The Brawl

I let my paranoia check for the gun again, and waited. nothing happened for a while. peter, james and i had just sat there in a tense atmosphere, knowing dane, jack, and sean were watching our every move.

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Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace

This was one of the first lessons taught to the persian kings of old; a time when paranoia and distrust was the norm, "preemptive strikes" was as socially acceptable as holding open a door for someone, and kings and queens and crown princes and princesses


Towers of Seshin: The Twelve

He sadly fell into a state of corruption from paranoia, and therefore split himself away from his fellow gods. only mortals with darkened hearts seek zygar, and he grins madly as he adds them to his rapidly growing army of darkness.

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The Big Sister Part Seven: Genesis of A Monster.

paranoia? grief felt his mind change, thoughts rushed into his mind so much he couldn't concentrate. was this what she felt? this paranoia and this fear? adriana, on the other hand felt quite the opposite.

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Rainy Day

It gave her chills, and taken in a fit of paranoia, shut it off. expecting relief, somehow she felt worse, disappointment welling up inside her.

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For What It's Worth

"this is an age of paranoia for our country- we're all always running around afraid of what someone else will do. a country that's run by fear will make regrettable decisions every time and its citizens, you and i, we have to watch what we do.

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Nuzzles Background

I thought like this for a long while, trapped in what seemed like an endless loop of pain, depression and paranoia. all of that changed when a husky came into my life.

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Nuzzles Background

I thought like this for a long while, trapped in what seemed like an endless loop of pain, depression and paranoia. all of that changed when a husky came into my life.

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Trust and Fools

He walks off, to get some distance between him and his clan so he could drink without all the chatter and paranoia. he lip the water touch his mouth and nose, its coolness made him relax. "why not stay with your friends?"

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Colour Me In

He hated his fears, his paranoia, and most of all, he hated her. still, he had to greet her, much to his chagrin. with a smile on his, our raptor greeted the female. her eyes, green. her smile, white. her boobs... well... were boobs.

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Memories | Chapter I

It was also a little chilly to me, or maybe it was just me and my paranoia. actually, come to think of it, i don't think was paranoid at all, maybe a little weird, sure, for waking up so early, but not paranoid.

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Interlude 12

Yet, pandora's dedication chipped away at that paranoia. the boy was soon convinced by her reasoning as with food came also books, teachings, an attempt to purge the chaos deep within and... it worked.
