Kiss the Rain
#4 of Submissions
Alphonse learns the hardest lesson anyone can; that change comes from within. And it took him losing someone very close to him to realize that lesson...
(Realization story as well as made to help character development! Hope you like it as much as I loved writing it!)
It was a long day for the crew, Alphonse, Irina and the crew had made their way to the shambling sheep. Alphonse sat at the bar looking at Oswin. "Give me your stiffest drink Oswin. I'm done thinking and I'm done wanting to look at this place. The shabby dwarf closed his eyes shaking his head. "Sorry laddie but I can't give ya that... You're not in the right mind.." Alphonse slammed his hand down on the table.
Conas looked at Al. "Uh I don't think you taking alcohol would be an incredibly wise idea before bed my friend. The consumption of alcohol can stunt the way your dreams are affected adversely in the sense you will not dream at all." Alphonse looked at him with a sneer. "Buzz off! I don't wanna dream, I'm sick of it. I'm sick of feeling this overwhelming feeling of being sick!"
Irina looked at him with her ears splayed out worriedly. "Al what's been going on with you..You almost never sleep anymore, you won't even talk to me anymore...I worry about you.." Alphonse looked at Irina with a saddened look on his face. "It's nothing you would understand.."
Irina glanced at him crestfallen. "I want to understand, I just wish you would let me in." The bernese mountain dog walked upstairs "With hopes I'll have some sort of epiphany..." He muttered locking the door behind him, sitting himself on the bed of hay. He lay his head down on the pillow looking over at the flickering dancing flame of his lantern sitting on the bed stand. His vision blurred as he drifted far off into what felt like another plane of existence.
The Bernese stood in an old building the smell of cedar mixed with the scent of smoldering coals. His eyes panned around the room seeing the oh so familiar set up of the room his ears splayed clasping his head. "I know this place and it isn't real. It isn't real, it can't be real!" He tried to yell but nothing seemed to escape. He walked over to the forge and there was an older canine standing over the forge with a blade in hand, heated and ready to be struck on the anvil. The old dog's hair was white, his body was larger than Al's but there was no denying that it was his father. "Come to see me have you? It's been a long time boy." Al shook his head. "You're not real. You can't be real."
The large figure 'aughed heartily. "I'm very real my boy. Is that any way to speak to your dear old dad anyway? It's been..Years. Since I've last spoke with you." The figure put the blade down and stood up, standing up nose to nose. The other male's expression was a tired one. "I've wanted to talk with you, catch up with you over everything." He motioned his muscular arm over to the chairs in the back room.
Alphonse walked over to the chairs sitting down, the smells the touch, everything felt so real again. Like he was really there again. "Dad..I..You're.." His father sat down. "Dead? Yes, as a doornail. This isn't real my son. But what I have to talk to you about is.. These people around you love you very much, Piers, Pietro, Conas. Even that young lass you've been so sweet on." Alphonse's face grew bright red. "Dad! That's so embarrassing..." The fatherly figure laughed heartily.
It isn't always about love in general, but they do care a lot about you. I need you to understand that if you don't start being more of a friend to these people than you're going to end up all alone in this world...You were never like this when you were a pup..What happened to you?" The man asked. Alphonse's hands turned to fists. "I was left to fend for myself father, I was left as just a little boy...! To do all of this on my own..." His voice trembled. "You and mom left me...I had to be tough or else I would die out there..." He pursed his lips. "My boy your mother and I never left your side.. Even though we could not be there with you physically we still were with you in your heart. I am sure your mother would certainly agree with me.." The gentleman spoke sternly to his child.
"Father I am.." He hesitated. "Alphonse it is okay, you're safe. You do not have to worry about what is said.." He patted his shoulder reassuringly. "Father I'm scared. I am afraid to let anyone near me..I'm scared that they're going to leave me..." His voice trembled once again. "My son there isn't much more I can honestly tell you..The rest is up to you." Al spun his head around "What do you mean that doesn't make any sense..?" He turned his head the room seemed to change entirely as he moved, he found himself in a serene place golden leaves sprinkled down to the ground, the dog took a step and the crisp sounds of the leaves purveyed the air. A crisp chill lingered, off in the distance a figure sat in the woods. As he walked closer he could hear the sound of a young woman singing. The closer he came the clearer the woman became, as the girl sang a lovely almost sad sounding melody, it was so very familiar to him, it was the same song he heard on Nico's ship. "Irina..?" Al spoke up. The young girl stopped singing and gave him a polite smile.
Irina looked at him with a sweet little wag of the tail, "I have been waiting for you." He tilted his head. "You have? I don't know why you have been waiting for me..Here of all places, we were just in the undercroft.." Irina giggled softly and gave him a soft caress of the cheek. "You know I trust you so very much Alphonse. I told you about my family, my mother, I shared my first kiss with you, dare I say it? I love you Alphonse." Al's face turned bright red. "Irina..I I mean.." He murmured. The Australian shepherd looked at him. "Al why won't you open up to me? Do you not trust me?"
Al looked at her with a look of disbelief. "Of course I trust you! I just...I have serious issues when it comes to trusting people.." Irina looked at him saddened, "Alphonse I've told you everything and yet I know so very little about you. Why not try me? Let me be your first for something." She took his hands gently in her own and looked at him.
