Koto (chapter 6: This Just In)
#6 of Koto
When a bad luck ridden jolteon named Koto finally finds a semi normal life, he is thrust back into danger. He and his new companions will have to stop an army. Both to save themselves, and the entire Hoenn region.
Welcome to chapter six! I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter, but I hope you like it. Please Enjoy.
Chapter 6: This Just In
Matthias once again sat in his chair in the main room of Epsilon HQ. He could barely think straight, what with the hustle and bustle of various team members going about their daily business. However, at the very moment Matthias didn't feel the need to think. He was almost giddy with excitement for what was to come. "Gunther, report," Matthias spoke into the communicator clipped to his coat.
"Sir, all teams in position," The general responded.
Matthias switched the communicator to a different frequency and spoke again. "Kuzu, report."
"All E.R.T.I.S operations seem to be functional. Multiple calculations and test simulations have shown the modified energy output to be adequate based on the previous trial. While there may still be unaccounted variables I do believe our chance of success this time around is significantly higher." Kuzu explained.
Matthias didn't catch most of what Kuzu said, but all he needed to hear was his last statement. Matthias grinned, and let out a chuckle. "Good, prepare the E.R.T.I.S for transport immediately after its next test, no matter the outcome." Matthias switched back to the previous radio frequency, "Gunther, commence operation in two hours, and make damn sure you cover all exits."
"Yes sir," replied Gunther.
Ah, marvelous, everything is according to plan, Matthias thought drowning out the noise around him. Well, all except for that mischievous jolteon who dropped off the face of the Earth. No matter, so long as everything goes well within the next hour, the takeover will be certain.
Brant the breloom stood over Koto's unconscious body. What a reckless jolteon. Brant had applied some medicinal ointments to the gash above his shoulder. This thing will never heal if he keeps treating his body this way.
"Do you think he'll be alright?" Kara asked the doctor.
"Well, he had already lost a lot of blood before. It certainly didn't help when he decided to run around and lose more, but I think he'll be fine."
Kara let out a sigh of relief. It seemed she was the only one that really cared for his well being. Everyone else just kind of stared at him with uncertainty. It was as if they themselves didn't even know what they were thinking, and after what Zack told them, she wasn't really sure herself. Of course Brant cared for the jolteon's life. Koto was his patient and Brant took too much pride in his patchwork not to care for someone in need.
"What he needs is rest." Brant continued. "Or at least to stay out of any fights. He may be strong, but that doesn't amount to anything if he doesn't have any blood in him."
No one responded. Zack stood up and walked away. Nick followed him, as did Sam. Caroline turned to look at her daughter. "Kara," She began to tear up, "are you really going to leave me?"
"Mom, I love you and all, but I'm gonna get to travel all over Hoenn," She excitedly. "This is something I want to do."
"Oh I'm so proud of my little girl," Caroline cried giving Kara a hug.
"Agh! Mom you're squishing me," Kara exclaimed.
Caroline let go and wiped her eyes, "Sorry."
"I'm gonna get really strong, and I'll come back and visit sometimes," Kara said consoling her mother.
"Oooh, my little girl's growing up. I can't wait to see what an excellent leafeon you turn out to be," she said getting hysterical. Then her tone became a more serious one. "What about him," she asked motioning her head towards Koto's.
"Well, I guess he's Zack's pokémon now to," she said pondering whether or not he would agree. "So i guess he'll be traveling with us."
"I don't like the idea of that." Caroline said quickly. "You went off with him for one day and almost got killed," she explained in a harsh tone. "I'd rather drop him off in the middle of nowhere and let him figure out what to do with his life, and don't forget those people may still be after him."
"Mom, it wouldn't be an adventure if I knew what was going to happen." Kara said rolling her eyes.
"Please just be safe," Caroline replied. "I love you."
"I love you to mom."
Kara glanced at Koto, and then walked off in the direction that Zack went. She found Zack and the team over by the river. Zack was washing his jacket and Sam and Nick were taking a nap under a tree. Cooper and Shelby were running around in the field. "Hey Zack, what are we gonna do now."
Zack turned and looked at Kara, then returned to washing his jacket. He found that he could understand all his pokémon better with each passing day. "Well, Someone left something for us," he said ringing out his jacket and hanging it on a branch.
Kara was confused, "Who left what?"
"Not sure."
Kara became even more confused. "What are you talking about?"
"This," Zack said pulling out the paper he had found in the tree. "It's a map of the Hoenn region, and a cave not far from here is marked."
"Do we have any idea what's there?"
"Nope, guess we'll have to find out," he said with a smile.
"What about Koto?" Kara asked. "What are we gonna do about him?"
Zack's smile disappeared and was replaced with concerned and maybe even distant look. "I guess we'll wait here until he wakes up see what he has to say, and make our decisions from there. Until then, just relax. You could use the rest. We've been on the road for a while."
