Oueti Tale Of The Forged Part 1

_I awake. I feel the blinding light in my eyes, "This stinks", I say._ _When I feel the cold metal against my fur, I get a shivering thought, "Where am I?", I think frighteningly. When I start to sit up, I can finally start to see what's happening....

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#1 of coyotka and the forge of hephaestus whole first chapter of my first story.

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D.E1 Chapter 37 Forging Bonds

But deep inside both knew that a new and very special friendship bond was forged.

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Oueti Tale of the Forged Part 4

Back in the lab... _I couldn't beleive this. I refused to believe this. Taken from my own home?! They would pay for this, and I know just how to do it. I had a plan..._ **"So when will i be let go human?", trying to get on her nerves. ** **"Not for...

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World of Osmis: Races

Patron deity: kholaeck the forge father orcs:- tribal race of big, tusked humanoids that come in various, dark colors, although green is the most common.

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The Outlander 3 38

Inside the great mountain itself, orlando the axe, the lord of the mountain, was tending to his forge. he had just finished making the finishing touches to a new axe he forged for himself when he heard a rapping at the door. "come!"

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Ferina III - Chapter 6

So the pair set off to the great forge of the city where ethelred had gone to have his armor made by anwhrim.

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Creation Story from The Song of Hannari

Wherefore it was given to the brothers and sisters of balilikei, dai-yel, and marellia to forge into the heavens their likenesses in the stars, lest the creatures of earth forget them and be lost forever unto their favor.

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Heritage of Ash Chapter 2: Foreboding

Jaris, i need you to get to your forge and begin repairing any equipment fit for combat you can, and see to it that your apprentices start preparing as many arrows and bolts as they can.

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The Outlander 1 5

Akito krinz was wrapping the katanas in coloured silk, each one was masterfully crafted from the finest steel of his own personal forge. as light as feathers and can cut through armour with ease; the most beautiful swords in the civilized world.

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pokemon world (PART FOUR)

_organization of dahaka_...after it was forged the organization began to grow more and more stronger....the stronger the group got the more stronger dahaka became..."