The Life of Blackfire 2 Traingng
#2 of Blackfire Legacy
The life of Blackfire; TrainingThe life of Blackfire; Friends
So many of you liked this one and I am proud. The last one I did of this sucked but with time off I knew I could improve it. Now that I have, this is the best Pokémon story series I have written.
Also not too many sex and all will be involved. It is only a few times every other chapter or so and it is mostly on three characters here. SO with out further a do, here it is.
The Life of Blackfire; Friends
I looked out to the cave of my home to hear more screams of the humans. The screams are becoming more frequent and all of is almost music to my ears. My love, my soul, died by their hands. I would laugh at their downfall but my heart and my body were in no mood to cooperate.
I was just a shell now. My soul died with my mate and now I only life another day for torment. She begged me to continue on living. And so I do and I wait for my time to come when I bring her back.
I woke up, feeling great for some reason. My recent memories with Gaby have left me a bit dazed. What she did to me yesterday felt wonderful and would expect that from her often.
I slowly sat up on my bed and rubbed my eyes. I yawned softly and I still feel dazed. I just sat there and waited. I didn't know what I was waiting for but I just waited in till my stomach gnawed at me for I was hungry. I got off the bed and walked over to my bowl where there was still some of my food. As I ate the puffins, I began to slowly realize that I was thinking a lot of things that I never had thought before. I think that I was getting smarter. Either that or I just started to think more and took in things in. I wasn't sure. When I finished with all of my food, Gaby came in almost unexpected. She always seemed to know when I was awake or needed something. She smiled to me as she picked me up.
"Good Morning Blackfire." She said in a nice tone. "Did you sleep well?"
I nodded her and gave her a "Char", in response.
She nodded and she took me out of my room and began walking down the hall.
"Today, you and the others are going to be doing something special, okay?"
Special, I thought. What was going to be special?
"Char?" I asked her.
She nodded.
"I already told you that you were a Pokémon that had special abilities and powers. Today, you are going to be using them and have to learn to control them."
Powers. It seemed odd for me t think that. Well if anything, I might have powers and I guess that is why my tail has a fire and the others look the way they look.
She took me to a place that was just as big as the other room only at the top, you could see blue sky. I think it was real blue sky that had glass, I believe, that kept it outside.
She let me down and I saw a range of things here. It was different by so much.
There was a row of at least four or five that had a red circles at the end of them. I'm thinking that something was supposed to hit them with something. At the top of the roof, there were things floating with red circles on them as well. And to a far corner, there were metal things moving that seemed to swing, hit or shoot things at the walls.
It was then when other humans came in and brought the others in. Shardfire was seemingly sleepy but she quickly started her flames quickly. The others just waited around.
Gaby spoke to me once more.
"Okay Blackfire," she said to me. "Today you have to learn how to shoot fire from your mouth and make a Flamethrower attack. You must use that at those red targets." She said pointing at the red targets. "All you have to do is hit those with you attack and that is all. But if you can, try to use anything else you can alright?"
I gave a nod before walking over to the range. Shardfire walked by me and smile.
"Hi Blackfire." She said to me in her cute little voice.
"Hi Shardfire." I said to her with a smile. "You have to use your powers too?"
She nodded.
"They told me that I have to use my fire attacks to get stronger. I also have to use other attacks too. I don't know any other though."
I nodded to her.
"Me neither but maybe we can find out together."
She gave a smile before the targets at the end began moving. They only moved back and forth a bit. I sighed. I didn't know how to use my attack.
Shardfire only stood there too and I wanted to do it with her. I just hope she didn't think any less of me for not starting. I just wanted to impress her and honestly, I started getting warmer just thinking about her. It was like she was giving me something to be fine. I wanted to give her some of that warmth. I wanted to give her much more then that.
I surprised me and her when I opened my mouth and a small flame shouts out. I was pushed back a bit and Shardfire seemed fascinated by my attack.
"That was great!" she said. Her flames started getting bigger. "How did you do that?"
I didn't want her to know I was thinking about her so I just made something up.
"Think happy and warm thoughts." I said to her. She nodded and began thinking and soon her flames began to grow wildly. With a small effort she opened her mouth and let lose a large flame out of her mouth that launched nearly all the way to the target. She closed her mouth and squealed with delight.
I smiled to her.
"That was amazing Shardfire."
She blushed a bit.
"Thank you. But I could not have done it if you hadn't told me what to think."
"What did you think about?"
Her blush grew a bit deeper.
"I was thinking about you." She said shyly.
It was my turn to blush. She was thinking about me as I was thinking about her. I smiled and moved closer to her.
"I was thinking about you too."
We both blushed deeply but lost focused when the two targets beeped loudly and began moving side to side now. I realized that we must have done something wrong or right. So I and Shardfire got prepared and once the targets got in our sites, we let out a powerful flamethrower attack and it instantly destroyed the two targets. We both were trilled by our power but stopped our cheer when two new ones came in. This time they moved a bit faster to the sides. Shardfire and I quickly opened our mouths and shot the targets. Mine hit the target but Shardfire's attack didn't. She puffed a bit angrily before shooting another flame from her mouth and this time, it hit. She smiled a bit. I think that she and I will be good friends in the future.
I growled to myself as I watched that over grown lizard and his little girlfriend shoot their flames out. Being the ground type that I am, I had no weakness to it but the heat from it bothers me.
