The Misadventures of an Unexpected Dragon - Chapter 4

"that is very unfortunate," a female european dragon, her scales blood red, said while looking up at the helicopters. "this was meant to be a secret meeting, and this is hardly secret.

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Chapter 2

It wasn't long before they were all whisked away in a departing helicopter and returning to their home base.

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Any Day Now

He couldn't tell how long it had been since he heard the beating, whirring noise of the helicopter near and settle above the, whipping the wind into a frenzy and casting spray up into the air, still hot from that merciless sun.

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TOKYO ZONE Episode 3 Scavenger Hunt

Tafu replied to her angrily as she pointed to a police helicopter. tafu and mai leaped as fast as they could back to the pagoda in the forest, but the dinosaur escaped from the police helicopter as it gave up on chasing on the two furry fighters.

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The Apocalypse Series: War (part one)

They helped him up onto the helicopter and sat him next to dustin.

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Chiricov- Chapter 1: First Steps into the Lion's Den

I thought he meant minutes, but seconds later the helicopter sprang from the ground and climbed into the sky.

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The Last Dragonboy Chapter 3

I looked up to see a police helicopter above me, lowering a ladder. "get on the helicopter, boy! you're not in trouble! we saw the whole thing and we just want a police report!"

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Creation of Furries Ch. 7

We need to take out a few helicopters.\* i nodded, and ran up the stairs, but stopped at the top. "wait, i don't know how to take down helicopters!" i chuckled, opening the door, and walking up to the elevator.

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Innovation - 4 + 5, Blazing Fire and Indefinitive

"by helicopter- a-and! that's still not twenty minutes!" "well, i thought it'd be best to wait, but... i found out they were coming by helicopter so, that's why you only have twenty minutes." "oh. and one last question, when did you get over us?"

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Dewey Zero-One 05: Triple Threat

Unfortunately, the searchlight followed it, and there was the sound of gunfire, muted slightly by the noise of the helicopter's motor and the sharp whipping of its blades through the warm evening air. the figure ran faster.

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Pleasant suprises: Ch 4 - Just an average day at work

helicopters only have 2 seats and well, you've already been there like 3 times so..." "can i just hang from the leg thingy's of the helicopter instead?" "i wouldn't let you get hurt you silly foxy. i'm sorry.

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The End of the SWAT Kats! Part Eleven

Suddenly they heard the noise of approaching rotor blades and turn as a sleek black helicopter appeared overhead and flew over the top of the bank. the helicopter touched down on the roof.

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