One and the Same - Journal Entry - Solis, July 28th, Year 1355

~ Solis, July 28th, Year 1355 of the Human Calendar Boredom.... As if it wasn't bad enough my scales make these summers months hotter, but now I am also dying from BOREDOM! Wouldn't that make an interesting entry in a Dragon Slayer's Guidebook:...

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My Furry Friends: Chapter 1

Chapter 1 It was the same dream as always, but then again it has been like this for the last few years. Every night I lived through the events of that day. I had medication that was supposed to help, but the headache that comes with it wasn't worth...

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Mari Blackpaw's Background Story (basic)

**The night had been long, and cold. The full moon rose and cut through the dark sky as it began to snow. Winter was kicking in harder and sooner this year than what the townsfolk had intended. Mari looked up to the sky and shivered a bit before she...

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Keeping Track of Story Universes

Hathia (Just Earth with some Additional Landmasses and Anthros that evolved alongside humans) \>I-77 (not on Hathia but in the same universe), takes place \>Spring Fever \>Duck Tail \>A New King (premodern) \>Pretty Kitty Missy \>Deer Story...


The Universal Tournament Part 2

The Universal Tournament: Part Two The ship bumped, shaking T-bone out of his daydream. After a week of tracking Bad-Rap across space, T-bone looked forward to returning home. With Bad-Rap confined in a holding cell on the ship,...

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A Place in the Universe final chapter

Chapter 7: Twist of Fate "Where are they going?" Alec yelled, even though Redgit was standing right next to him. Redgit looked at Alec just as confused. "I have no fucking clue." From behind they heard a car pull up; both turn to see a black...

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A Place in the Universe chapter 6

Chapter 6: End of the Old It was technically a beautiful day in the capitol, the sun was shinning, the temperature was quite warm, not a cloud in the sky. But for Kitt, Redgit and Jonas, the scene took on a different feel, the nervous, anxious...

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A Place in the Universe chapter 2

Chapter 2: Loss and Recovery "Kitt...Kitt..." an eerie voice pierced through the darkness. "You weren't there for me.... I needed you Kitt, why couldn't you protect me?" The words riddled through his mind and body like a searing hot iron rod,...

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Westfurd University| Chapter 4

**Day: 3 - Saturday (Dawn)** **\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** A drink to this girl, a drink to that guy and the night goes on ... Surprisingly the orders are all quite simple and don't...

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Westfurd University| Chapter 3

**Day: 2 - Friday** **\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** I am startled awake by the roaring alarm clock that's now echoing in my head. The sound seems to go on even after I turn it off. I...

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Westfurd University| Chapter 2

### Day: 1 - Thursday (Evening) ### **\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** The day went by quite quickly and I'm done with school for today. It's time to put plan B in practice. I take a quick...

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University Story - Chapter 7

_Sorry for the long wait, but I just finished my first year of University (woot), and I had a lot of packing to do and stuff. Plus, it was kind of a tough chapter to write. Enjoy anyway! -Tidus-_ Chapter 7 - Heads or...

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