I shook my head and focused back on my task. I threw my bonemerang at one of the floating targets and it was destroyed. I have done this before any of these guys were here, well except for the Sneasel. He was there when I was.
I watched with the corner of my eyes as he was jumping from stands to slash at any targets that he could, and that meant all of them. He jumps pretty high up to get a floating target.
I focused back at hand as my bonemerang came back to me. I saw that all of my targets were it.
I was annoyed that I had to do this. I got pulled out of my life to be tested by the stupid humans. They changed me into a freak. My skin was still light brown like I was born but I knew that I was a freak. They changed me; they took something from me and gave it back but with an added feature. I am stronger now but now naturally. I wanted to be stronger by being in battles, winning tournaments and even killing opponents.
My mother was a natural born Cubone and when she died like all mothers do, I took her skull with pride. I said that I would be a proud fighter. But now that was taken away from me when they captured me. I am now an outcast and I could never fit in. With an angry growl, I threw my bone hard in any direction. My anger got the best of me and I didn't know it in till I heard a cry.
I turned to see that the Sneasel was knocked down and was rubbing his head. I sighed and quickly walked over to him.
He was still rubbing his head and saw a small bump on his head. He turned to look at me and growled.
"What was that for? Trying to kill me?" he said in a angry voice.
"Sorry about that. Got a bit angry about something."
"Yeah I'll say." He rubbed his head a bit longer before I gave him my hand to help him up. He took it and I pulled him up. He looked up at me with curious eyes.
"What?" I asked in a bit annoyed voice.
"What were you angry about?" he asked so suddenly.
I was a bit caught off guard by him. I didn't know if I could answer him but got my answer when the room suddenly got hot and cries were heard. We both turned to look at the over grown lizard and saw him trying to hold out the fire
I didn't know what happened. I was too occupied with my power that I couldn't control my fire. I managed to hit the target but the fire got out of control. At first Shardfire thought that it was a trick but when the fire began spreading, I saw that the humans began screaming as it began spreading across the walls.
Everyone began quickly walking away, even Shardfire too. But I stayed. I wanted to stay and try to control it. If I knew anything now it was that when I was born, I would have powers. I don't know if this was a natural power or something that they gave me. With my arms out, I closed my eyes and concentrated on the fire and held it back. I felt like I was pushing against a wall and tried to move it back. At first I didn't move but slowly I used my hands to push the fire back. I could feel some kind of energy being released from me and I could feel the fire dying.
I was beyond tired and managed to keep the fire small before it dissipated before I finally collapse with no air in my lungs and blacked out.
I was amazed at what the little lizard did. He managed to control that fire with a psychic move! I know his kind and never in my life did I see a power like him.
Once the fire was controlled, I saw him fall to the floor and black out. I knew that kind of power could take its toll on any one and I realized that he managed to do something amazing; I wondered if I could too?
I saw the humans rush to him and help him up. Shardfire, I think was her name, was quite scarred and was confused as to what happened to him. She was frantic as to what was happening. Her human partner picked her and walked along side the unconscious Charmander. I couldn't help but be a bit happy knowing that he might have a lover on his tail. I wondered if I could be his.
I didn't know how long I slept but when I woke up, I felt a gently weight on my body. Both physically and psychologically I opened my eyes to see Shardfire on top of me and Gaby sitting on my bed. I blinked a bit and looked at Shardfire who seemed to have water running down her cheeks.
I wondered why that was and spoke to her.
"Why do you have water running down your cheeks Shardfire?"
My voice must have surprised her and she jumped a bit before letting more water run down her eyes as she quickly jumped at me and rubbed against me.
"I didn't know what happened!" she said in a cracked and saddened voice. "I thought that when you stopped the fire, you fell asleep and didn't wake up! I thought something bad happened to you." Her wails became frequent and I could understand why she was sad but the question was what happened to me?
I turned to Gaby who had a smile on her face.
"Glad to see you're alive, Blackfire. You scarred everyone a bit when you managed to control the fire and then pass out. We thought you were dead."
I looked at Shardfire who stopped running water off her face before she calmed down.
"She thinks that something happened to you, and began crying and begged her partner to stay by you." Said Gaby.
Shardfire's crying was something I didn't like to see. So I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into a hug. She was confused by this but when she saw that I pulled her closer, she gave a smile and laid her head on my chest. Gaby gave a smile and stood up.
"I will leave you two alone. You can stay the night there Shardfire. I know your partner wouldn't mind."
I was glad that Gaby was letting Shardfire stay. I didn't want her to leave my side. I pulled her into a hug and saw Gaby leave my room. I sighed in content knowing that my true friend will stick by my side.
In an hour or two, Shardfire fell asleep on my chest. I couldn't help but smile at her cuteness as she slept. Her breathing was soothing and it was calm. It was almost incanting. But it couldn't put me to sleep. I stayed awake for awhile, just thinking about all the stuff that happened to today and if any of this will effect me later on in my future. I yawned a bit as the sleep took over me and closed my eyes once more.
That little Charmander managed to do something great. It was a powerful move. I know I am supposed to be stronger naturally but I wondered if it was right to be stronger by force. I sighed as I lay on my bed and looked up at my ceiling. Would my mother be proud that I have been captured and have new abilities? It was almost hard to know what I should do.
I slept unevenly that night.
I slowly lose myself to the darkness as I watch my mate's grave lay still. It is the first night of the attacks and I watch as I am again tormented my her dying repeating in my head.