Helena Selenveen [Character Information]

Sometimes she has an ancient looking staff with her and is rarely without it when venturing outside of her forest.

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The friends that I made through dragons (poem)

And in this human-ruled world it's awfully rare for dragons to fly among clouds in safety and awfully rare i meet my dragon and human friends, that those few times when it happens i sink them in hugs and gifts.


Some general info you should know if you're reading my stories.

They are accepted by most, though interbreeding is extremely rare and tabooed in most cultures.

Dodekatheon Pantheon

Her paramours rarely get off so easily. when she vanishes suddenly, her former victims are usually left penniless and suicidal.

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A simple story I ( 14 /22 )

- be careful, it is so rare to see you on the field ! » greeting his friend, jimmy took the elevator and went to the ground floor. arrived by car, he left most often it in the basement, he spent only rarely by the main gate of the police station.

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Do Not Cut Corners in Bulking

Blaze was feeling all the energy come to him as he ate the rare candies.

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Courageous Efforts and Just Rewards

For some reason, she'd never bothered to ask frank about him, and it was incredibly rare that they had an interaction beyond 'thanks for the drink,' and 'you're welcome.'

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Dream Factory Episode Three: Friendship is Blue

The rarity of xogs were colored by the rings on the outside of the xog, white being common, green common rare, blue uncommon, purple rare, orange super rare, and then black and gold for secret rare.

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character bios and an afterthought of haven

He gets more or less left alone, he occasionaly gets the curious fur or supernatural in the back, who asks a favor of him, he grants the favor, and sometimes, in return, he asks a favor of them, be it something simple like to be lef in peace, or, on the rare

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My Three Jewels: The Finding

The white dragons were forced into hiding and were considered extremely rare due to their low numbers.

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Pathogenics. Chapter One: Patient Zero

Even his stance seemed more relaxed, walking around in bare feet, a now-rare trait for a wolf. he started to motion over to this monitor that was hanging on a column. under it was a black cube.

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