Journey to another world pt2 ch82
#32 of Journey to Another World pt2
Journey to Another World 5
Ch. 14
After the whole incident with the nurse. She was quick to return to her job and finished healing our Pokemon in record timing. She seemed very eager to try and get us out of there as soon as possible, much to Rian's confusion, though I doubt he was worried to much about it. So after we'd clipped our Pokeballs back onto our belts we exited the center.
"I do not believe that I have ever had my Pokemon healed that quickly before," Rian said as he looked over his shoulder at the doors to the Pokemon center as we continued walking. He then looked over to me and cocked his head to the side. "Did something happen between you and the nurse while I was asleep?" To which I nodded with a small laugh.
"You could say that," I said as I shifted my pack around on my back and headed once again for the South Western exit to Pastoria City. "She wanted me to stay there for a while longer while she studied both my Lurcario and Gardevoir's pregnancies. Though I think she was being a little too nosy about it, so I told her off." I looked down and could see that Rian was scratching at the side of his head and had a confused look on his face.
"Hmm. I guess I could see your point. Though I do hope that you did not put her off to much. Otherwise the next time that you visit, you could receive a very uncomfortable stay there at the center." To which we both chuckled.
"And that's precisely why I didn't want to stay there tonight. I figured that, if given the chance, she might try and pull a fast one and sneak away to study my Pokemon without my knowledge."
"That is a good idea. The only problem is that since it is so close to night time, that we will have a difficult time finding a place to camp once we leave the town," Rian said as he stopped right that the edge of the town to hold out his hand to the wall of rain. It was strange to think of a wall of rain when all I can recall of walls that were nature made referred to whiteout conditions back home (Author: Wall of fog if your wondering and yes it is a natural phenomenon).
'He does make a valid point. If I/we were to camp further down the route, we'd have to set up our gear, make meals for all our Pokemon, and everything else in the rain. In the process, soaking everything, including the sleeping bags since I don't have a tarp to protect us while we do all those things,' I thought as I stared at the rain. "It's kind of strange. Why is it only here that it seems to rain constantly?"
Rian only shrugged his shoulders as he walked back over to me. "Not sure. It must be one of those natural phenomenon that pop up some places around the globe. Anyways, what are we going to do? Are we going to attempt to camp out in that or should we call it a night here?"
I just stood here for a while before I sighed and nodded. "No choice. I don't want to get all my gear wet just to camp out there. So we'll just have camp here and attempt route 212 in the morning in hopes that the rain at least lets up a bit," Then looked back the way we came and a shiver ran up my spine. "Though, if I really do decide to stay the night right here, I'm going to have to keep a close eye on my girls, as I don't want that nosy Nurse Joy to try and snatch them away from me, like some weir thief in the night."
Rian chuckled and gave me a smirk. "It is kind of weird that you protect those two so much. It is almost like you are protecting a daughter or son from some impending doom." To which he laughed then proceeded to unpack his things and set up his own camp site.
'You have no idea.' I thought as I followed his example and began to set up my own things for the night. About an hour or two later, we had a nice little camp site and all of us were eating some dinner.
"I still do not understand why we are not staying at the Pokemon center," Jenavee said in a bit of an irritated way between bites of her Pokemon chow that I'd specially cooked up for her and Rena. "It is not like we are totally incapable of protecting ourselves from one normal person/nurse."
"I rather find this all rather irksome too, Jenavee. Though you do have to look at it from Donovin's point of view. He really does care about us and wants to make sure that that Nurse Joy does not try anything with us while we are pregnant." Rena said quietly to Jenavee between bites of her food. When most of her food was gone she started rubbing her now very noticeable bulge to which Jenavee mirrored as well with a happy smile on their faces.
Just then I heard Undine grumble something under her breath, but knew better than to ask, as she was probably upset about being out here rather eating at the nice and warm Pokemon center. She was probably upset as well at the fact that it was either Jenavee, Rena, or my fault for the reason. Though when I looked over at Kit, I could see that she had...a blush on her face as she was looking strait at me? 'I wonder what that is all about?' I thought as she quickly found something interesting about what she was eating and looked deeply at her food.
"Weird." I said accidentally out loud, as a few of our group looked over at me in a confused way. "W...weird that...It's kind of weird that..." For the life of me I couldn't think of anything to say to save my self from the obvious question that I knew that was coming.
Both Jenavee, Rena, Rian and a few of Rian's Pokemon looked from Kit to me. "What is weird Donovin?" Rian asked as he set his bowl down and looked over at me. "Is there something weird about your Ninetails?" He looked over at the shinny Ninetails and up and down her body. "Other than it is a shinny one of course."
What Rian didn't know was, when he was talking I'd pieced together something that would hopefully keep the others from prying into my current train of thought as to what was going on with Kit. "I was just thinking that it was a bit weird that this region is so different than my home. Because, even though I live on a mountain and get white out conditions that look similar to that wall of water over there, I've never seen something quite as strange as a wall of water."
