The Lead Crown: Ch 7b, Fallen Idols (Pt 4)

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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#78 of The Lead Crown

Welcome to the fourth post for Group B in Chapter 7... and it's going to include some interesting reveals!

We get to look at the goings-on in this chapter from Cruffington's point of view... and the interesting reveal at the end is all him!

Looking in on the segue into the final post for this chapter coming up, it's time for Contributing Readers to make an important vote. What now?:

a) Tell the Doctor that the group is leaving right now, with or without her. (25%* chance of being too late to help the Sisters).

b) Delay the departure for a few hours so she can tend to any emergency treatment then let her know that the party can't wait any longer (35%* chance of being too late to help the Sisters).

c) Give her the day to deal with Inigo and then head out in the morning. (50%* chance of being too late to help the Sisters).

d) (offered by request from readers!) Leave Dr Brownell alone and defenseless at her clinic with Inigo while everyone departs immediately, taking Malcom's message with them so she doesn't have to. (10%* chance of being too late to help the Sisters).

Votes are due by midnight on Thurs, March 5th.

Since all votes were in before March 4th, the chance of helping the sisters increases by 5%! Option B was chosen, so that means there is only a 30% chance (so far) of being too late.

As always, please feel free to leave comments, thoughts, and questions!

*: these percentages can be further modified based on choices in upcoming posts as well.

Tranquil Waters: The Lead Crown Ch 7.4, Fallen Idols

The day passed quickly but, for Cruff, it was a mixed bag. He was eager to get moving again; sitting in one place made his mind wander and with the things that had been building in his brain that wasn't a wholly pleasant prospect. On the other paw, however, he realized that his body still wasn't in the best condition. Regardless, he was relieved when the morning came when everyone awoke early to finish their preparations; Aodhan planned on leading them out of Vallara just after the sun rose.

With a small oil lamp as his only light source, Cruff gathered what meager belongings had bothered unpacking in the first place. He could feel the tightness in his muscles and the faint ache that identified having been bedridden for too long, but he also recognized the much more present twinge and sting that clearly reminded him that he still had a ways to go until he could call himself 'fully healed'. Friar Arlowe, who shared his room was quick to pick up on that. "What hurts?"

Cruff shook his head, using the action so he wouldn't have to look his father in the eyes when he offered up the half-lie. "Nothing HURTS... it's just a little sore."

The Monk was obviously not clueless but the older Raccoon Dog's sigh gave Cruff the impression that his father was willing to overlook the issue. Instead, Friar Arlowe carefully made Cruff's bed and replaced the throw pillows on the armchair he himself used for sleeping. Once that was done he motioned to the door. "I am going to the kitchen to prepare something for everyone."

The younger Raccoon Dog smirked. "So that trip to the market you did yesterday was more than just thanks to Dr. Brownell for letting us stay here?"

Friar Arlowe glanced back, ears up in response. "It was only polite to re-provision her stores after staying here for so long. I brought back more than enough so there is nothing wrong with--"

Cruff held up a paw to silence his father. "I know, Dad... I'm kidding."

The Monk opened his muzzle to respond but, just then the sound of the front door opening caught both their attention. More so was Dr. Brownell's accompanying shout. "Aodhan? Friar Arlowe? Sir Umberto? Are you still here?"

The young scholar shared a glance with his father before commenting. "What's she doing back? They should practically be half way to Soyria by now."

Cruff followed the older Raccoon Dog out into the main room where other members of the party were gathering. The first thing the young scholar noticed was that the Prince wasn't with her, nor was Brother Rhys... nor, he noticed with some disappointment, Among-the-Reeds. Berro, Prince Malcom's pet wolf, however, was. The big beast trotted past everyone and plopped down next to the fire in his usual spot.

Aodhan was already questioning the Doctor. "Is all not well, Dr. Brownell? where is everyone else?"

The Mouse's response chilled Cruff to the bone. "Wyra is threatening a war... they're... holding Prince Malcom hostage."

Friar Arlowe stepped up into the conversation. "Hostage? How can this be?"

Dr. Brownell shook her head. "They called it a 'diplomatic representative', but what they meant was clear enough. It was some Wyranese Duke. Prince Malcom sent me out with Berro as a show of good faith-- we need to move quickly; I rode him the whole way back."

