Chapter 1: The Beginning

With turtwig & chikorita: "are we goin to a theater?", asked chikorita "nah we ganna go to tha park, they playin a movie there.", said turtwig "nice, which one?"

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Mating Season Training Session: Departure

The kid said, picking up his turtwig calmly. "yep..." i said, shouldering my backpack. "you're a half-breed, aren't you..." he realized. "mmhm..." i said as i passed him by.

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A Life Yet Lived - Chapter 1 (Part 1)

He blurted out, heart pounding from the sudden fright, "w-was that a turtwig? that thing's almost as big as me!"

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A Life Yet Lived - Chapter 2

Sara almost jumped out of her skin when a turtwig scrambled around her legs and leapt into a nearby bush, grinning brightly. "what the--! who's--?"

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The way It Is

Hmm what should i get chimchar piplup or turtwig. finnaly she said out loud im here as she walked in she saw her uncle prof rowan he looked kinda worried. uncle what pokemon can i get.


A Life Yet Lived - Chapter 4

Was some trainer out there watching her be made a fool of by a pokemon, or was that turtwig just having a laugh at her expense?

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Shifters: Chapters 5-8

His father joined in "well then, how about turtwig? i must admit i also thought you'd go for chimchar but turtwig is also a good pokémon" kai shook his head again, grinning now.

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Star Wars VIII: Shadows of the Past (11)

Tiny drops of water leaked from the stone ceiling of the passage in such a constant motion, that the dirt floor became a large muddy puddle. Luke's boots made a \*SQUELCH\* every time he raised them to step forward. The path itself became narrower, as...

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Star Wars VIII: Shadows of the Past (10)

_"That lightsaber was Luke's. And his father's before him. And now, it calls to you." _ Rey gasped as she opened her eyes. Sitting up, she felt something shift under her hands. "Oh, it's just the hay," she whispered to herself. It was nighttime...

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Star Wars VIII: Shadows of the Past (9)

The outer edge of the display panel flashed a bright green, as Kylo Ren placed the holoprojector on a recess in the stone wall. He pressed a button, and a blue image of his master flickered into view. "You bring news, I trust," Darth Plagueis...

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Star Wars VIII: Shadows of the Past (8)

Tython. The original planet of the Jedi. Unlike other core worlds, there were no civilizations there until a group of traders, known as the Métc-ru discovered minerals in the vast mountain ranges. For many years after, mining colonies were formed over...

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