Wasteland Saviour - Divine Union - ch3
#4 of Wasteland Saviour
"... and that's all I can remember." I told the people surrounding me at their 'debriefing'.
"Quite an amazing story Kitten." the one called Crystal said, "I am glad you and... uh, your Mother could get these people out safely, I dread to think wh-" she was continuing when Fox leapt to her feet.
"Harnyth is hurt!" she yelled and ran outside.
The big male known as 'Nicols' turned to who I could sense was his mate, "Who is 'Harnyth'?" he asked, even as he rose to his feet and headed for the door, following his mate, who was just starting to show her condition.
I followed for want of anything else to do in the emptying room.
Outside two big dragons were circling slowly around another, the poor thing was torn and bloody in many places, one leg was twisted and had bone sticking out at an odd angle.
The screaming from the poor things mind suddenly broke through to me and I felt tears coming to my eyes.
I began pacing forward, stepping in front of the smaller of the two active dragons.
"Stop! She is mad with pain, she will kill you!" Fox yelled behind me.
~"If anyone can ease her passing, child of the Mother, it would be you."~ I heard the dragon, who had stopped rather than trample me, say.
Ignoring the warnings from behind me I walked closer to the wretched creature. Its claws raked out at me a few times but I called my power and told it to calm the poor thing, take its pain.
A gasping shriek was heard just before its mind said to me, ~"Please, just let me die, don't make me go back, I don't want to live any more!"~
I brought my power closer to the creature, "Do you know who my Mother is?" I asked her.
For the first time I saw a glimmer of hope flare in its eyes, ~"She is... then you..."~ she began but lost her focus, after a moment of struggling that cost her a lot of her strength she looked at me and said, ~"Please help us."~
I reached out one paw and touched her on the nose, feeling a connection suddenly snap into being.
Pain was everywhere, but that wasn't the problem. I reached deeper into her body, felt the broken ribs, broken foreleg, sore and aching wing muscles... there...
I walked down her side, keeping one paw on her at all times until I found the arrow, deep in her shoulder and wrenched it out. It was horribly barbed and I could smell a foul poison on it.
Leaning closer I pressed my lips to her wound, kissing it ever so softly and let my power, gathering constantly as it had been, pour into her.
The scream was constant and I thought I might have to save some of my power to heal my aching ears, but in the end it took everything I had to fix her, remove the poison and ease some of the worst of the pain.
Slumping to the ground I heard dimly, ~"Daughter of Her, know that you have our support any time you need it."~ it was four voices in one, I separated Fox, the smaller dragon and Crystal from it. As I turned my head, closing my eyes slowly I saw the larger dragon press her muzzle to my flank, breathing warmth over me.
As I woke I felt her mind still, sleeping softly, but inexorably linked still to me. I began getting up but a strong paw at my shoulder held me down.
"You are not going anywhere until you have slept for another ten hours miss." Fox's voice ordered me.
Opening my eyes a little, noticing the soft expression of her muzzle I asked, "Is she ok?"
The expression softened more and a very maternal glow seemed to wrap around her, making her feel almost like Mother, "Can't you feel her?" she asked, tapping my chest, "In here?"
I smiled then, letting sleep pull me back into its arms, I did indeed feel her and she felt at ease.
"... told you if you wake her before I say so you will know how a dingo feels!" I heard Fox saying, raising her voice a little.
"Mumma, you woke her up!" a smaller voice piped in and I heard Fox grumble something out the door, closing it and turning back to me.
"Jenni, she has a name remember? Why don't you introduce yourself?" I heard my guardian say.
Opening my eyes slowly I saw a very short red fox girl, obviously one of Fox's progeny looking up at me with the most adorable expression. "I am Jennifer!" she announced then threw in quickly, "Miss Kitten... is that really your name?" she asked suddenly and I saw her mothers face go red with embarrassment.
Winking to both mother and child I nodded, "Its the only one that fits me now I guess. My Mother gave it to me when I was really little, just like you Jennifer." I told her, seeing an interesting expression on Fox's face as I explained it.
"Jennifer, you did such a good job watching out for Kitten that you can go and get lunch early. Tell the cook I will be over soon with our new arrival here." Fox told her daughter.
"'K mum!" the suddenly energetic little fox called, already streaking out the door in her shorts and T-shirt.
"Adorable." was all I could get out.
"That's one of the reasons I have so much trust in you. Without your Mother, Crystal and me would never have dreamed of having children." tears were welling in her eyes, but I could see they were not tears of loss or sadness, a warmth radiated from this person like none I had met before. Regaining her composure she continued, "The other reason is her..." as she trailed off I felt her gently prod my mind, pushing at the link between myself and the dragoness, "You saved her, Drath and Brath both thought she would die." new tears welled up but she held them from pouring down her cheeks, "Thank you." she finished and drew me into a hug.
Pulling her close too, letting all the emotion over the last few events pour forth and fill me, I felt warm joyful tears of my own.
We were still holding each other like that, both of us sobbing softly, thinking about how She had changed our lives when I felt Harnyth wake.
Fox pulled back and I felt the dragoness start screaming, both vocally and mentally.
I turned as though to run, but yet I got there almost as fast as if I had teleported. Fox put me down in front of the half mad dragon and backed off.
~"THEY WILL COME FOR ME! YOU HAVE TO RUN! HAVE TO HIDE! THEY WILL COME!"~ she was screaming over and over again.
