Untitled 1*
The small otter hologram smiled. "my birthday is tomorrow? i had forgotten all about that." the hologram flickered a little, the otter fading in and out of existence.
Meet the Black Stars; Wintro's Story
The middle hologram shouted. "yes, yes! but oh great ones the void god had gave specific orders for the justicar to reach him and our own forces here are more than capable of handling the heretic's army."
Consortium 1-1: TD14 Chapter 5
The two tails he's required to use look more like holograms of tails rather than anything real, very solid looking holograms, but holograms nonetheless.
Chapter VII: Militant, Part One
Ronan said as his hand slammed into dustin, the hologram allowing it to pass through for a second as its body shifted around it and then hardened again. the hologram then reset and obeyed it master, now fully intending to copy dustin.
Deciphering The Past - 07 - On Your Marks
Wipe to the left to see other armors and once you have one that you like, just tap on the hologram once."
Ch. 2 -- Dragon
Offering passers-by a dry place to do more than just look at a rain blurred hologram. for a modest hourly rate, of course.
Trial By Fire
There was a big platform and a bunch of hologram controls. there were some screens that were hologram projections showing the direction of the ship. matt looked in awe at all the technology. the zealot guided him up a ramp and towards the captain.
Lupis Culture: The Paragons
The sphere itself is not much more than hologram, the more advanced actions, such as heftis' capability of flashforging projected objects, are all from other hidden emitters.
To boldly go
The hologram flickered, and resolved into something more sharply defined. it was, in fact, a koolie like myself -- only disconcertingly translucent.
A Turning Point (Pacifism part 3)
The hologram didn't seem to mind. he just kept the smile that showed his white teeth.
Wanderer's Surprise (Quantum Leap/Blind Pig) mash-up_
Al was openly horrified and actually backed through a wall that was only a hologram to the observer rather than let the ambulating object touch him... even if the ambulating object was only a hologram to the observer, too.
Memories (Chapter 3, book8)
He paused then asked, "what's the resolution of the hologram thing?" "we measure it in megapixels, now. kind of like we did with cameras back in the old days."