Pathogenics. Chapter One: Patient Zero

Story by UmbreonStudio1 on SoFurry

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This is Chapter One of my science fiction novel called Pathogenics. Taking place in Singapore, this book combines known science with emotional theories. Two very different ways of knowing that are now coming together.

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CH. 1 is finally here!!! I will post the first three chapters of the book here on SoFurr. If you want to see more, subscribe to my mailing list for free updates. Click [here|] to subscribe for free. Show much love towards Pathogenics.


Chapter 1: Patient Zero

I've always been told that books are the keys to unlocking knowledge. There were rumors about their being an Emperor's Library. The shelves were said to go all the way up to the ceiling. The air was very warm and cozy. There was even a psychic computer that knew what you wanted, or so I've heard. I walked in and was immediately greeted by the Librarian.

"What book are you in the market for today?" said the Librarian. He was very inviting towards me, who was a complete stranger. In spite of living in a non-judging country like Singapore, my kind are still looked down upon. I'm the only surviving member of the indigenous population.

From my rare lavender fur and white bengal stripes, to my mute lifestyle and oddly shaped bat wings

Despite these things, I was very successful in school. Though I never told anyone about my history or family. I ended up graduating as the Salutatorian, but you couldn't tell by looking.

"Sir?" said the Librarian. I didn't know how to respond as his manner was unexpected, and I gave him a look of confusion to match." Is this your first time in the Emperor's Library?" inquired the Librarian. I nodded in agreement. "Well, we aren't your average library here in Singapore." he said with a little excitement.

" Why don't I show you" he said as he grinned.

As he walked around the counter, I got a better look at him. His base of fur was as blue as the ocean. He wore a plain black polo shirt with jeans. He was also a rare species of wolf that looked like walking on his bare feet was natural.He was nothing like your run-of-the-mill librarian, dusting off their suit as they gave you a disapproving stare from behind a pair of reading glasses. He opted for a more casual wardrobe, taking on a white polo shirt, a pair of jeans and abandoning the glasses altogether. Even his stance seemed more relaxed, walking around in bare feet, a now-rare trait for a wolf. He started to motion over to this monitor that was hanging on a column. Under it was a black cube.

" This computer will help you in your search for the right book. Even if you yourself don't know" he explained. I stared in awe at this amazing computer.

"It's programmed to choose for each species." he elaborated. Would it be able to recognize me as the only native?

" Go ahead, place your wing around the cube." he said getting more excited. I did just as he said and started to hover my right wing over the cube. Just as I did that, the cube started to glow a bright white. The computer also started to speak. "Young Bat, I know what your heart desires most. Follow the path of light that will give you much power." As soon as the computer finished its message, a bright light beamed from the cube. This is what it meant to "follow the path of light". " Oh man, it's all the way at the top floor. Guess we have to take the stairs." he groaned. He seemed to have burned out all that energy getting fired up about the computer's analysis. While the librarian was walking towards the stairs, I stood in his way and put my arm on my chest.

" You want to fly me up there?" I nodded and then grinned in excitement. I normally don't talk to others, but I felt like I could trust him.

" Ok, since you're a bat it won't be as much of a scare for me." he said. Smirking a little, I got ready to start flying. Lucky for him, I'm not exactly an "average bat He raised his arms in the air preparing for my feet to grab them.

" We'll go on the count of three" he said.

"One...Two...Three!" he shouted.

As soon as he said three, I began my flight and grabbed his paws. " Whoa! This is too fast!" he shouted. "But I couldn't hear him, the rushing of air through my ears, my wings, hell, my whole body, was too loud. I felt free, like there wasn't four walls and ceiling trapping me down. But, over as soon as it began, the trail of light ended, and I had to land. "Don't ever do that again!" he said looking out of breath. I felt sorry for him but I couldn't help but laugh. "Ahem, I think I can see the books that you were looking for is calling to you." said the Librarian. Cocking my head, I eyed the most heavyset book I had ever seen. "Amazing, a World History Encyclopedia." he exclaimed. "It has the history of every country in the world since its inception." He pondered the book for a moment. "But why this; why not a book about the way to success?" He fell silent for a moment, before waving his hand in dismissal."

"My guess would be to learn from the mistakes of the species and leaders before us." An interesting way to teach someone about notoriety and prestige. I took the book off of it's shelf and held it firmly.

"Hold on sir, there seems to be another book for you." he said. Two books? I thought this encyclopedia was all I needed. "It seems to be a book about...An Avian's Guide to Martial Arts and it's Techniques Who in their right mind teach a bat to do any type of fighting, it seems unthinkable!

"This might be good to make a name for yourself." he explained gladly. This Librarian was once again surprisingly kind. "By the way sir, what is your name?" he inquired. I was completely thrown off, no one has asked me that since graduation. I can barely remember it.

"Is there a problem sir?" he said concerned. I shook my head and pulled out a black book I always kept in my pocket. I keep it in case someone asks my name. It was always in the middle of the book so I couldn't forget. "Matthew? What a great name!" he exclaimed. My last name I knew by heart. But I couldn't tell you why even if you asked

"Bindwing" I said softly.

"Matthew Bindwing. Its very nice to know your name finally" he said gladly. The Librarian handed me a card with his name, address, and phone number. "How about you come and visit me sometime!" he said. "Until then, take care of those books!" I waved goodbye to him and flew out of the open ceiling. I was very fortunate to meet that Librarian: Alexander Aibolas.

I'll have to visit Alex tomorrow.