Chiricov- Chapter 1: First Steps into the Lion's Den
#1 of Chiricov
Okay people, here we go... i have finally gotten off my lazy butt and began writing again, but its a different story. ive wanted to make a story to go with my fursona. so here it is! please note that all characters are fictional, with the exception of Trey and Scott, who agreed to let me use their names.. so without further hesitation, here's the story of Chiricov...
First Step into the Lion's Den
A mechanical whirring, the distinct "Shwaa" noise; the helicopter was starting its engines. I was still a private at the time and this was my first real mission with the Ocean Special Forces- Division Delta. I stared out the window of the Humvee that I was in as we approached the ramp that lead up to the cargo hold of the CH-47 Chinook. Folding in the side mirrors, we were able- just- to squeeze in.
"Chiricov." My commanding officer, Scott Alexander, called.
"Yes, Sir." I replied hastily.
"You go first" he said, motioning to the open back of the Humvee. I acknowledged with a nod of my head and proceeded to crawl through the open window in the back. Scott put the Hummer in park and followed after me.
"Strap down and buckle up!" our pilot, a fox, shouted; his helmet and night vision goggles covering half his face, "we're taking off in 10!"
I thought he meant minutes, but seconds later the helicopter sprang from the ground and climbed into the sky.
"We're goin' to have a short flight, 'bout two hours. We'll be landing at 1900 hours." Scott stated.
He paused and looked his team over. Trey, a grey wolf, Nina, a fox, and I, a red wolf; our backs against the wall of the helicopter. The lack of light, caused by the setting sun hid everyone's nervousness.
All of us had been in the military for about 5 years, but even though we were specially trained Delta Operators, it was unnerving knowing that we were heading into the heart of all the world's problems... Belka.
Scott shocked us out of our dazed state by snapping awake and shouting the three words no one wanted to hear.
"Shit! I forgot!" he shouted obviously annoyed with himself.
We looked at him with confused glances as he rummaged through his backpack.
"Ummm... Sir?" I questioned. Then I heard him sigh with relief as he pulled out four
1-shot bottles of whiskey.
"Got 'em!" he said; obviously happy with himself for finding them. He smiled and tossed us each a bottle.
This time it was Nina who asked, 'Sir?"
"Drink up, me hearty. Yo Ho!" he exclaimed as he tossed his head back and downed his bottle of whiskey.
We all shrugged and followed his example; drinking the whiskey. It was definitely strong whiskey, as I felt a tad light headed after a few minutes. From my pocket I produced a package of cigarettes. I was in the process of quitting, but I was about to light up when Nina spoke.
"Chiri?" she said sweetly. I normally hated being called Chiri, but when she said it, I loved it. She placed a paw over my lighter and softly said, "Would you mind?"
I mentally cursed myself. I needed to light up, but instead I put my cigs and lighter in my breast pocket for later. Nina could ask me to do anything... and I would. Although I think she knew and even though I tried to hide it; I loved her.
"Thanks, hun." She said politely. Then she did something I never expected; she leaned over and kissed my cheek. My ears perked and my eyes went wide with surprise. I turned my head and looked at her, my shock written all over my face. She saw me and blushed heavily.
"Awwww... How Sweet..." Scott said with a semi-sarcastic tone in his voice. Scott looked at me and then bounced his eyebrows up and down. Two seconds later he fell out of his seat, bursting out in laughter. Obviously the whiskey was affecting him a bit. Now, even I was blushing.
I looked consolingly at Nina and she wiggled closer to me. I wrapped my arm around her and she rested he head on my shoulder. He finally stopped laughing and wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. He looked at me and saw me glaring at him; my rage building within. After this he remained silent. I glanced at Trey. He was in his normal state- sleeping; completely oblivious to Scott's outburst. That was the thing about Trey, no matter the time, location, or how many hours he had already slept that day, he could always fall asleep again. Another thing about Trey was his unnatural ability to sleep through anything... and I mean anything.
I chuckled as I recalled an event in which we tested this. Two weeks ago Scott and I were talking about Trey's sleeping when he produced a firecracker from his pocket. With a sly grin we crept into Trey's room and lit the firecracker; placing it near his ears. We covered our own ears as it exploded. Much to our surprise Trey simply groaned and rolled over to his other side; undisturbed by the explosion.
I smiled to myself.
"Five Minutes!" the co-pilot shouted from the cockpit.
"Alright guys! You heard the man! Gear Up!" Scott shouted over the sound of the engines.
We all stood up and loaded and cocked out guns. I looked over, Trey was awake. I smiled and shook my head gently from side to side. I pulled on my bullet proof vest and put on my black helmet. Nina came up to me with black paint on her thumb and painted my face. Once she finished, I returned the favor. We looked like shadows; four furs clad in black tactical gear, standing in front of a black Humvee. The pilot said that he would wait for us on the ground. We were expected to be done our mission in 2 hours.
We piled into the hummer and drove of across the field. After five minutes of off-road driving we reached the main road. We pulled onto it and Trey floored the accelerator. The engine roared as we sped down the smooth dirt road, kicking up a cloud of dust.
About a mile from our point of operation, Trey turned off the headlights. He didn't reduce his speed at all. Instead, he pulled a pair of binoculars down on his helmet. They locked into place over his eyes as he turned on the night vision. The dark road was now visible in an icy blue. We all did the same; our own dark world becoming bright. I liked the blue night vision the Delta offered. Everything was brighter and your eyes didn't tire as easily, compared to the standard green.
Our point of operation came into view a quarter mile away. It didn't look as bad as what we all thought it would be. A medium sized farmhouse, surrounded by farmland on all sides, stood in the distance.
Trey pulled the Humvee off the road and drove it into the woods a bit, then switched the engine off.
"We walk from here." He said, "Okay, let's go over what we're doing. The Belken Liberation Army's second-in-command, and former Marine, John McKinley is hiding out in this building. We're doing a smash-and-grab job. We're kidnapping John and bringing him back to command for interrogations. Do NOT harm him unless your life is in danger. Understood?"
"Yes, sir." We whispered.
As silent as cats we stole our way towards the house. We arrived and took up positions outside the main door.
"1...2...3...Go! Go! Go!" Scott whispered but shouted.
I kicked the door open to storm in. What I saw at the very last second drained all color from my face.
"...Oh... fuck." I whispered...