Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 34 - Shades of the Past

Story by The Grand Master on SoFurry

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#34 of Kyurex

Ah man, this was one of the most freaking hardest chapters to write! I wrote it like, 3 times from scratch? And then even rewrote whole paragraphs, man this was so annoying lol. MY guess is it might be a pain for some people to read - I don't know. What I can say is that one of the reasons that it was so freaking hard to write was because whatever I wrote here - is going to have a MAJOR influence later on in the story. It was that serious lol - so after imaging about 500 scenarios, considering this considering that - I finally decided how to plan it out.

Oh and about the ending, haha... w/e

This is from where I got the name btw - since the OST was really compatible with the story:

You can kind of call it Angels theme I guess ^^

Just - I can't spoil it guys but, "Don't forget" okay? Haha...

Kyurex didn't know where he was. His vision was blurred - his body felt light. He could hear a distant echo chirp in his ear - was it laughter? Or was it something else entirely? Was it a message?

The Umbreon tried to identity his body, which seemed to be okay. His yellow patterns were glowing in the gray mist around him.

Where was he?

He couldn't understand what was happening. His mind was a mess, and the only way to get away from it was to fall asleep - but it seemed like he couldn't. Something wasn't letting him.


That voice.


It was definitely her voice. Kyurex looked around, but only observed the grey color that engulfed the entire atmosphere around him.

The voice spoke again.

"Let me take you back Kyui, to make you remember."

Before he could even start to try and understand the meaning of her words, he was sucked into a bright light which appeared before him.

„So, you're finally back together? Congrats my man..." Blaze was totally exhausted. He didn't like moving around excessively, especially after eating so much an hour ago, but still considered joining Kyurex to do some jogging. He didn't understand why Kyurex liked training so much.

They both rested on their backs, panting in a rugged rhythm.

"Yeah...I guess you can call it that."

"My man is growing up! Damn..." Blaze then figured he should catch his breath before making any witty comments about Kyurexs new relationship.

Kyurex felt much better. Ever since he had cleared things up with Angel his burdened conscious was finally free. They were finally together.

There was only one thing bothering him - Angel admitted the fact that she had acted strange towards him, but she didn't say why.

Kyui...I'm sorry! You probably thought I'm playing with you right?? Even before this whole misunderstanding. Just...please don't think of it that way...I've been in conflict with myself and my future. It has nothing to do with you.

This was what bothered him. Well, at least she told him this much.

Now what the heck could that mean?

What was that about her future? He didn't know.

After regaining his strength he gave his body a swift twist and positioned himself on his paws. Blaze on the other hand, didn't not show any intention of getting up. The Houndoor lazily turned his head.


"-so hungry. I know. Let's go home."

"SOCIAL CLASS! WE LOVE IT! WE LOVE SOCIAL CLASS!" Ekmoris and Flak were in a good mood. Kyurex, who was silently following them couldn't really tell as to why - especially since Social Class was normally something they hated.

"Ek, what's good?" Flak asked Ekomiris with a wide grin.

"SOCIAL CLASS!" the latter shouted back.

"Ek, what am I going to do today!!??"

"SOCIAL CLA- wait...what?" he promptly faced Flak, who was keeping his head high whilst marching forward. Ekmoris seemed puzzled. "I haven't got a clue actually."

As soon as Kyurex witnessed Flak taking a deep breath, he knew that the latter was going to let them in on yet another childish scheme.

"Listen up - the boy himself, me, and only me, is going to ask Sruliana out. Today."

Now Kyurex was particularly interested. Ekmoris was also kind of astonished after hearing what Flak had said.

" told me Social Class was going to have something awesome prepared for us today? What the hell? Is that why you're so happy?" He felt kind of dumb admitting that he had yelled around without even knowing why. Flak turned around to face both of his friends whilst moving backwards.

"Didn't you guys listen last time?-" he said before turning and marching on ahead of them, as if to show his eagerness about the upcoming lesson.

Kyurex tried to remember at least something. He knew it was pointless though. "I was sleeping-"

"YEAH, YEAH I KNOW. Ehem...Listen closely." Flak tried to mask his displeasure. Obviously this whole affair meant a lot to him. "So, we had that parenting topic for the last few weeks, remember?-"

Ekmoris was also having trouble remembering at least something.

"You actually listened?-"

"SHUT UP!" Flak abruptly cut him off. Since his friends had no clue whatsoever, he decided to keep it blunt. "So. The key point here is the test. We have to do it in pairs."

"And?" Ekmoris lifted his eyebrow.

