Chapter 31: Old and New Friends. Learned, Data Manipulation!

His hand starts to glow and try to reach zero's unconcious body. when his claw almost reached to zero's body, its starts degenerating. when he goes deeper, his arm slowly degenerates more as if he just reaches into an unknown portal. 'that is spooky.'

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What Comes in your Dreams

As he swirled among his thoughts in an unconcious pool, a voice found its way to him. "whatever comes of you dreams, don't judge too harshly that which is reality. all you can hope to learn, is information long since forgotten by you and me.


D'sim Kalumee and the Xenomorph Hive Part 1.

It wasn't long before he was no longer able to hold it up, the alien hissing in his face as his arms slumped to the ground, d'sim falling unconcious.


Dragyn Saga part 3

Trembling paw carefully touching his damp limp wings, then moving up, she had to will herself to stop shaking, she couldn't find a heartbeat because of her own tremors, slowly carefully she pressed, there it was, faint and faltering, but batty was still alive, unconcious

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The End Isn't Always The End

When we got to her, apple jack was unconcious, pale, and barely breathing. blood was dripping from her nose, her mouth, and even her ears.

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Red Sun and Moon, Chapters 5 and Six

CHAPTER FIVE:    Naked Truth Revealed    _I lie in bed, eyes closed tight, head on Diem's chest. It's dawn, but that's okay.. dawn means they won't come. Months have passed since... those things... first...

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Sypher Island: God's Blade Chapter 3: Undertown

The boss passed zano and left the dark alley, followed closely by scar carrying his limp arm on one side and the unconcious eddy on the other.

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Part 3- The dish best served cold.

Shalako, unconcious of his actions, loadly howled into the night. it was a howl that seemed to come from everywere at once, and from multiple sources.

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My frozen soul saved with love : part one

It was a Saturday morning as Kaisif was lying in his bed like a robot that was switched off. Light begins to move through his bedroom shades and begins to shine upon his face. "Jeez stupid sunlight," I woke up in the middle of my bed and looked...

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Which before they can react he soon quickly bit into them on prime right arm in which felt it despite being unconcious. and jetfire left leg.

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A Mad, Mad, World - Chapter 1 Imprisonment

\*crosses fingers\* an unconcious wolf was being dragged by two very large muscular human jailers, grabbing the wolf arm in arm as they walked down the corridor to his

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I'm here for ya, got that?

Suddenly he couldnt feel the staff in his hands anymore and it dropped from him he saw the bear was coming in for an overhead blow but saw that it was to late for the bear to stop it and it came crashing down knocking him into unconciousness and into the hell

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