"alright," Kara concurred. She began to walk over to the tree that Nick and Sam laid under, when a ringing noise.
Zack pulled his PokéNAV. He was getting a call. With the press of a button he began to talk. "Hello?... Mom?... What... No I'm not in Rustboro... What? The news... Okay... Alright... I love you to, bye,"
Nick and Sam were now awake and, along with Kara, gave Zack an inquisitive look. "My mom just told me to check the news for some reason." Zack navigated to the news application and started the live broadcast. Zack crouched down so that Nick, Sam, and Kara could see it.
The news lady started mid sentence. "...the organized criminal event happening in rustboro. What do you think Patterson?"
"Well, we don't know exactly what is going on. It seems Rustboro is in total chaos. We have reports of men in dark coats stopping people from leaving the city," the news man reported. "Oh... hold on. It appears the criminals are herding citizens into various buildings and holding them hostage. Folks this is the first time I've ever heard of anything like this. It seems as if the entire city is captive."
The news lady began to speak again. "Local law enforcements are on the way from surrounding towns. We have a news team arriving with officers right outside of Rustboro. Getting visuals now."
Then video from the reporters filled the screen. It showed the entrance to rustboro being guarded by the men who had attacked them. Four officers had a long battle with them before being defeated and brought into the city as extra hostages.
The female news reporter talked over the video. "It seems a news chopper is now over the city and ready to give an overhead view now."
The video switched over to an air view from the helicopter. Zack, Nick, Sam, and Kara watched as everyone in the city disappeared into the building. Then the lady talked over the footage again, "What's this, it seems as though the mysterious criminals are barricading the city!" The camera panned over to what was an entrance to the city. It was now blocked off by tall metal barricades that were being welded together. "It would seem that they're turning the city into a fortress of some sort!"
Zack stared at the screen in disbelief. It almost didn't seem real. How could it? Did Rustboro really just get taken over by some crazy secret society? Zack sat there pondering on what to do.
All of a sudden caroline yelled, "Hey! Koto's up. He wants to talk to you!"
Nick translated for Zack. Zack let out a heavy sigh. This won't go well.
Matthias stood on the top floor of the Devon Corp. building looking out the window. It won't be long now. Total conquest is within grasp. "Gunther, are the walls almost finished," Matthias asked impatiently.
"Yes sir," answered the general who was standing behind Matthias. "All thirty foot steel walls will be in place around the city within the next hour."
"Good, good." Matthias turned on his communicator. "Kuzu, how is the E.R.T.I.S?"
"Sir, the E.R.T.I.S. is fully functional," the young scientist said with much excitement. "We are prepping it for transport now. Soon our might will be unstoppable. We already have a container ready for testing when we arrive in Rustboro."
"Excellent!" Matthias responded happily. I always love it when a plan comes together.
"What do you mean he caught me!" Koto yelled angrily.
"I mean he threw a pokéball at you, you went in and didn't come out!" Sam yelled back at Koto.
"Screw that!" Koto shouted with obvious rage in voice.
"Come on, why are you acting this way?" Sam asked.
"I refuse to be anyone's pokémon!" Koto yelled.
"Uuugghh. Just come with us!" Sam pleaded.
Zack ran up, "So, what's going on?" he asked. Koto shot him a look that bore deep into his soul and made Zack feel as if had actually done something wrong. "Aww, don't be that way. What happened to the times when people thought first impressions were important?"
"I will not be your pokémon, period." Koto stated.
"Hey, I saved your life!" Zack yelled at the jolteon.
"Oh, yeah! Why?! Why would you bother saving a worthless piece of shit like me!" Caroline covered Kara's ears. "What have I ever done to help you?! Nothing! Why the fuck would you waste your time like that?! Huh?!"
Nick translated for Zack, leaving out the profanities. "Because Kara wanted me to! Because she cares for you, and as her trainer I care about what she wants!" Zack yelled back.
Koto looked at Kara for a moment before turning around. "I'm going for a walk," he said barely audible.
"Why is this such a big deal?" Zack asked truly curious about the mysterious eevolution.
Koto turned his head to look at Zack. "I had a trainer once," he said. "It didn't end well. Guess I'm scared of anything like that happening again." Koto began to walk away into the forest.
Kara noticed something in his voice and in his eyes that she had never seen from him before. He seemed, almost sad. "So Zack what are we gonna do now," kara asked turning to the frustrated boy.
Zack let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding, "Well, If he doesn't want to be my pokémon, then he doesn't need to be. We'll set out for the cave tomorrow. It's getting late." Zack walked off to the river where he had been before. Kara took one last look in the direction that Koto had traveled before following Zack, along with Sam and Nick.
Thank you for reading chapter six of Koto. Just veiwing this helps me stay motivated, and as always, have great day!