The Island Guardian 5 - Hot Heads and Cold Steel Hearts

Flipping into a full frontal roll, the brainwashed sister turned and skidded with claws screeching into the rocky floor as her helmet started to glow a fearsome electric blue.

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First Blood of War

"he brainwashed you, used you! the no good..." rex was suddenly cut off as the large sharptooth rammed into his side! rex screamed as he fall onto his back. he could feel the warm blood oozing from the gash he just recieved.

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The kadabra replied "no, it is all fuzzy, i think they brainwashed me or something. you said i was powerful, why? she was silent for a minute, then she said "your powers are directly linked to your mind and your cognitive abilities.

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Skinwalkers: Chapter Nine

"it's like you've brainwashed her," fey said in contempt. "she was just a dog until earlier today," zave shot back. "maybe you could try not being such a--" _"she was never a dog!"_fey cut him off vehemently.

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How to Act Like a Dragon (A Wings of Fire Fanfic) Chapter 5

At first, i told my mother everything, and she did drill some sense in my siblings and my stepfather, but as time goes by, my stepfather brainwashed my mother into joining his side. she started scolding me until today.

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The Deoxys Collective

Marco a fierce looking Garchomp passed through a forest looking for a Pokémon to fight, he had been without a fight for a good week now and he was getting antsy. The fighter had heard legends of a legendary warrior out in the forest; even though...

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The River of Latex Pokemon

Jordan yawned as he lounged by the river edge, his trio of Cyndaquill brothers playing together. As the trainer relaxed he scratched his head and sighed peacefully, "This has all gone perfectly to plan, nobody suspects a thing and I have a full trio of...

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A Frigid Digiday

Trish walked in the snow bundled up in her thick winter coat; she was carrying around a shopping bag in her left hand and a manga in her right. She was on her way back from a grocery store, as she was walking to the checkout line she noticed a Digimon...

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The Plushification Chamber

Rerim wagged his tail happily as he walked down the street, anthros happily walked the streets of Temerk City. The town was in the midst of a huge parade, giant floats with different icons driving through the streets. As the Corgi walked through the...

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The Deoxys Collective

The beach was quiet as a small form passed over it, a quilava hummed to himself as his paws dug into the shifting sand. Rusty blinked as wind picked up some sand and tossed it into his eyes, "Ouch!" He used his paw to wipe away the sand, as he sat...

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The Latex Infection Spreads

A Jolteon by the name of Niven dipped his head into the water to take a drink, the sun was setting and the day was turning cooler but the Jolteon was still hot. He lapped up the water happily as he heard the call of another Pokémon; he glanced up and...

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Hybrid: CH 3: Sloth

His time with the old mare had brainwashed him. he stood on his own feet and shakily took steps back towards the direction of the cabin, lilith could also feel the pull of sloth's song but was still capable of resisting it.

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