"hey mew i guess you hungry"maria
said sweetly "well where is it ah here you go sugar"she said handing him cheap pokechow for she worked hard to supply her fammily
with food beacause her husband did not have a job.mew sat there greedly eating the pokechow
Abuse, Clean, Mew
A blind man's greed, never fulfilled.
a sound of crashing wave, no breeze came.
longing to escape, an old man wants out.
a young child torn, a family broken.
thickening fog, moisture still rising.
Love, M/F, Poetry, haiku
And no, it isn't fair it should be us
but what is 'not fair' worth when faced with weight
of all our forebears unpaid greed and lust?
at least this way nobody else need pay.
Envoi, Iambic pentameter, Poetry, blank verse, sonnet
The nulok still had them out numbered and they seemed to have the advantage until the humans were aided by the lycus and unikrons who was fed up with the nulok's greed and hatred towards the humans and only wanted peace.
Fantasy, Legends, Mundus
These illustrations depict a world with war, hunger, genocide, and greed. the only real difference is that we're together.
after a while you grow tired of being teased by your own mind depicting the thing which you most desire.
**the greed-blinded knights refused to listen, and attacked him, injuring him with their arrows and spears.**
**but critias would have none of that.**
**rising to his feet, critias roared his mighty roar.**
**frightened, the evil knights fled, never
Dragon, Feral, Short Story, fable
It'll feed with greed as if it never had life before
it can't care, it's heart if any, is bare, it has only a single action it seems to adore
with a fickle hand, it has no demand, it takes the breath from those who simply interest it by sight
i feel anguish
Humanity, Internal-struggle, Murderer, Poem, Short Story
Ways of the world anymore
i would like to help fix
if not, fully heal people
we all want to do the right thing
especially in a world so cold
but somehow we have lost our way
from being helpful
to turning selfish
and careless to each and one another
Poetry, candle, hope, life
As their powers grew, so did their greed and the inevitable conflict tore the world asunder, taking heaps of innocents. when they, at last, were destroyed in their final battle, referred to as the "magi mató," their essences were spread across the lands.
Excerpt, M/M, New series!, No-Yiff, R.I.P Writer's block (hopefully)
Out of pure hate and greed it all began on the day king valrik of taksarish one of the last suriving anicent ones died.
Violence, War
_though they may claim to be as any other creature when it comes to motivations and emotions they are wrong, or better put they are lying_
_all dragons, even those who fight for what you may consider a noble cause, are nothing but beasts born out of greed
Clean, Fantasy, No-Yiff, vent