Wasteland Saviour - Divine Union - ch3
She is stronger still than i am, i have heard that she arm wrestled against a god. do you think anyone who could come here would have any hope of harming people under her care?"
The Beginning of Vessel and Many Other Worlds
Astra, the goddess of space, and gohma, the god of time, began to exist at exactly the same moment and were twins. the two seemed to be so closely tied to each other, as if they were one being.
Dover: Layer 1: Earth
#1 of 12 layers of god so you'll be having stuff to think about with my imaginary friend, dover. a cute and young white pitbull who has a lot on his mind and a lot he wants to share.
I Caught God: Ch2: In Which Mew Sounds Like James Earl Jones
Mew takes off straight up into the air, does a couple loops and spins then makes a beeline for god only knows where. i sigh and begin to look myself over. may as well figure out just how rare i am.
2 Christmas Poem
A Prayer for the Lost and Forgotten Merry Christmas to all and to all great cheer but do not forget others this year at time of grieving and time of loss for many could not bear their gross for those who have lost a loved one this time let us say...
Eternal Mortality: One Last Try
So now, we try again, and the false god corrupts our plan. mortal, it's not your place, the power you wield is not your own. it's devouring you. soon deceiver, you'll be nothing more than the power you stole, the power refuse to let go.
Chapter 5- "Birth of a God"
A god sent to right the wrongs of our society? whoever he is, kira has shook up the world, leading most criminals to ask themselves if they are next."
The Wailing Moors
The sun shines down on the Moorland as the pack lazily suns themselves on the Sunning Rocks. Eros lays on his back sleeping as his pack either play in the sun or relax in the nice warm breeze. Two sentries stand guard at the edge of the rocks scanning...
Eternal Mortality: The Fastolf Story
Adina, the goddess of love refused to leave with the other gods, she being the goddess of love, simply could not part with the people of osa.
Eternal Mortality: The Gods Of Osa
Robin the deceiver: the god of free will.
A Dream Most Surreal
This appeared to give the goddess pause. whether it was from shock or pity, the angel could not tell. that serene smile returned a moment later, however, and calmed his fears somewhat.
Wasteland Saviour - Rebirth - ch2
"fox, let her go, the goddess sent her! she is trying to bring refugees from america!" the woman yelled. i saw then, in her eyes, evidence of mothers power. i smiled as i felt the grip on me release.