Chapter 1: The Project

Story by Elian93 on SoFurry

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#1 of The Struggle of Two

A story about how a so-called authoritative wolf falls in love with a polar fox, their struggle with school, friends and family members.

The school had already started about two months ago and the class had at that time experienced both really good and less good situations which ultimately made them closer to each other. Some of the good situations were pulled off by the open-minded and mediocre polar fox Arthur and foxes weren't exactly expected to be nice and that cheerful. Arthur often made fun of his limited knowledge in mathematics, physics and chemistry but it was in the social subjects as literature, English and social studies that his over average knowledge shined and brighten the atmosphere of the class.

Arthur's look was attractive for some girls: a bit muscular body, fluffy tail, greyish and bit of white color fur with matching clothes, pointy ears and one of the eyes is light brown and the other is grey.

Alfred was one of the classmates that could keep up with Arthur's social knowledge and at some point even surpass him but he didn't make a notice about it because he subconsciously was in love with Arthur. Of course it could be love at first sight but for the most parts the feelings for someone else develops through some time and common experiences. In some of the really good situations Alfred received his first unknown ignition for this uncommon fox but unfortunately Alfred is a wolf and wolves often and normally only communicated with their own species and therefore wolves were often known for being loner in many classes. Second thing about wolves is that they are quite authoritative, not quite the same as bossy as the difference is about respect and not least he's a polar wolf which is a bit worse than normal wolves.

Alfred had a fine muscular body and big paws which was inherited from his species and only nearly grey fur with some dark spots, an often hanging tail and he also had two different eye colors; the left was blue and the right was light greyish color.

Both lived outside of the city Merlin and not far from each other so when Alfred's ignition got bigger but still didn't notice his feeling for Arthur they received a project where it was mandatory two work as a pair. Arthur then asked Alfred if they could work together.

"Ehm... sure" nodded Alfred confused and added "but it has to be under my conditions"

"What do you mean with conditions?" asked Arthur a bit hurt and played with his ears.

"You know - ehm... my parents won't really allow a stranger to... communicate with me or them or any wolves for that matter... ehm because they're a bit conservative so... it could be beneficial if we worked together at your home" answered Alfred nervously "If it could be arranged so we were working together on limited time that would be great so..." he said finally while his ears were stiff.

"As long we make this project before the deadline then it is okay with me" said Arthur still a bit hurt.

"I-I'm sorry if this specie-thing is a pain for you..." exclaimed Alfred but before he could finish his sentence a little uproar of laughter occurred so Arthur at that exact point didn't pay attention and didn't saw that Alfred got confused and didn't know what to do with himself so he moved his ears and tail randomly.

"What's wrong with me?" thought Alfred "Even though I'm a loner it shouldn't affect my behavior"

"What did you say?" asked Arthur after he reluctantly let the uproar go.

"Ehm... nothing!" replied Alfred quickly while he waved both his hands to support what he claimed.

"Anyway, I'll see ya at my house then" Said Arthur and walked right beside Alfred and laid his left paw at Alfred's shoulder of sheer normal kindness.

That was unexpected for Alfred because he's usually left alone and untouched so he overreacted by taking few quick steps backwards.

"Easy, Alfred" smiled Arthur "I may be sneaky but I'm not dangerous"

Some of the classmates tittered.

Arthur tried not to show his emotions so he quickly walked out of the class for the lunch.

The day went on normally with a stroke of tension in their hearts for their first big project of the year. At some occasions when there were discussions in class Alfred could not resist looking briefly at Arthur when Arthur answered or discussed the asked question and felt a joy of listening to his words. One time Arthur looked back at Alfred - Alfred looked at another direction immediately and felt warmth come to his cheeks and thought "What's wrong with me" again.

So the time arrived where the two had to work together at Arthur's place on the same day. At first it was the usually friendly welcome, introduction and everyday talk until Arthur asked in Arthur's bedroom why it had to be under Alfred's conditions.

"So why is it that wolves, for the most time, only communicate with some of their own kind?" asked Arthur "I mean we other species talk to each other with no limitations"

"Well, if I have to be honest... I'm not sure myself" answered Alfred a bit thoughtful.

"You don't know?"

"Not exactly - we are pack animals and only work with our own species and stuff... hmmm... more specifically we are among the few of bigger predators that work like a flock if we are enough members"

"But what about lions?" asked Arthur curiously.

"Well lions are pack animals but... there aren't so many as there can be as in a wolf pack so... they don't really make a small community as the wolf pack does. And then the small community gets along with another community and turns into a smaller tribe... the smaller tribe gets along with either a small pack or small tribe and eventually... turns into a society of wolves which often is a closed society. But why it is closed I'm not sure"

"So which society do you belong?"


"Of course silly" said Arthur and smiled.

"Ehm... I belong to the Moon Paw-society"

"Okay, sounds pretty awesome" Arthur leaned against the wall, crossed his arms and began to chew on what he got informed.

"Ehm... it does have its downside" added Alfred quickly.

"Tell me"

"We also have society, tribes, and community whatsoever that we don't get along with. Some are in so bad terms... ehm... that they are enemies"

"Does your society have enemies?" Arthur walked toward the bed where Alfred sat.

"Yes we have" Before Arthur could ask more about it Alfred asked promptly "Ehm... could we start with the project?"

"Oh sure!" said Arthur a bit surprised and scratched his back head "Nearly forgot - my mistake"

"It's okay"

Actually Alfred wanted to talked more with Arthur but he couldn't let Arthur think that he doesn't have the authoritative part inside him. Through the remaining afternoon though he slowly became more indulgent for this cheerful polar fox and was given in to sometimes do what Arthur asked. They had a great start on their project but Arthur was going to find out that he spend too much time with a non-wolf in his parents' opinion.

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