Chaos Pokémon Chapter 2:Poke-what?

Just as sonic was about to attack him, eggman revealed that he had three of our good friends amy, cream, and chow held hostage and if that wasn't bad enough he was using the chaos emeralds as its power source! misty-how horrible, what did you do?

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The Human War- Description

Bh has declared war putting the lives of the almost extinct humans and the hostages they captured at risk.

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Invasion of the 4th Dimension (Part 3)

"i can help you setting the hostage free. but you have to trust me. there's no other chance." "she lies!" lira interfered angrily. "she only wants to save her neck!" grenko shakes his head. "no, i don't think so.

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 15: The Trees Left Standing

Wait, no, who the fuck held an _old lady_ as a hostage? that was just sick. a man or a woman, okay, but an _old lady?_ and the police weren't helping anyone at all. they only yelled, "drop the knife!"

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The Lead Crown: Ch 7b, Fallen Idols (Pt 4)

"wyra is threatening a war... they're... holding prince malcom hostage." friar arlowe stepped up into the conversation. "hostage? how can this be?" dr. brownell shook her head.

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Calin Regainig the Edge Chapter Three

You will evacuate my ship or i will kill my hostages. you will pull out of missile range and make no effort to interfere as the ship departs the system. after we are at translation we will release our hostages in emergency evac bags."

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Okamik vol1, Chapter 1-3

Adam saw the exchange of words, not knowing what's going on, holding the blade inches from his hostages throat. he had never killed anyone or anything in his entire life, and wasn't looking forward to starting any time soon.

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The Axe Cuts Both Ways - Chapter 10

To emphasize the point he shifted his grip to the hostage's neck, causing her to cry out in pain. despite the threat, the leopard held his ground. "drop your weapon and let the hostage go," the officer ordered.

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Prince of G nation: Chapter 4; Recapture

Mervin is one of the hostages." marcel was now the one to be stunned. "that troublemaker. one day in the country and he is already acting like his father.

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The Human War- Chapter Eleven

"no, hostages don't get meals while they're being cubnapped." leonidas replied as he started to rub his temples. "sure no meals for hostages but what about for us?" leggo asked. "he means we're the hostages you fool."

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Koto (chapter 6: This Just In)

It appears the criminals are herding citizens into various buildings and holding them hostage. folks this is the first time i've ever heard of anything like this. it seems as if the entire city is captive." the news lady began to speak again.

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The Rise of Serpens: Aftermath

He was being held hostage by snakes! "please no." serpens thought. this was not going well. the snakes in the house were holding the man hostage. while his magic was strong, there was no telling what raw instinct my drive these serpents to do.
