The Right Thing

Story by Varien Quill on SoFurry

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Just a small project I came up with, thinking that I need more experience with transformation stories and growth. Enjoy :)

  • He's over there! Right wing!

    • Don't let him escape! Block all the exits! Now!

The deafening alarms coming from the plethora of spinning sirens placed all over the walls reminded me of some science fiction movie, where a failed experiment escaped from the glassy prison. But in this reality, the lab assistant became the hunted, like a mouse which wanted to escape from torturing scientific research. Rather minuscule and pudgy beaver already had a shortened breath after not that long run, trying not to drop any of the flasks he carried along the way. All the corridors were red from the emergency lights, making him panic. Who designed this facility? A geek who watched too many horror movies or someone with a twisted sense of humor? Probably it could be both.

The beaver tried to open any of the rooms he passed, but all of them were locked by the security, apparently. Except one, the stockroom. He rushed himself inside and dropped all the flasks on the table, before locking himself in, not realizing in time that there were no other exits or even windows. Damn it. It was all over. He slumped completely defeated on the floor, thinking about punishment for what he's done. And the only thing he did, was seeing too much and instead reacting calmly like it wasn't a big deal, his anxiety kicked in, doing something he already regretted.

The facility wasn't just testing on feral rodents. They used people too, altering their DNA, making horrible fusions for the sake of... that's right, what exactly? Science? Power? He saw those poor individuals and couldn't believe how altered they were. Muscle growth, size alterations, gender swapping. Even creating chimeras. No one would believe him if he didn't have any proof. For obvious reasons, the higher ups and security couldn't allow any recording devices. But at least he could snatch some of the specifics he grabbed randomly and escaped. But his journey had to end right here.

The sudden banging on the door woke him up from his thoughts. He didn't see through the glass window that it was his best friend Charles, a chameleon whose protruded eyes tried to locate the other lab technician.

  • Barry? Barry, I know you're in there! Please, listen to me, they'll be there any moment. Please... just give up lad. The security panicked cause they think you're some kind of nut job or terrorist or... shit... I don't know! Just do nothing stupid, you hear me? Please!

The green and orange reptile banged on the glass with his fist, not caring about if he get deeply cut after breaking it. But Barry wasn't listening to him anymore. Every sound toned down, now muffled and like coming from the distance.

Beating of his heart and blood noise in his ears was almost deafening, while he stared blankly at the flask with multi-colored liquids. Would the administrator listen to him? Or just let the soldiers end him? Beaver was quite a geek himself who read one conspiracy theory too many and got scared. No, terrified. And there was only a one, single solution.

Now in complete incomprehension, Barry stood up and took first of the three vessels. Would it be enough? He didn't even realize how swiftly it was now near his lips, almost tasting the fluid inside. He tiled the flask, letting the mysterious scientific concoction pour through his dried throat. Beaver immediately placed now empty bottle and took another one, quickly emptying that as well. The third one just disappeared, like his perception of time just... alternated itself. That wasn't part of his plan, he had to leave at least one piece of evidence, but it was too late. The thumping sounds of the door slowed down, like the chameleon tired himself down. Although that wasn't the reason. All of the surroundings seemed to stagnate. But it wasn't the only thing that happened to him.

The signature front teeth slowly disappeared back into the jaw, before the new set replaced them, also growing many new one. Razor sharp, pearly white, able to tear and rip even the hardest piece of flesh. Maybe a metal as well. Also, the once rounded body slimmed itself and lengthened, like an invisible force stretched the beaver like a rubber toy or plasticine. The shoulders broaden, while muscles in his limbs rapidly expand. While Barry's clothing was bigger than other workers, it ripped itself apart, leaving only shreds of material on the floor.

Even the flat tail grew in size, thickening and thrice as long with few spikes on it. The bearlike head turned around, while the new appendage moved by itself, smashing and knocking down various other tables and cabinets. Bloody red eyes looked straight at the lizard who was still at the door. Seeing a gigantic new chimera, he could only mutter to himself.

  • Oh no...

Whole frame smashed the chameleon, knocking him back on the wall and leaving him unconscious. The eyes, once lively and moving in every possible direction, now fixated on the destroyed storage, blankly. The chimera didn't even give him a second of attention, Massive, naked and thick furred beast ran through the corridor, while his hearing got more sensitive than before. Sounds of alarm became much more annoying, but still he could hear dozens of different thumps of heavy boots coming his way.

Soldiers of the special unit came from both sides of the corridor, wearing black uniforms and sturdy armour. Pairs of soldiers kneeled down, giving the room for comrades to have a better line of sight as well. Clicking sounds of the rifles indicated that all were loaded and ready to shoot. But not fast enough. Before even one of the sleeping darts could reach the gigantic force on two legs, the chimera rushed forward like a battering ram, grabbing one of the nearby troopers by the neck and crushing him against the wall, before smashing him against the rest of the group. The others fell on the floor, shooting blind in panic, hitting the ravaging beast only once, which wasn't enough.

The other group watched how their friends and colleagues were smashed by the bizarre blend of bear, crocodile, wolf and beaver, making supreme effort to not miss any of the shots. Barry could hear any of the swishing sounds, cutting the air with force. He barely felt them, like those were mere needles, but he had to escape, kicking the fallen soldiers aside, before running again. The blood was rushing in his veins, while a powerful sleeping agent slowly worked its magic, making him weaker, almost sleepy like. Must... tell... everyone - those thoughts were haunting him in the last remaining part of his conscience. Everything was now blurry and darkening.

Barry didn't even try to fight personnel in hazmat suits carrying a giant hose, pumping a strange cloud of gas towards him.


Back in the hall that started it all, Barry noticed the place around him. But stopped thinking straight, the instincts took over. But while lying on the table, strapped down like a dangerous lunatic, he could only stare. The muzzle around his shart teethed maw made him unable to talk.

  • I'm so sorry Barry. It's the only way now. Why... Why didn't you listen to me?

The once honest and humble beaver, now horrific savage didn't answer the chameleon, even if he wanted. The scientists in hazmat suits transported him to the pristine white cell, like the other experiments.

And it finally went silent.