I reached for her then and I felt a remnant of my power within her, glowing softly but brightening with every moment. As I touched her both mentally and physically that glow flared bright.
~"What have you done to me?"~ she asked, suddenly serene, her mad rage ended instantly.
Smiling I looked up into her eyes, "I had to give you a lot of power, had to make anew some parts the poison had destroyed. It left a mark. Nothing once changed can return to how it was. Do you regret my saving you?" I asked her.
A warmth poured from the big winged beast then, ~"No, I can't regret meeting you, you broke their last hold on me, but I may have brought danger to you by coming here. They will be able to track me, nowhere is safe."~
I turned my head and nodded to Fox standing back a bit. "See her? She is stronger still than I am, I have heard that she arm wrestled against a god. Do you think anyone who could come here would have any hope of harming people under her care?" I asked, drawing on what little I had heard of the 'warrior legend' of this continent.
The dragon looked at the diminutive fox in awe, ~"She? She is the one Brathnian and Drathnial talk about?"~
Rising suddenly, but stretching out one wing tip to maintain contact with me she strode up before Fox and dropped to her belly, her mighty head in the dirt, ~"Please! If anyone can save my people, surely you could! Please will you help free all the dragons held in slavery by the Saris"~
The speech shocked us both, but the contempt, the fear, the hatred that last word carried told us both everything we needed to know.
Fox leaned down, putting one paw under the jaw of the huge creature and lifted her head effortlessly. I could feel wonder fill the dragons mind, she had never experienced someone so small be this strong.
"Sister," Fox began, "I have seen slavery first hand, I have met those that would treat another as chattel. I would hunt down and kill every last one of them in a heartbeat just for that alone." she paused in her speech, letting the words of assent sink into the dragons awe filled mind, "But for you, Sister, at your word, I will kill them and kill them again if necessary, and I will make your people free."
Not sure if I was caught up in the dragons feelings of wonder or just feeling my own at the words of this charismatic warrior, I pressed in closer to the dragon. "I think she means it." I whispered softly to her and felt, for the first and I hope, last time, a dragon cry.
~"Thank you, thank you, thank..."~ she said over and over.
A draft of warm air heralded more draconic arrivals, ~"We heard little mate, but while I will be able to help you in this, know that our lover here must tend to her eggs, they will be hatching soon. While it will tear my heart to know I was not here for them, it would be worse to see you leave this land to fight for dragons without me under you."~ Drathnial said widely, so we could both hear it.
Feeling sleep coming to the weakened dragoness under my paw, I said softly, "Know that I will not let them fight for you alone, you will have Mothers very own Kitten along to aid you."
Her mind and body purred as she fell asleep, relaxation seemed to come to her for the first time since her arrival.
I turned back to Fox, "So, we wait till she is better and we go? Would you recommend any others or will we do this alone?" I asked her.
She just laughed, "I will ask around, I am sure a few will want to go, I can think of one or two right off the top of my head."
She stopped suddenly and turned her head to Drath. The dragon replied, widely again, ~"No little mate, I have never heard a dragon purr before. I think the Mothers Kitten has had more influence over her than even she realises."~
I smiled as I removed my paw slowly, running it down her a little, her scales were so beautiful.
After a short meal we found ourselves again in the little cooled room, now talking about what Fox referred to as 'The Dragon Liberation Mission'.
"No Donny," even I could sense the slight shock at her using the big werewolf's first name, but Fox continued, "You have to stay here, as do you Crystal, I am not going to deprive everyone of your leadership, not at this time when you are needed the most with all the new arrivals." her double meaning obvious, referencing both the people I brought over and the General's pregnancy, "I have already talked to the people I was thinking of taking, they have all agreed and also insisted on going." she pushed a hand written list onto the table.
The three leaders looked at her list, finally the echidna lifted her head, "And they all insisted? Well Ryst and Bri I can understand, they have been chomping at the bit since the fiasco with the elves. Lieutenant Jessup, since he asked for Kevin's treatment and became some kind of shape shifter..." she trailed off a moment, waiting until the others had finished reading to continue, "But her? How did she understand you let alone tell you she wanted to go?" the commander was asking, pointing at one word, 'Siren'.
Fox just smiled, "I think her Mother," she gestured to me, "might have had a hand there, Bri was with me when she said the first words since we found her. She said, 'I help'." Fox replied with a warm smile. "As for Private O'Brian, I have seen him work, he has been training a lot lately with knives and swords, he ev-" she was going on.
"I know, I know, I trained him in the knives myself and helped him find someone for the sword work. You have convinced me." said the big werewolf commander, "What about you girls?"
Crystal just looked at Fox and smiled, "I could never stop you running off to save someone's day could I love?" she said rhetorically with a smirk for her mate.
"Far be it from me to argue, we haven't had any disturbances apart from the odd beast since we dealt with those damn elves, and now we have the survivors living here we can keep an eye on them." Commander Jennings added.
Fox turned to me, "Ok then, when she can fly again, we will leave and go... and go to... FUCK!" she yelled.
"Europe, around France I think. That's all I managed to get from her." I told the suddenly red faced vulpine.
You all have a right to know what's been eating my time lately.
Games, not playing them, making them :3
Base game by http://nuku-valente.sofurry.com/ creatures by lots of people (me included now) :3