"DUH- The boy himself shall repeat the following rule for you ignorant fools: Pairs of two, a boy and a girl."

"What did you just say??!" Ekmoris couldn't help but be surprised. He was OK with girls, he was actually quite popular in class- but never before in his life did he have to prepare for a test together with one of them - alone.

"Seriously..." Kyurex sighed, shaking his head. Flak on the other hand was beaming with joy. He then stood still, turned around, and pointed towards the sky to perform a weird pose that probably symbolized his enthusiasm.

"You see what I'm getting at here? Haha, fools, this is my time to come out from the hiding an finally tell that girl how I feel! You following me bros?" He then realized that one of his friends had already started walking back from where they had come from. "Waaaaaaaait a moment. Where do you think you're going Kyu?"

"Tell the teacher I've got the flu. I'm out" Kyurex didn't even bother turning around. Flak was prepared though.

"Fine. Have it your way." He chuckled. His voice now sounded provocative. "I'll tell you in the evening with whom Angel got paired up with, okay?"

Kyurex instantly stood still, but didn't turn around. Ekmoris couldn't help but laugh.

"Flak used THE FEELS. It's super effective!"

"So...does everyone have a partner? If not, use the next fifteen minutes to find someone! If you don't have a partner by then, come to me."

The class instantly got rowdy. Some classmates already grouped with their partners. Kyurex was rather surprised that things were going this smoothly. Amidst the whole chaos that was going on around them, Flak was feeling rather nervous.

"Dude, come on. Don't be like that, you know what you have to do!" He nudged Kyurexs shoulder. His friend seemed to be doing fine though.

"Are you okay? Wait...are you shaking?" He asked, realizing that Flak seemed to be in a disorganized state.

"It's fine! Just need to find her-"

"Should I ask Sruliana for you?-"

"SHHHHH!!" Flak hissed back, looking around to make sure that nobody heard what had just been said. Fortunately for him, everyone seemed busy preparing themselves.

"Dude! Chill out, I've got this!" He reassured Kyurex. Kyurex wasn't so sure though. He looked around for Angel, deciding to get things done quickly. The thought of approaching her made him nervous too. Things seem to calm down after a while, and only about half of the class were still walking around in search for pairs. Even Ekmoris seemed to have found someone.

"Eh Kyurex?"

Kyurex and Flak both turned to the side to witness Revy looking at them. What surprised both of them was the fact that she was not alone. Sruliana stood next to her. Kyurex thought he heard someone next to him swallowing hard.

"Eh..hey. What's up?" he asked. Both girls seemed to be wanting to ask something, and all of them were surprised as Revy suddenly spoke up.

"Do you...want to pair up with me??"

Of course Kyurex had expected this. Why else would somebody that most likely had a crush on him walk up to him right now? The only question that remained was why Sruliana was there. Revy caught on.

"And..If...if its okay, maybe we could do it in a group? We could ask the teacher...I just thought-"

"Sorry." Kyurex interrupted her. He knew he had to stop this discussion before any misunderstandings could come up, even if it was kind of a merciless way to handle things. "I've already partnered up with someone else. Though I'm pretty sure that Flak here hasn't partnered up with anybody and would love to join you guys. Right Flak?" he looked at his friend, who was now in a state of stupor.

The girls were clearly a bit disappointed, but didn't say anything. The atmosphere was definitely awkward. Flak tried to say something, but only stuttered as a result. Kyurex used this opportunity to swiftly move away, walking towards the crowd but not before giving his friend and the two girls one last glance.

"Have fun guys!"

Before anyone could respond, he was already gone. His eyes jumped around, searching for the one girl he knew he had to find before something else came up. Kyurex noticed a small crowd of Eevees next to a nearby tree stump. There was Angel, surrounded by a bunch of boys who were all discussing something rather noisily.

"I asked her first dude..."

"I asked her back when we first got this assignment!"

"Who cares?! Angel, you said-"

"Guys...please, I already said I have someone else in mind..." Angel said, exhausted from all the fuss. She was starting to get annoyed but the guys wouldn't back down. This was their one in a lifetime chance, their excuse so to speak, to get to know her. The girl who was mysterious but also beautiful at the same time.

The boys weren't paying attention to her protests, and proceeded to try and decide who it was going to be that could ask Angel to partner up with him. The situation got a little heated.

"And?? You're not her boyfriend, are you?"

"Of course he's not. This girl is mine."

Kyurex entered the scene, appearing at Angel's side. The guys stopped arguing, and Kyurex only returned the furious glare they all gave him. After realizing who it was, Angel was hit by an overwhelming feeling of relief. She instantly rubbed her head against Kyurexs neck with passion, nearly knocking the latter of his paws.


