Thy Love Eternal
Conquer my loneliness left to harrow, taking my heart away from you; and convert it into love's blessed arrow, to strike me with passion anew.
Karelian Strength
Thus, she wandered with spirit anew, from stately mountains to the oceans blue; going the distance regardless the length, bless this girl of karelian strength.
Surreal the feelings of joy and wholeness were just a fabricated deceit to myself i could not stop myself from shedding tears after the sudden realization of something that felt true was merely a dream i had forgotten the dream and fallen asleep anew
A Pure Winter - medium poem
This day all souls, the old and the young, will refresh their alters, begin anew. all will burn candles, give offerings, to our beloved father satan. written by: fane star
A New State - medium poem
It's where i tried ending, where i found anew, love and life, hope and beauty. looking beyond the harm, the human, the dark, to see the nature, the beauty, the hope.
The Why of Werewolves
Useless things left behind, all things made anew once more. i tear asunder the curtains: it is morning once again. i revel in my wild dalliance-- man's best friend.
December's Hope
What was once savagely shackled by shades of gray and blue, now is held tightly by hope's arms, slowly letting these empty people feel anew. however as the month of december fades from existence, the clear glass acquires its first stain.
A Cold Night
When her breath run out she only gasped and started anew. her eyes watered, shut tightly as the youngster released her bitter screech. she would later find her palms bleeding, nails having bitten into the tender flesh.
Keep it Coming
But now all i want to do is escape and start anew. i don't know why i did it. i couldn't lie anymore to the people i loved. we had moved there about six months ago and it was at the time, the closest we've ever been as a family.
I've Lost Count of the Homes That I Have Lost
Tomorrow i'll begin the search anew. comb through the listings. my search widen, too. because what else is there for me to do?
Heart and Sorrow
A chance for me to truly start anew. if only i had a clear idea of just what my 'new beginning' would entail... until then, i just hope everyone can listen to my story, to truly feel my torment.
A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 4 - Reborn Anew -
#4 of a dragon slayer's heart chapter 4: reborn anew james slowly opened his eyes to see something large and green pacing around back and forth near him.