File #16

He had hoped that all the crew of the atlantis had survived through some miracle and that the warrior could take them back to starfleet. but at least they would have a heroes burial... he would make sure of it.

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Star's Tales 1: Rewrite

The authorities had finally managed to break up the riot, a mixture of the police and starfleet officers that were in the area. however they weren't able to break it up till there were several casualties.

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Episode 2A: No Sleep

"i got some word from starfleet, just a few minutes ago." harry yawned. "they will be sending two keldryian vessels. the problem is they won't get here for another three days." okan nodded. "and my attention is needed because?"

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Episode 1A: Introductions

My parents were both in starfleet and they disappeared on a mission, but it's been too long. i can't remember the details," terri said, her gaze turning downward as sadness crossed it and she slowly stroked the spoiled feline.

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Episode 17: Immunity Crisis Pt. 2

With it being in dry dock, and his reports to starfleet already completed, he didn't have much else to do but wait until the altarian fleet yards released his ship.

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Episode 5: Pieces

Do you know that starfleet is constantly keeping an eye on that little ship of yours to make improvements to the rest of the fleet?"

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Inside the mind 1st chapter

Comm. send a message to starfleet with what we know and ask what resources they can send. the people of amistad will want to know, and we will need the help."

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Episode 20: Resurgence

"this is just another day in starfleet," harry rasped. "you should try it sometime! it's rather the exciting life...way better than domestic terrorism."

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Episode 3: The Nebulous Imperitive

"have you heard anything from starfleet yet?" "i haven't exactly contacted them yet," fara replied. harry groaned audibly. "fara! we have a serious situation down here!

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Episode 11: Enemy Me

"that's before i sick starfleet on you!" the hiss of a hypo was heard and terri suddenly went slack, staring vacantly at a point behind everyone. "doctor!" harry gasped.

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Episode 1: Flight of the Raptor

I have been given command of this ship by starfleet headquarters effective as of my arrival on this station. my associate, mr. land," he motioned towards land, "will be our con officer.

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Episode 10A: A God's Gambit

Whatever the case, starfleet needed answers. o'mara had her own personal interest in the gyre nebula.

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