Kyurex found it amusing and even forgot to keep up his glare. "Woah! Take it easy!"

After some childish and dull remarks the others seemed to disperse amidst the crowd.

"Say it again." Angel nudged him.


"What you just said..."

She gave him a careful look, puzzled as to if he had really forgotten what he had just said. Kyurex gave it a thought.

"Take it easy?"

"No! You know!" Angel raised her voice. Kyurex thought about it again, giving up after some seconds.


"Say it!"

"I'm confused now."

"The thing before that..." Angel looked away embarrassed, remembering what he had said. Kyurex now started to catch on.

"You mean...wait...this girl is mine?" He repeated the phrase, and Angel didn't hesitate to respond with some joyous motions.

"Yay! You just gained extra points on my Kyui-love-o-meter!" She nudged him again with renewed passion. Kyurex was amazed how fast her mood could change but then again, it was something that he was used to anyway. She wouldn't be Angel without this trait.

"" he figured that as long as she was happy, it didn't really matter. Angel then cleared her throat, and stood in front Kyurex whilst tilting her head to the side with a mischievous smile.

"So...did you want to ask me something Kyui?"

Kyurex looked into her eyes, trying to figure out what kind of mind games she was going to play with him next. Wasn't it obvious by now?

"Well, yeah? We're doing this test together, right?" He then silently cursed in his head after saying those words since he realized once again how much he didn't like Social Class, the exams included. "Even though I really don't want to study this crap to be honest..."

"Ask me if I want to do it with you." Angel said in a tone that didn't imply any kind of joke.

Kyurex jaw was half open. Was she for real? But that wasn't a question that needed answering, since this was Angel he was dealing with. Normally, he would avoid such situations with her by being ignorant but since their relationship, and the fact that he had to do this test with someone, this wasn't that easy to pull off. He was definitely not in the mood.

"You've got to be kidding me..."

"I'm not. Let's hear it."

"Stop using me." Kyurex was now really squinted her eyes at her in displeasure. He was annoyed, and Angel knew it. She turned around, frantically gesturing with her paw as if she was in pain.

"Oh! The Kyui-love-o-meter is losing points! What could this mean-?"

"DEAR misses oh-so-spoiled Angel! Would you please be my partner?" Kyurex interrupted her, gritting his teeth. "You see parenting is so interesting and important - and if I was to become one, a parent that is, I would definitely want you by my side. No one else. Blablabla nice words here nice words there." He was agitated - first he couldn't skip this class, and now Angel was making him say stuff that were embarrassing. He didn't realize that the whole class had already started to tone down the noise after the teacher announced the break to be over. "Please have my kids too, after getting married of course AND I'm absolutely sure I'm going to love them just as much as I love you right now! How's that? Inviting enough?"

Kyurex finally exhaled, looking up. To his surprise, Angel was red up to her ears and and was trying to tell him something by whispering. She seemed desperate. After calming down and listening to her more intently started to understand. Kyurex started to turn around.

"What? I swear to god if you say something about that meter or whatever I'm going to- uhh-"

A group of four Eevees gave them a perplexed gaze. Kyurex and Angel hadn't told anyone about their relationship, except for Blaze, Flak and Ekmoris who Kyurex figured would find out anyways. Their surprise was understandable. Kyurex searched his mind for a plausible excuse - but he knew it was futile since the spectators had already started to giggle amongst each other.

"I...I was practicing?"

It was nighttime. Angel and Kyurex were alone, back at the crystal falls, laying on their backs while admiring the stars in the clear sky. It had become their favorite place to hang around since it seemed to always be deserted. Angel was still nagging Kyurex about what had happened that morning.

"I hate you..." She spoke in a cold manner, even though she wasn't genuinely angry. Now everybody in class knew about her and Kyurex and it even made her kind of happy - since maybe now the boys would stop bugging her.

"Your fault though, really..." He shrugged it off, not really caring. He was more worried about having to do the assignment together with her, which wasn't going to be a peaceful affair - he could already tell.


"What? You started with the meters and what-not."

"You didn't have to shout though." Angel blushed once more, remembering his words - even more so after reciting the part with 'have your kids' in her head. How could he have said that with a straight face?

"Whatever." Kyurex retorted in his usual manner.

"Now they're all going to talk about it..."

"I honestly don't care." Kyurex rolled to the side, sighing whilst doing so. After giving it some thought, Angel understood that she couldn't even bring herself to be angry at him. She had definitely fallen for him even more - and she expressed those thoughts by giving Kyurex the brightest smile she was capable of.

