Elite Force: Chapter 1

It is the one piece i was never happy with... the foundation that allows this story to survive in a modern literary tide. comments are greatly appreciated. they help me conform more to what readers want.

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D.E1 Part II Epilogue

"the ship is still in one piece, silver. and zonda with his crew are almost there." cobalt tried to find words of hope to ease her retcan sister's pain. "silver..." bo now spoke. "one of them made it out. we believe it was thanks to the other two.

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Luckily, we came at my door, in one piece. thought i didn't drink much, i gave out slightly, the sleep was going to be felt. so, i invited lucas to wash his face and to take painkillers.

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A Day Out

Worried about kitten and her part-times, and if they would mutiny against yote; thankfully it had not happened and her home was all in one piece when she returned. the collie returned, asking what they would like to eat and drink.

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The Right Thing

That wasn't part of his plan, he had to leave at least one piece of evidence, but it was too late. the thumping sounds of the door slowed down, like the chameleon tired himself down. although that wasn't the reason.

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Chaos Growth

Amy rose stood between the two of them, wearing a one-piece red lifeguard's swimsuit complete with whistle on a string necklace. "since when are you a lifeguard, amy?" sonic gave her a quizzical look.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 35

Falco folded his wing-arms, "which is why i should fly the ship that has the best chance of coming back in one piece." fox rolled his eyes, "we'll see, falco. for now, i have to finish my rounds."


Surprise Drive - Prologue

Will she manage to make it to the finish line in one piece, or will she crash and burn under the pressure? joy. pure joy. it was all he could feel at the moment. pure joy and pure bliss. it felt heavenly and made him smile.

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The Tale of Teàrlach Part 4

Since the entire thing was one piece, he made sure the rest of the tartan was still on his body, not wanting to overly expose himself to the healer or anyone else that would enter. then the painful part began.

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At the lake

The two pups were a bit confused but liked the idea, and they got undressed and undiapered to end in swim thick diapers and one piece swimsuit with pokemon characters all over them.

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