Accompanied by Tornado Siren

Story by Rob MacWolf on SoFurry

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#37 of poetry

Experimenting with combining two poems, neither of which I though good enough to stand on their own.

I do like the sonnet/blank verse/ rhymed envoi pattern it produced. I think it deescalates and escalates similar to the way that musical theatre might use breaking into song, lapsing back into dialog, then having a big finishing number.

Let us suppose that all things human fall.

That topless tower and tin-walled hovel both

Go down, that all the laws are soothless scrawl,

That sons of man no longer care for truth.

It has to happen sometime. Why not now?

What mankind plants, mankind must someday reap.

What past affirms will future disavow.

No human work will ever ever-keep.

If so, what shall I hold to, if not thee?

What other flotsam could survive this tide?

If everything is as ending as we

Have feared, where could I end but by your side?

Let us suppose that all things human end,

Then I would choose to end with you again.

They say things fall apart, and that is true.

But so they've always done. Perhaps the gyre

Has been too narrow, in our time. Perhaps

The falcon cannot hear the falconer

Because the falconer has not much voice

And now the falcon has gone wide enough

To hear, outside, above, beyond, a voice

More clear and more intoxicating. What

We thought to be the center does not hold,

And we are all afraid, but it may be

That the true center held, unmarked by us,

And it holds yet, and will hold all the while

That we are watching falcons fugitive

And fearing of the dooms that we have dreamed.

And no, it isn't fair it should be us

But what is 'not fair' worth when faced with weight

Of all our forebears unpaid greed and lust?

At least this way nobody else need pay.

Let there be nothing on my tongue but praise,

If by your side I face these final days.

Ragnarok - III

"These ruins have been empty for too long. They ring no more with scarlet laughing flags. They echo not the peal of sparring arms, Nor cries of joyful brotherhood of war. They were not always silent. Once they shone Undusty, undecrepit,...

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Ragnarok - II

The sun was gone. The only light that shone Was a reflection off the fading sky, Yet faded not the gold out of the roof, For, at the touch of darkness, fireflies, Lit crisp like Christmas candles, Appeared and turned the leaves to paper...

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Ragnarok - I

Somewhere it was autumn, and the trees Hung undecided, torn between the fear Of concrete skies and black obsidian nights And clung to fading leaves, yet still they felt A dark desire to let the summer drop, To scatter to the wind their...

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