"'re such a blockhead sometimes, you know that?"

"I guess I am." Kyurex heart was thumping - her smile was captivating.

The darkness around them would normally make them more aware of their surroundings but right now - they both didn't care. They enjoyed their free time together. Kyurex had found out that his mother had always known that he went out to play at night - since they had talked about it the past week. She wasn't angry though, to his surprise. The Espeon had explained to him that his father had been exactly the same and that since Kyurex was his son - it was only natural. Whatever that meant.

She also seem to be supportive of it as soon as she heard that Angel was his accomplice. This probably had to do with the fact that she thought that Angel was in need of some guidance whilst fooling around at night. He could at least understand the reasoning behind that. The only thing he had to promise was to let her know when he was back at home, so she could stop opening her eyes to check on him.

Kyurex laughed. He loved his mum. Angel noticed him grinning and promptly pounced to him.

"You won't leave me, will you?" Again her mood swiftly changed to a serious one. This time, Kyurex couldn't help but find her puppy-eyes amusing. Angel was now laying on top of him, with her paws on either side of his neck

"No, I won't. Man..." Kyurex stared directly at her. "You really are a girl, aren't you?"

Angel grinned.

"'d prefer a boy?"

"Very funny." Kyurex then remembered the weird situation they were in before they finally made up. "I've always wanted to ask you something, it's kind of embarrassing though..."

Angel gave him a puzzled expression. Kyurex sighed.

"Remember back then when you asked me out? We became friends after that, but then you started to like, avoid me more and more. You still haven't told me why."

Angels ears dropped down after some reminiscing - she knew what he meant. With a smile full of sorrow, she gently placed one of her paws on his chest.

"I was scared you would hurt me." She answered him honestly."I went through hell when you turned me down..."

"Really? Well, damn..." Kyurex averted his gaze, feeling somewhat guilty. So it WAS his fault, after all.

"I should be the one asking YOU why after all this time you suddenly wanted to go out with me." Angel turned the question against him, applying a demanding tone in her voice. Her face moved closer to his, and Kyurex couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. He gave it some thought - and didn't come to any kind of conclusion himself. He had already scolded himself for not going out with her back then.

A weak breeze made it was through the atmosphere - making Angel cuddle up to Kyurex even more. The grass was starting to itch its way through his fur but it was nothing he couldn't handle.

"Don't know...I didn't think about this stuff back then, man I probably still don't think about this stuff like everyone else does. It's just, we've been together since the beginning." He said. "You know, I can't explain it but - as long as you're happy, I feel fulfilled. "

He said whatever came to his mind. The words struck his girlfriend harder than intended though. Angel instantly buried her face into Kyurexs chest, hiding her expression as fast as she could. Kyurex thought he heard a sob.


Her eyes were wet, tears trickled onto Kyurexs fur. Angel brought her muzzle close to his ear.

"Kyui...don't say stuff like that...I'm already all yours..." she whispered. The words were too sweet - chillingly so. Kyurex just wanted this moment to last an eternity. Angel pressed her right paw against Kyurexs chest, cherishing the moment as much as he did.

It was that fulfilling emotion that would change their lives forever.

Kyurex felt something break inside him. He started feeling hot - fast, and his sight became blurry. Angel noticed the sudden change and didn't hesitate to put distance between them, breaking the embrace.


Kyurex heard his name as an echo. His surrounding became dark while a sharp pain started to continuously pound his skull from all sides. A black, red flame erupted from his paws, gradually engulfing his whole body. It all happened too fast for either of them to even start comprehending the situation they were in and why.

Kyurex twitched in pain - his eyes fixated themselves on Angel, giving her a glare that incited fear.

"Finally. I've found you."

It wasn't his voice. This wasn't him speaking. This deep, fear inducing voice was definitely not his.

Angel was scared. Just as she tried to retreat, a black arm burst from underneath her, holding her body in the air. It seemed surreal.


Kyurex panicked. He he was on the verge of losing his mind but even that didn't stop him from realizing what was happening. The hand around Angel began to apply pressure. She choked.


But he couldn't control it. Kyurex desperately tried to free himself from the monster that was using his body. His paws started to hurt, it was as if the black/redish fire was starting to burn his flesh from the inside. The last thing he would do right now? He was doing it right now. Why couldn't he stop himself? Why was this happening? Why him? Why Angel?

