Eternal Mortality: The Fastolf Story

Story by Fastolf on SoFurry

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Long ago, before the rise of mortal powers, there were the gods. Some created, some destroyed. Some protected, some persecuted. It's been said that there is a god for each feeling or ideal. But in the modern world, the mortals forgot the gods, and without the prayers of mortals, the gods simply left Osa to its fate. All but one that is...

Adina, The Goddess of Love refused to leave with the other gods, she being the goddess of love, simply could not part with the people of Osa. But she knew if the other gods were not there with her, there could be no balance, so she decided to descend to the planet, and find a mortal male, with him she could create a new kind of god, a 'mortal god' one with no powers, but could still embody the traits of their host god, and have no need for the prayers of mortals. This was the first mistake.

At a time unknown, Adina came to a young male, his name was Ronald Fastolf, a gray fox. He was sitting on a grassy hill, on a beautiful spring day, when Adina came to him. She did not tell him she was a goddess, for obvious reasons, but she did seduce him, not that it would take a lot, as in mortal form Adina takes the visage of a slender, well endowed snow leopardess. Over time, they fell in love and after Ronald had reunified Valtovka, they had a child. This was the second mistake.

Adina was right, if she did mate with a mortal, the first child, or the first few children would become the mortal variants of the gods.

The first born, John "The Mortal God Of Justice" It is said that the god of justice seeks not vengeance, nor does he approve of it. While he does not tend to side with good or evil, he will lean towards good. In the end, he will only favor those who choose the honorable path of truth over falsehood.

The second, Ian "The Mortal God Of Choice" The god of choice cares not for good or evil, only the correct answer to the particular question. If you choose wisely, or your motives or thinking interest him, he will see fit to bless you. He will always favor those with a quick wit about them.

And the last child to be gifted from the heavens, Sandra "The Mortal Goddess Of Love" The goddess of love is seductive and kind, her voice is like an angel, her figure can promote thoughts of love or lust. She favors valiant effort. And if she witnesses true love, she will bless those fursons with the gift of a child.

The other two children, Natalya and Seth, did not receive any traits.

John was always held close to his father, as the first born he was the heir to the seat of First Console. And Adina kept Sandra close to her, because now that there was a mortal version of her, she would have to learn to behave as her mother, and one day they would all have to learn the truth. Ian, was left alone with Natalya and Seth, they became very close throughout their childhood.

After the children reached adulthood, Adina decided to reveal the truth about her, and their children to Ronald. Once he heard this, he simply scoffed and took it as a joke, but Adina proved she was a goddess by filling the room with light, and commanding a tree to sprout outside in the palace garden. Ronald, was shocked, he paused and listened to his goddess wife, as she explained everything to him in detail. This was the third and final mistake.

For reasons unknown, Ronald became infuriated, and began punching the walls, and breaking furniture. He cried out, "We have no need for the gods! We freed ourselves from them years ago! And now you tell me, that I helped bring them back?! And my damn wife is one of them as well?! You lied to me! You betrayed me, and your children!" He un-holstered his pistol, and shot her in the chest, but being a goddess she cannot die. So Ronald turned to the next best thing, his children. He didn't have to go far, hearing the shot, they all ran down to hallway to their parents' bedroom, Ronald met them halfway. At this point his speech was incoherent, he began to shoot wildly at them, all the Fastolfs did was stare, but Ian caught a glimpse of his mother crying in the other room, and when he seen this it was all he needed. He drew his saber, the others stood back, even John. Ian slashed his father across his chest, and then slit his throat, as he bent over in pain. When they got to the bedroom, they did not find their mother, only a note that said. "I'm so sorry.."

So it was that the goddess of love, returned to the heavens, leaving her children behind, ignorant of their gifts.

John was in no state to rule, so he gave up his birthright to Ian, who in his eyes deserved it more he did. Most of the Fastolfs stayed idol for at least a month, but it only took Ian and Sandra about a week. Ian always suspected something from his mother and father, and now perhaps, he could find out. Sandra, still feels a connection with Adina, she can't explain it, but it's there.

Ian was the one who fashioned the story about his mother and father being poisoned by spies, and that John simply wanted to remain in control of the military. For the most part people believed it, but it did not take long for the people to suspect, that there may be more to the story.

Tourists Guide To The Principality Of Valtovka: Part Four

PART FOUR: Military Service. _At the age of seventeen, all male and female Valtovka citizens are subject to conscription for a term no less then two years..._ After the unification, Ronald saw fit to impose a conscription plan to insure that the...

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