VTQ: A Gooey Encounter

Having a lucario, growlithe, and raichu on his right, and a litleo and sneasel on his left of his body.

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Naruto Nidaime Juubi(Spanish)

Asustados por la seguridad del growlithe fue en el momento que todos pensaban que el growlithe estaba muerto que naruto sonrió y movió su taza de ramen en frente del growlithe, dejando a la mayoría con los ojos del tamaño de platos.

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(Clean) Pokemon Shorts: Absol's Wish

The only ones left were an eevee, a growlithe and a vulpix.

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Eternal Instant of Darkness: Cahpter IV: Crashing Waves

The growlithe officer, zabor, spoke up, explaining the situation. "say tha' again!?" lex almost pounced on the growlithe but held back enough to just walk up to his face, looking angry. "'e's been wit'us tha whole day!

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Ember Tails info sheet

Mckenzie (marcus and zane's mom) has had a history with arcanine and growlithe... her first boyfriend, a growlithe from middle school named kyle kinley, came out as gay when they started high school.

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Sinori's Tale - Chapter Two

If the growlithe knew i had stolen them... the growlithe was more concerned with the other person he was talking to, fortunately.

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Flare & Ember: Installment 2

growlithes were nocturnal. and growlithe clans _hated_ vulpix. she mustered her courage, and spoke up: "can you help us get somewhere safe before dark? please?" the rai shouldered his spoils, pretending not to hear.

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Sinori's Tale - Chapter Seven

"i don't trust the growlithe." being trapped by them was just as scary as the idea of being trapped by the poochenya. more, even.

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," looking over at a small growlithe. "well duh zyruss! i mean we have been friends and next door neighbors for like 6 years. your my friend until the very end. no matter what.

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Kapitel 1 Es leuft nie nach Plan

Soldaten/Army 15:48 Pausenhof Einer nach dem anderen sprang aus dem LKW. Die Fukanos ordneten sich in einer Reihe ein. Ein Arkani zündete sich eine Zigarette an. 'Also Leute Achtung Die Mission ist schwer die Lage ernst, Langes Gerede Kurzer sin Ihr...

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Family and Friends

The pet growlithe put his front paws on brody's leg and barked. brody scratched the pokemon on his favorite spot, at the base of the neck. he smiled down at the pooch. major had become part of the family soon after his dad had vanished.

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The Lugia Trainer: Introduction

Jacob nodded and rubbed the growlith's head. "thanks pup." the growlith got up and walked carefully to guide them to it in the dark. as jacob followed he would continue to glance at the daycare, but nothing was going on.

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