Oueti Tale of the Forged Part 4

Back in the lab... _I couldn't beleive this. I refused to believe this. Taken from my own home?! They would pay for this, and I know just how to do it. I had a plan..._ **"So when will i be let go human?", trying to get on her nerves. ** **"Not for...

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Oueti Tale Of The Forged Part 3

_I hear a click and feel my shackles fall off. "Huh?", I say questioning the female in front of me. _ _"Feel free to move around", she says as she lets go of the button. "He has been noticing you", she says_ _"Who?", I ask. "Who has been noticing...

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Oueti Tale Of The Forged Part 2

_I feel the sweat coursing down my forehead. As I sit up, I hear a voice. "Hello.", this voice says. "You have been chosen Arktida.", it says in an almost mechanical, not lifelike sounding voice.. I start to feel tense. "Chosen for w-what?", I say...

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Oueti Tale Of The Forged Part 1

_I awake. I feel the blinding light in my eyes, "This stinks", I say._ _When I feel the cold metal against my fur, I get a shivering thought, "Where am I?", I think frighteningly. When I start to sit up, I can finally start to see what's happening....

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