Rian just gave me a strange look. "What is a, 'White-Out Condition', and how does that differ from that wall of water?" He said as he threw his thumb over his shoulder, pointing at the next rout was we were going to pass through in the morning.
I just smirked to him in thanks that he was delving into the real reason behind my weird comment. "Just like the wall of water over there, a White Out condition is pretty similar. Instead of a wall of water, it's a wall of fog. The fog is so thick that it looks to be a wall that you can't even see an inch in front of your face once you enter it." I set down my bowl and wiped my hands together as if their were covered in crumbs, even though we were having a soup that night (thanks to the rain for providing the water). "It is very dangerous due to the fact that you can't see anything and you constantly bump or crash into things that you didn't know were there." I said with a smile as I rubbed my nose a few times at a few memories of incidents when my face would find a tree that I didn't know was there when I wouldn't be paying attention.
Rian looked over his shoulder at the wall, as the same with all the rest of his Pokemon, only to shake his head. "I do not really see the resemblance between your idea and that, other than the water does form a wall." He shrugged his shoulders and turned back to his meal.
'I can tell that something else is on your mind Donovin, but I will not pry until you can tell us the real reason.' Jenavee said psychically to me as she continued to eat her food. When I saw that she was done I looked over at Rena and could see that she too had the same look on her face and nodded.
'I think they're making me make a bigger deal out of this, than it might be,' I looked over at Kit and saw that she was now eating fairly slowly, but would look up at me out of the corner of her eye every once in a while. 'Before any of that, I need to talk with Kit and find out what's up with her.'
After we finished our dinner, we began to clean up the dishes/bowls that we used. I walked over to Kit and looked down at her. "Kit. Could you please come with me and help me clean some of these," I said as I held some of the dirtier dishes in my arms. She just cocked her head to the side and gave me a quizzical look. "Once I've finished washing them, you can use your Flamethrower to dry them." She gave a happy yip and followed me through the bushes a little ways to another part of the wall of water. That way if something caught the scent of our dinner, they'd be drawn to this area rather than closer to our camp. 'Can't beat convenience.' I thought as I pulled out a sponge and started on the dishes once we'd gotten far enough away from the campsite. 'Now to find out what's going on with her.'
'Now, how do you go about asking a Pokemon what is going on in their head when you can't really expect an answer? Especially when you need a translator, but want to keep the conversation private?' I thought to myself as I washed a few of the dishes, only to hold them out away from my body to be hit with a low intensity Flamethrower attack that would instantly dry them by Kit. I thought for a while and by the time that I'd come up with something, all the dishes/bowls were washed and dried, and placed on a log not far away.
"Is there something bothering you Kit?" I asked as I pulled out a small handkerchief to dry off my hands, as I slowly turned and looked over my shoulder. I saw that Kit's eyes had gone wide with shock then she slowly relaxed and lowered her head. 'Bingo.' "Something is bothering you, isn't there." I said as I put the handkerchief back into my pocket and stood up and walked over to her, only to take a knee so that we could talk more eye to eye.
Kit let out a long whine then looked up at me for a moment then quickly looked away. 'Whatever it is, it must be very embarrassing for her or it's something that she can't readily talk about.' Then my eyes went wide as my memory clicked onto something. "Does it have anything to do with what happened in the Pokemon center? When you..." I didn't need to say any more as the look from Kit's face when her head jerked up to look at me explained it all.
Kit let out a few more whines and a few barks, but I think I could get the meaning without a translator. Obviously the kiss had meant something to her and she was confused, as she was a strong Pokemon who had turned down so many potential mates when she was at the breeders and didn't know how to take it. She eventually stopped 'talking' and looked deeply into my eyes. Now it was my turn to look away from her and find something interesting with something at my feet. I couldn't really think at that moment as this is one of those things that can either make or break a friendship.
'If I play it off as an accident, then that could hurt her feelings and I don't know what kind of feelings, or even if I even have those kinds of feelings, for her. I guess it really boils down to, 'Do I love her like I love Jenavee and Rena?' I slowly raised my head up to look over at Kit and saw that she had an inquisitive look on her face, obviously awaiting my answer to her question. Though that only lasted for a moment as she got up from sitting on her haunches and slowly walked over to me.
"Wait a minute Kit. What are you do..." I didn't get a chance to finish what I was going to say when she sat down a little closer right in front of me, placed a paw over my heart, and pressed her lips to mine in a deep kiss. My eyes went wide as I looked over at her as we shared the kiss and saw that she had a confused/embarrassed look on her face. The kiss was such a shock to me that my arms gave out from underneath me and I fell back. Though that did little to detour her from the kiss as she followed me down, still pressing into the kiss. Eventually she stopped the kiss as she was now leaning over me and looked deeply into my eyes, as if searching to see if my eyes held the love that she wanted/needed in them.
*Master, I love you.*