Daemon Hunter Moushigo - Chapter 3

He is fourteen and a lot more mature than we all give him credit for." ishi stands upright and glares. "he is my responsibility nonetheless. i make the rules, not you alexander."

Chapter 3 - Enroute

Narrowing his eyes airuk yelled back at his brother, "i am thirteen almost fourteen thank you! how old are you, fifty?!" iyzic only shook his head and smiled before returning his attention to the road ahead.

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blossom joe

I guess it started when i was fourteen that the abuse started. i never told anyone, because i was afraid. my friend's wondered where i was. all the abuse and controlling went on for two years i decided to run away.


The current state of things and why

I came here a very long time ago when it was known as yiffstar and have been here since i was sixteen or fourteen years old i can't accurately remember. in that time i have spent countless hours writing and honing my skills as an author.

Ballad of the Otter War

Some of the rhymes feel forced, but the structure calls for fourteen of the same rhyme, so i had to use a simple word to maximize my options. nonetheless, i'm glad i made something of a complete narrative here.

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Excerpt for upcoming story! =D

Zeko, an otter of bare fourteen seasons old, is sent to the citadel to be tested, like every cub his age, for his innate abilities.

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Life From a New Perspective - Epilogue - I'll Follow You To Hells Gate

Reenin and i stood next to each other, the rising sun shining brightly on our litter of fourteen young pups, playing together in the soft grass, wet with dew.   "and he walks again, it's a miracle!"

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Blossom Joe (updated)

We fought about it for over a year. the young colt he chosen had moved in when i was thirteen. i guess it started when i was fourteen that the abuse started. i never told anyone,because i was afraid. my friend wondered where i was, because they hardly seen


The Folly

What folly could set him back ten steps after venturing fourteen?

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Alex Skunk

fourteen eyes, which is fourteen more than i cared to look at right then. in spite of my disquiet - or perhaps because of it?

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You Can Never Go Home

The waitress was a girl, about fourteen, way too young but nobody really paid attention to labour laws in san iadras if there was money to be made and nobody wanted to litigate.

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