
Story by Dezmun Baer on SoFurry

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#5 of The Struggle

A dream of a man, a soul mate, a surreal dream.

What felt like forever happened in mere moments of comatose

The feel of his body against my own as we made our way in what seemed to be ethereal motions

His smile, his warmth, the beat of our harmonic hearts

His body of massive yet delicate proportions

The security he offered

The greatest moment that I can remember brings me to tears through the recollection of this miserable untruth

The moment of his struggle seen with another man though my eyes reflection

His eyes of worry but undeniable love

I could not see his entirety in the end

I woke with a deep sorrow knowing something I felt was surreal

The feelings of joy and wholeness were just a fabricated deceit to myself

I could not stop myself from shedding tears after the sudden realization of something that felt true was merely a dream

I had forgotten the dream and fallen asleep anew just to wake up yet again

To remember exactly what it was...what it wasn't...

I had a dream of someone that was truly happy with me and I with him

It was a dream... that such a thing was possible

That we are not all doomed to walk alone

It was a dream about him

It was just a dream.