I back jumped for staying away from the torchic, that used a flamethrower on coco; coco hadn't time to dodge the attack, so, i shielded him. only thinking of it still hurts me!
Fanfiction, Pokemon
Erin screamed as if being hit by a flamethrower.
"eri..." was all john and the others could say before she fainted of utter shock
all three of the remianants screamed as she dropped to the floor.
Gothita, Pokemon, Riolu, ralts
He takes in a huge breath, preparing a massive flamethrower. his chest and stomach expand as he sucks in air, beginning to build up the fire in his belly.
Belly Punching, Gut Punching, Male, Pain, Pokemon, Stomach Punching, Torture, Typhlosion, fetish, punch
"rampardos flamethrower!"
"bone rush!"i shouted.
rampardos exhaled a inferno,while lucario put his paws together and pulled them apart slowly creating a blue glowing bone.
Fighting, Keledo, Lucario, Pokemon