Henrietta Hardhoof Captain of the light attack cruiser Kohl was an unusual commodity, and sought out by star fleet. Equids as a general rule just aren't interested in commanding ships of the line. They dominate Logistics and make very good fighter...
Character Development, War, chacat
Counter Earth Chronicles - Dual Realities
**Chapter 17:** **Sometimes The People You Think You Know The Best Are Those You Don't Know At All**
March 24th YOE 35
8:22 AM Great Marsh (Chaundoon)
_A small medical team from World Seven is offering aid...
Adventure, Avian, Badger, Bears, Cheetah, Deer Feeder, Disappearances, Dragons, False Report, Gibbon, Gravity Loss, Hammercock, Humans, Kobold, Medical Aid, Medical Away Team, Miniseries, Mural, News broadcast, Ogre-Lion, Origins Story, Penguin, Pit Bull, Plant People, Plot Development, Red Panda, Rhino, Sabertooth tiger, Story Series, Thunderstorm, Trance, Trial, Werewolf, accident, brawl, chacat, communication, dhole, marsh, raid, rot, swearing