Oueti Tale Of The Forged Part 1

Story by Arktida on SoFurry

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This is a revised version of my story I had uploaded earlier this week. Hope you enjoy!

I awake. I feel the blinding light in my eyes, "This stinks", I say.

When I feel the cold metal against my fur, I get a shivering thought, "Where am I?", I think frighteningly. When I start to sit up, I can finally start to see what's happening. I'm covered with wires and God knows what else.

My ears start to pick up noises. whispering, talking, and even a chair moving. Once I start to regain my strength, I slowly start to sit up.

_As I finally start to wake up and my mind begins to see a distant shadow. It's moving towards me...slowly. _

_ As this strange person starts to get closer, I notice that she is human. "Hello", this strange person says. "I'm glad you are awake, they have been waiting for your arrival here.", she explains. "You were in a very persistent vegetative state when the patrols found you.", she clarifies._

_"Patrols?", I say questioning this human. "Where did you find me?", I ask getting more tense. _

_"We found you unconscious on the Nowargi crater out side the barren colony Buno.", she says looking up from her clipboard. _

_"I shouldn't be here!", I say feeling a surge of anger. As I start to walk towards this human, whom I have never met, she pulls out a remote out of her lab coat and presses a red button. _

_ I hear the button click and then suddenly I feel my weak body surging with the unbearable burn of electricity. "Please stop, I beg of you", I say in agony, but she doesn't answer. Instead, I hear her walk out, leaving me in this room. _


Oueti Tale Of The Forged Part 2

_I feel the sweat coursing down my forehead. As I sit up, I hear a voice. "Hello.", this voice says. "You have been chosen Arktida.", it says in an almost mechanical, not lifelike sounding voice.. I start to feel tense. "Chosen for w-what?", I say...

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