The Cost Of Conquest

I wrote this about a year or two ago, thought I would post it for something to do. As I walk the streets, the bodies of my own men, along with those of my enemy's, they cry out to me. Even in death these poor souls find a way to disturb me, to...

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Eternal Mortality: The Nations Of Osa

This fine piece of information is more so for RP elements, for those who wish to create a character around the Eternal Mortality universe. Please comment and rate. "Nations may rise and fall. But the people never truly change." DROTHAR...

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Eternal Mortality: Ian Fastolf

"My father? You mean Ronald? HA! He always preferred my brother. My mother? Bah. She always preferred my sister. But who do the people prefer? Me. And where does the world look to for ideas and innovation? Valtovka. And when they look towards...

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Eternal Mortality: The Fastolf Story

Long ago, before the rise of mortal powers, there were the gods. Some created, some destroyed. Some protected, some persecuted. It's been said that there is a god for each feeling or ideal. But in the modern world, the mortals forgot the gods, and...

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Eternal Mortality: Burling Burning

Please note, this is not cannon, and is not relevant to the overall storyline. \*Garbled radio\* "10-4 Eagle 2, no containment, out..." "We have no visual on our primary target, the rioters are using live rounds against us! For god's sake give...

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Eternal Mortality: The Gods Of Osa

In the beginning, there were the gods. Some created, some destroyed, some protected, some persecuted. Regardless, they were powerful, and they ruled over the mortals on the planet Osa. But in the modern world, the mortals forgot the gods. Without the...

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Eternal Mortality: From Ronald To Ian

This is a quick overview on the leadership abilities and preferences between Ronald and Ian Fastolf. Under Ronald: Freedom of religion strained. "Religion... Another word for poisoning of the mind." - Ronald Fastolf Freedom of speech enhanced, and...

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Tourists Guide To The Principality Of Valtovka: Part Four

PART FOUR: Military Service. _At the age of seventeen, all male and female Valtovka citizens are subject to conscription for a term no less then two years..._ After the unification, Ronald saw fit to impose a conscription plan to insure that the...

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Eternal Mortality: The Tutinian Civil War Part One

_"Don't be so foolish mortal. Do you really think the gods ever cared for Osa? True they were once mortal, but power corrupts no? They have no love for anyone down here. After all, up until now they abandoned this world. If they can't destroy Osa, they...

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Eternal Mortality: One Last Try

The planet Osa. For the moment she is calm. At least in one part of the world. In the city of Islagrad a leader has died, it's said he and his wife were poisoned by spies. But no one has been allowed to look at the bodies, and the wife's body is not...

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