Sister Aurelie glanced between her and the Wolf; Cruff did the same, and only then did he realize that the enormous beast had something almost resembling a riding harness on, nearly invisible amidst his generous fur. Granted, Dr. Brownell was a relatively slight woman and Berro was a monster of a wolf, but it seemed nearly impossible that he would act as a steed. The scholar had to admit that he wasn't sure what impressed him more, that she would ride a wolf or that he would ascent to be a mount.

The discussion between the Doctor and the rest of the party was still going full speed. It was Friar Arlowe's calming questions that helped provide it direction. "What is the plan, and how can we help?"

The Mouse collapsed into one of the armchairs in the living room. "I need to join you on your trip back to Newport. Malcom needs aid."

Aodhan flicked an ear. "We can send word to the Tribes. The Free People would be willing to help Wild-Wolf without a second thought."

Dr. Brownell shook her head. "No. The Prince made it very clear that he doesn't want them involved... The Wyranese are soldiers and their leader seems more than willing to let them slaughter anyone who gets in his way. Prince Malcom says that I need to get a message to the Princess."

Cruff didn't miss the way Sir Umberto and Brody exchanged a glance; the two hadn't explained much about their meeting with the Doberman's brother except to say that the Princess was in danger herself. The young Raccoon Dog took the opportunity to add his two cents. "The Princess might be busy dealing with her own problems."

The Wolverine's gaze shot over to him and he watched as the Templar gave him a faint 'thank you' nod. Once the subject was brought up, Sir Umberto seemed to have little trouble addressing just that. "We need to meet with the Princess to warn her that there may be an attempt on her life."

If the Mouse hadn't already seemed to be on the edge of panic then that additional information very nearly turned her frantic. "What? When? Oh merciful God in Heaven... no... it's... it's the Mechanists, isn't it?"

As one, every last person occupying the room turned to stare at her; Sir Umberto and Brody appeared particularly intent. It was Aodhan who took over in the questioning. "We met a man who spoke about them-- the Mechanists. What do YOU know?"

The Mouse stood stiffly and moved over to a small ceramic jar that had been set on the fireplace mantle. Berro's tail beat out a double-tap softly on the floor when she drew close, causing her to use additional care in avoiding stepping on it. She took the lid off of the jar and pulled out a golden ring crowned with what looked like a small gear. She stroked the cog gently, looking down at it as she did so.

The Tribal Wolf flicked an ear. "What does that mean?"

Dr. Brownell looked up, moving to stand by Aodhan before offering up the ring to him. "This is a Mechanist signet ring."

He accepted it and looked down at the ring before looking at her. "Just like the one Sandoval got off of the one man... are you a Mechanist, Doctor?"

She shook her head. "No... my father was... a long time ago... before the accident."

Tobias stepped up beside her, speaking for the first time since the Doctor returned, "Accident?"

The Mouse nodded, accepting the ring back from Aodhan. Stroking it gently, she spoke scarcely above a whisper. "To keep a machine running sometimes cogs must be replaced."

Again, Brody and Sir Umberto shared a glance, but Cruff was more interested in what she'd just said. "So... you mean the people your father worked with killed him?"

The Doctor moved back to the jar and returned the ring to its place. "I have no proof, of course, and, since the Mechanists don't official exist, a single young woman doesn't exactly have much credibility... so it was 'a tragic accident'."

Tobias shivered at that. "What kind of organization so callously discards its members?"

No answer came from anyone at that moment since the converstation was disrupted by a very vigorous knock at the front door, followed by a shout. "Doctor Brownell? We have a patient in need of care!"

The Mouse wiped at her damp cheeks and excused herself, moving past everyone as she went to tend to the door. The group was left in the living room, brooding quietly. Aodhan was the first to speak up. "If this is true... if the Princess' life is in danger and if the Prince needs her aid then we must help them both."

Sister Aurelie nodded. "Yes... after the Sisters."

Any argument was stalled when Dr. Brownell returned, leading two militia men carrying an unconscious man between them on a blanket serving as a stretcher. The man on the left, a particularly dingy-looking Jackal continued talking to the Doctor. "Tried ta care fer him at the barracks, Doc but we ain't got the skill. The Fox here... he needs some help."

Cruff froze in place as he looked down at the injured man. "That's not a Fox."

Several eyes fixed on him but the Jackal voiced his opinion regardless. "Course he's a Fox... what else'd he be?"

The scholar blinked, remembering the cause for the only real argument he and Vic had ever had. "His name's Inigo... he's a Bat."