Nobody was even in the area to try and intefere. Kyurex wanted to rely on someones help though - he somehow knew that he wouldn't be able to stop this being on his own. He felt useless - felt fea, towards himself. Whatever was controlling his body was very powerful. He could feel energy surge in and out of his weak frame and somehow connect itself to the black mass, in form of a hand, that was strangling Angel before his eyes.

She smiled. Kyurex shouted hysterically to try and make everything stop, but it was only heard inside his own head. His mouth didn't even twitch. Angel was telling him something.

Maybe she knew what was going on? Maybe they could somehow stop this madness? Kyurex could barely hold on to his sanity - but he gave it his all to listen to her.

"Don't forget me Kyui..."

Those were the last words he heard coming out of her mouth. His conscious gave in, darkness ensued. He heard something fall onto the grass - without a sound.

Kyurex slowly opened his eyes after what felt like an eternity. He needed time to realize that the floor in front of his eyes belonged to his home. He felt warmth - warmth that made him wish he could continue his slumber. Convincing himself to find out why he felt so comfortable he turned his head, witnessing the face of his own mother.

She had curled herself around him, pressing her fur against his and provided him with her own body heat.


The Espeon responded by opening her eyes, as if she had awaited his call all this time. After seeing who it was she gasped, sighing in relief. Kyurex felt her embrace him even stronger. Tears started to swell up in the corner of her eyes.

"You're okay...thank god..." she said in a relieved voice, taking a deep breath. Kyurex was confused as to why she was crying, but it was definitely not easy to watch. As soon as he tried to move, he felt sharp pain shoot through the upper side of his body. He was injured, badly.

His mother continued cuddling him - as if trying to make sure that he was really there. Kyurex, feeling helpless, was about to start crying himself. It was painful to watch your own mother in such a state.

"Mum...mum what's wrong? Did I do something? Mum, I'm sorry!" He licked her face, trying to remove the tears. It was the least he could do.

The Espeon gradually calmed down, even laughing a little in response to her son tickling her face. They then both shared eye-contact.

"It's okay..." she said with a smile.

Kyurex felt like a few tons had been shifted off his shoulders. He felt much better.

"He seems to have recovered just fine. Just fine indeed."

A new figure appeared, pushing himself off the wall he had been leaning against all this time. Kyurex didn't recognize the stranger who revealed himself in the caves lighting coming from the outside sun. It was a Slowking.

The old man, or, somewhat old man - slowly approached the other two. Kyurex watched him cloesely, and then looked at his mum, who didn't seemed to be surprised. She knew who it was.

"Yes...thank goodness."

"Luriel, I have to talk to him shortly, I recon you know what about?" The old man scratched his chin. He seemed rather goofy and disorganized and Kyurex started to get the impression that he purposely acted that way.

To the Eevees surprise the old man put his hands behind his back and brought his face down to Kyurexs level. He was definitely a comedian - making some kind of chewing sound that made Kyurex a bit uncomfortable. He wanted to ask his mom who this guy was but, he figured it wasn't the right moment.

"Young lad, do you remember a girl..." The Slowking asked without holding back."Who went by the name...Angel?"

Kyurex tried to ignore the chewing and concentrated on the question. Angel?...Yeah, he probably mean his long time friend. When was the last time they saw each other? It was-


His mind went blank. He shook his head in disbelief but his mind kept going blank as soon as he tried to remember the last time he saw her. Was it at class? Yeah, they had that assignment to do..or did they? His mind kept looping.

"Of course I do!" Whatever the case, he knew who the Slowking meant."She...I..."

Kyurex seemed very confused. He looked downwards at the ground, trying to sort out his thoughts.

I' a relationship with her?

Images of her smiling started to flash in his head. Emotions he wasn't sure about kept leaping in and out of his chest. Something was weird. His mother became worried.

No wait...I'm trying to get her to be my girlfriend...I love her! Right?

The Slowking smiled, patting his head. Kyurexs mother started to worry again.

"It's as I thought. His mind got so scarred it's preventing him from remembering anything that even slightly has to do with the tragedy...holy moly this is a tough case.'s for the best."

Kyurex was still busy trying to collect his thoughts, he couldn't concentrate - and he knew something had tampered with his mind. Or maybe he had damaged it himself. The Slowking gave Kyurexs mother a worrying gaze before acknowledging her nod. They had to tell him something which wasn't going to be easy. The Espeon embraced her son as tightly as she possibly could, shedding a tear whilst doing so.

"What happened to her...I...I can't remember her leaving..."

The Slowking brought his face in front of the Eevee once more.

" You killed her, boy. You killed your best friend"