Passion of a Hustler -- Revised!!
Meet eden ballentine; a twenty-three-year-old hustler-husky enjoying his work and social life, and trying to forget the things that happened in the past.
Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 34 - Shades of the Past
" * * * "social class! we love it! we love social class!" ekmoris and flak were in a good mood. kyurex, who was silently following them couldn't really tell as to why - especially since social class was normally something they hated.
Chapter 1: The Project
Arthur often made fun of his limited knowledge in mathematics, physics and chemistry but it was in the social subjects as literature, english and social studies that his over average knowledge shined and brighten the atmosphere of the class.
Serval and Sheep (Chapter 11)
Her true intentions lie within the social boons of joining the group. hafsa enjoys chatting with the other girls.
The hack: Chapter 9 (Aron)
You have social anxiety and why would you have permission to go in that place?" kit asked. "because 1. i overcame my social anxiety bitch, 2. my mother works as a cyber security expert there and 3.
The Party (Willy Bear Beach Sorta Fan-Fic)
The following day, rox deciding that was enough social activity for one night decided to spend his off-day staying in.
An Unexpected New Beginning
Wolves are indeed social creatures, which is what i'm looking for. and it would be good to have company when my duties occupy me." the lord stated. the coyote practically drooled as he heard this. "very fine choice sir!
Black Sepia - chapter 9
Why does this form want my social security number? i'm not an american, i'm a bloody ang--demon, i don't have a social security number. none of the fallen could possibly have a social security number. this is pointless."
Serval and Sheep (Chapter 31)
Brian is adorable, sweet, and has an unnatural patience, but his ignorance towards social protocol (especially when it comes to interacting with carnivores) puts her in a tough spot, much to her annoyance.
The End: Chapter 2
His problem with social anxiety had improved so much by this point, but there were still so many social cues that he didn't seem to understand, and he also had a tendency to be very clingy.
An Early Morning Reflection
socially acceptable... now there was a thought to kill the smile on my muzzle and bury it under a taut grimace.
Lamp Chat
**Lamp Chat** By: DankeDonuts []( **_ELITE\_EFR33T_** has entered the conversation. **ELITE\_EFR33T:** Back. **ALASSIN:** Hey. **THEBLUECRUSADER:** WB ...