Honor! Duty! Discipline! Honor! Duty! Discipline!" The Red Power Fur Ranger kept repeating over and over again. The Green Power Fur Ranger dropped his weapons as he began to hold his head and tried covering his ears.

"Time to end this!" The Black Power Fur Ranger said and the others agreed then set the controls to perform the final attack. The MegaZord stomped a foot then it stomped the second then it began to rapidly stomp it feet as it leaned forward getting ready to attack with the double sided katana it held.

The MegaZord ran forward and made a single slash that made the energy of the Tanto Katana amplified by the momentum it had created. The MegaZord ran past Twin Kats and it held onto its side as it fell forward and exploded as fragments of its body flew in different directions as they shrunk to their original size.

Gollip stood by watching angrily as the fragments of the destroyed monster turned into cloth and were immediately burned up before he could collect a sample.

"Pitiful, pitiful, pitiful," he muttered as he faded into some shadows. The Power Fur Rangers jumped from the MegaZord and ran to stand behind their leader. They watched as The Green Power Fur Ranger was thrashing on the ground and he transformed back into his regular self.

He hissed at them as they turned back into their regular selves and he took up a defensive stance then quickly covered his head again. Using all of his strength the spell on Tom was broken and he laid on the ground breathing heavily.

"LIKE, is he dead?" Lisa asked and Skyler slapped her wing. She rolled her eyes and turned her back towards them.

"What... are... you ...gonna do with... me?" Tom asked as he struggled to catch his breath.

"Now that the spell is broken you're free to do what you want. You've been given an incredible gift to become The Green Power Fur Ranger. You could help us in our battle to fight against The Evil Emperor. That is a choice only you can make." Lion said the others, except Lisa, nodded in agreement. Lisa was too busy ignoring him to care.

"Wait right here. I'll be right back." Tom said as he was instantly transported to the Evil Base on the moon. He heard The Evil Emperor yelling and screaming as he made his way to the main chamber.

"You have failed me Green Power Fur Ranger! Seems I need to find a new candidate to become The Green Power Fur Ranger." The Evil Emperor roared as he saw Tom approach.

"Sadly your spell is broken and I'm seeing things a bit more clearer now." Tom said and The Evil Emperor rose from his throne and Tom took a strange red crystal out of his pocket. He smashed it on the ground and a large vortex opened next to The Evil Emperor and Empress. The swirling winds began to increase and they were lifted off the ground as they were being pulled into it.

"S-S-S What's going on?" The Evil Empress screamed. Once The Evil Emperor and Empress were pulled inside the Vortex it turned into a large glass mirror trapping them inside it. The Evil Emperor tried firing lasers from his eyes but they were ineffective versus the mirror.

"Enjoy this now but there is no cage that can hold us forever! It's just a matter of time until we get out!!!" The Evil Emperor said.

"Maybe, but today you can no longer bully or hurt anyone. That's victory enough for me and consider it my revenge for everything you did to me." Tom said then he transported himself back to The Power Fur Rangers.

"S-S-S now what?" The Evil Empress asked.

"Seems we need a new leader while you two are... indisposed." Twisted Pink replied.

Tom walked and stood before Zolton while Lion had his paw on Tom's shoulder. Tom looked at his feet waiting for his punishment.

"I'm glad you have joined us Tom,"

"LIKE, speak for yourself." Lisa interrupted and Tom flinched as if she had struck him.

"Nonetheless you will be a welcomed addition to the team. I must warn you though that your power comes from The Evil Emperor and since you no longer work for him, eventually you will lose your powers completely." Zolton explained.

"Is there a way we can make them permanent?" Skyler asked.

"I do not know, but if there is then we will try." Zolton replied.

"No, no, no, no I've managed to reconfigure The Green Dragon Zord so that it can combine and be added to The MegaZord. The trouble is until you learn to control it fully we may never be able to do that." Clank said.

"Looks like you have some homework to do." Brian said.

"I should tell you that you might not have to worry about The Evil Emperor and Empress for a while. Twisted Pink, the monster that he created, gave me a special red crystal that I used to trap them in another dimension. I don't know how long they will be imprisoned there but with their forces weakened we have a chance to put an end to their evil. For now at least." Tom said.

"This is good news," Zolton said.

"NO This is great news!!!" Skyler said

"Don't be fooled because I doubt Twisted Pink did this out of the goodness of her heart." Zolton said.

"What goodness?" Terri asked.

"We must stay sharp because the battle isn't over yet and as mentioned, eventually they will find a way to free themselves." Zolton said.

"Maybe, but at least for today we get a break." Tom said and Lion reached out and messed up his fur on his head.

"So what's it like to be a secret weapon?" Brian asked. Tom nervously looked around them smiled.

"It feels pretty good!" He said.

Go, Go, Go, Go,

Go, Go, Go, Go,

Power Fur Rangers,

Go, Go, Go, Go!