Guardian Dragon

The water was half way up my scaly yellow chest and my dull red arms were folded behind my head which was resting on the green, grassy bank.

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The Holy Mountain of Vengeance

"i am not ishamantaru," answered coren in the firelight in the feature-dulling firelight, where he might have been but shadows, "he exists within the daylight he creates, and that creates him.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 58

She could feel her own heartbeat pushing against the bandages - a dull, pulsating heat. _did i... do it right?_ what was she doing, going to pieces like this? people needed her!

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The Machine

Opiates bind to receptors, dull my vision, my perception before the first of many cuts hits. momentary anguish, until a quick incision disconnects my brain from my body; abruptly turns it into a non-entity.

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Neopian Takeover

The pole-axe whistled through the air and bounced off the cobblestones with a dull clunk as sir kougra twisted out of the way. the dull hiss of steel filled the air as the other soldier drew his sword and attacked the slave himself.

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Moon Pony

She activated the control thrusters and gingerly began to steer her way down to the dull grey land below.

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"BLEU" Part Two

Everything was dull. i couldn't make up the colours. something wasn't right about my viewing height. there was something beside me that looks like a rough chord of grey rope.

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Point 89

Suddenly, the twin top machine guns started firing, the gunfire only a dull bangbangbang within the armoured shell. "get us out of here, now!!"


Ander - Part 2: Subchapter 28

dull, dull..." \* ... dull. sarah was sitting in the living room with no one for company save the crack in the floor, which she refused to look at. father said he would fix it, but she suspected he intended to do no such thing.

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Indomitable Book 1 Part 3: Warm Welcome-Thirteenth of Revival

The gray of the room being washed away in dull color. i walk out again into the pouring rain, my exposed fur immediately drinking all the water that comes into contact with it.

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The Draconian Story: Chapter 3

"not really, just making sure my playing wasn't dull." "you're getting dull enough."

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Cathedral - Kreet 70

Marge will pick something dull and boring." "pah! dull and boring is safe, girly. people don't complain about dull and boring." "i don't know anything about such things.

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