Alphonse sighed quietly. "Only because I know this is all just one big dream, but... Maybe if I talk about it perhaps I'll feel better..." He muttered. He looked at her square in the face, "I had a fairly normal life as a child. I had friends that would stop by once in a while, a mother, a father. Father was a blacksmith, mother tended to the house when he was at the forge. Your very typical type of family." Irina nodded her head listening intently. "This doesn't seem to explain why you're so untrusting of anyone with your past." Al scratched the back of his head. "I-I was getting to it. My father was in contract with the king to forge blades for the country. He was well known in the city, known for his blades and known for his wits that were equally as sharp."
"It was no surprise in the city though there were corrupt guards, People that would take from those who couldn't afford much, and my father made ends meet but not much else I'm afraid. One day when I was a young boy I remember my father getting into a heated argument with a couple of guards in the city. Trying to extort him for a cut of the profits he was making as a smithy." He laughed quietly, "My father wouldn't have any of it. He told them flat out. "If you try that again I will crush your head like a rotten tomato!" Al shook his fist reminiscing.
Irina giggled softly. "He sounds like he was an incredible person, someone certainly to look up to." Alphonse rubbed his head. "It was but a few days later my father was brought up on charges of treason for threatening the royal guard and charged with conspiracy against the royal family. They held a public execution for my father..." His ears dropped to his head as his voice seemed to trail off. Irina looked at him and rubbed his back. "It was unfair." She murmured. Al's eyes welled up with tears. "It was more than unfair. It was disgusting. Mother was hysterical; pleading with the royal family hoping his years of service would dissuade his decisions...But to no budge. She watched it all happen right before her eyes."
Irina's ears splayed, "Mother went mad, losing her partner like that. She went absolutely insane..." Alphonse shut his eyes as the tears trickled down his face. His hands balled into fists, "She was sent to a mental institution. She lived out her days as a psych patient...Eventually she forgot who I was, who dad was... I was left alone! My dad didn't do anything wrong...And my mom paid the price for it." His words grew cold. Irina turned his face to hers. "Al I'm sorry that happened to your family, but these things shouldn't hold you back from who you can become. If you live in the past you'll stagnate and those around you will move on without you. I want to move forward with you." She unfurled his fists and laced her fingers with his with a serene smile. "I don't wanna see you looking so sad. It's unbecoming of someone as handsome as you."
The male sniffed and rubbed his eyes. "I'm not handsome I'm just a raggamuffin that lives off the streets." She giggled softly. "But you're my raggamuffin." She shut his eyes slowly. "Never ever forget that." The voice changing to a soft more mature voice. His lips trembled and closed his eyes tighter. "My sweet boy please, do not hide from me." Slender arms wrapped around him embracing him gently. The dog began to hiccup, sobbing quietly; his arms reaching around the figure, burying his face into her shoulder. "sweetheart, don't cry. It's going to be okay." Alphonse shook his head. "It isn't! It was my life! You guys were everything I had! You don't understand just how hard it was to be a little boy out on your own. To have to scrape by every day; not sure if you're going to eat today..." His body shook as he hiccuped. The slender hand pulled his face up to look at him. "You've grown into such a handsome young man."
"S-stop saying that..." He murmured finally opening his eyes. In front of him was a woman with bright blue eyes, a Bernese mountain dog like himself. Her hair was long and unkempt, and she wore a baby blue gown. "Sweetheart you can't let these things hinder your life." She took her delicate fingers and wiped away his tears. "I know things have been hard, but it's like your father told you. We have never left your side. Not in all these years. We've been there for all the good times, all the bad times and all the in betweens. When you would cry at night I would always want so desperately to be able to soothe your tears. It pains me even now to know you're in such pain."
Alphonse looked at her. "Things are getting really bad...I don't know if I can handle this anymore mom...I mean, I lost my best friend. I had to bring down the person I trusted for so long, and kill him. I mean by the divine! It's emotionally destroyed me inside." He held his head. "Alphonse. I know it's tough, but you aren't the only one who suffered because of the treachery. Think about Irina, about Conas about all the friends you've made. How they feel about it all." She laid his head in her lap and hummed quietly for a few moments. Stroking his hair softly. "You have to be strong. To help them, and yourself. You have to be the man I know you can be." She smiled.
The canine closed his eyes with a quiet sigh. "I know I have to be strong. I just, wish I had you guys here. Sometimes I just want to be with you guys." He mumbled. "It's selfish, but...You're my family. I never had a brother or a sister, you were all I had." The woman in blue chuckled quietly. "Darling you have more than just us, you have a pretty young woman at your side. You have friends and they are a family to you. A family you must cherish as well." The boy sat up and wiped off his cheeks. "You're right. I've been really shitty to my family."
"Language Alphonse." His mother spoke up. "Sorry geez...Even in my mind I'm getting scolded..." He snickered, his snickering turned into full blown laughter. He was laughing raucously, he couldn't help but have a big smile on his face. "Sweetheart, wake up. It's nearly morning." He slowed his laughter. "What?" The woman in blue gave him a smile and a peck on his cheek. "I have to go sweetheart." The woman began to fade into the scenery. "Wait, mom no!" He tried to grab her hand, taking what he could grab and tried to hold onto her tightly. When he shut his eyes tight holding onto her, he could hear the voices of them speaking through him. "Stand up proud son." The masculine voice echoed. "I know you can be strong Al." Irina's voice resonated. "Don't ever think you're alone my handsome boy. You always make your mother and father proud." The mature woman's voice chimed.
When Alphonse opened his eyes once again the soft rays of the sun beat down upon his face, slipping himself out of the covers he looked at his hands and walked over to the mirror. "Always." He smiled and made his way out of the bedroom and into the inn once again to greet the day.