A Mew Life - Anthro Mew TF
"Alright, I'm making good progress on the Christmas shopping!" Auro said to himself as he loaded a few bags worth of shopping into the back of his car, covering it up to ensure everything was hidden from sight. He always liked to ensure he got...
A Grim Job - Death (PIB) TF
Here's the first story that was voted for by my generous patreons :) it ended up being a tie, so i split it and went with one that i wanted to do whilst it was relavent :)just a silly little tf of myself into death from the last wish, with a little bit of
Silly Humans, Card Games are for Foxes-- Chapter 1 (Revised)
silly humans, card games are for foxes. -- chapter 1 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
A Disney Merry Christmas
#2 of silly stories a very silly story written many moons ago (2002 i think) that i've kept hidden away all these years. it was written 2 years before the special edition 2 disc dvd of alice in wonderland was released - so i totalled called it.
Picking a gift for AK
"Don't peek, it's a surprise." "I know, you told me. I'm just adjusting the blindfold." said the mink riding on the taur's back. "I knew I should have taken your eyes out back at the house. That would have made this much easier." Achaius said...
Dancing Magic - Quaquaval TF
"OK..." Mao asked, taking a look around him as he tried to figure out what he was doing in the middle of what appeared to be an abandoned theatre of sorts. "Why is it that you've brought me to this desolate place again, Shade?" "I thought I told...
A Tale of Two Tails
It may have been short and silly, but it's the thought that counts, right? lykanos is myself and prowler is him, so do not use these characters without the owner's permission.
The Chambury Poultrygeist
Well, truth be told, this whole thing was probably started by some silly american, so that's probably it." suddenly looking apologetic, the woman waved her hands. "sorry, i didn't mean it like that."
Mao's Feathery Isekai - Owlbear TF
She glared, causing mao to fall silent - her u-turn from being silly to being angry was whiplash-inducing.
A 'Legendary' Hero - Anthro Sirfetch'd TF
A little personal idea i did for myself the other month, and a small reminder that i can do clean stories too when i want to or i'm asked xd just a silly little tf of myself into an anthro sirfetch'd via an encounter with shade, with some humor mixed in.shade
Hot Air Balloon Act 2
I told you this was silly. if that sounds like a fun time, go at it.
A Shocking Surprise - Ben300 Raichu TF
"OK, you're sure you've got everything set up for this?" Syren asked Shade, glancing over at the raven as she put the finishing touches on a portal spell she was preparing."Kinda seems weird that you still need to do this elaborate setup for a portal,...