Star Wars VIII: Shadows of the Past (8)

Story by Turtwig on SoFurry

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#8 of Star Wars

A short chapter, but an important one. I got the idea of Tython from the Old Republic game.

The Resistance finds a new home on an ancient world.

Tython. The original planet of the Jedi. Unlike other core worlds, there were no civilizations there until a group of traders, known as the Métc-ru discovered minerals in the vast mountain ranges. For many years after, mining colonies were formed over much of the planet's surface. Until they were destroyed during the Great Galactic War, which lasted for 28 dreadful years. The Jedi were held responsible for the Sith's success in the war, and after being removed from Coruscant, they established a home on Tython. There, the first Jedi Order was created. They sought the wisdom and guidance of the Force in order to maintain peace within the Republic.

"...But that was thousands of years ago," Luke explained to Ray. They were on their way down to the hangar where the Millennium Falcon was stationed. Chewbacca was already there, getting it prepped for departure. The capital ship they were on had finally come out of hyperspace above Tython. There were freighters, medical ships, and capital ships already surrounding the planet. These Resistance ships had arrived earlier, and many transport ships had already landed.

"Finn, come on," Ray almost yelled her friend, who appeared from a separate door. "We're going to the surface."

"Alright, coming," he told her. Finn was carrying a small tablet, which he placed on a nearby crate.

"What was that?" Ray asked.

Finn to the crate with the tablet resting on it. "That? Results on Poe's medical eval."

"Do they know what caused him to act like that?" She placed a hand on Finn's shoulder.

"Yeah, the medical droids said that his synthetics, which obviously were attached by the First Order, injected a drug into his nervous system that made him open to suggestion," he replied. "Leia and some of the council members believe that the First Order used this drug to control Poe and make him free Ren." Ray was surprised by the news.

"Did you know about this drug?"

Finn sighed, "I did hear that General Hux had a drug like this made, but back then I didn't really pay attention to it." Chewbacca gave a growl from the landing platform of the Falcon, telling them to hurry up.

"Yes, Chewy, we're coming," Ray told the wookie. Chewbacca and Ray took the cockpit, Finn climbed down into the gunner position, which wasn't needed for this flight, and Luke sat in the main quarters. Ray and Chewy pressed a few buttons, turned a switch, and in a few minutes the Millennium Falcon left the hangar. The descent to the planet was quicker then expected, and soon, Ray and Chewbacca could see the lush green forests that grew over most of Tython's land. The Falcon landed on a platform almost completely enclosed by trees. It had a small walkway which led to the main courtyard of the Tython Jedi Temple. The group walked down the walkway and found more familiar friendly faces. Resistance pilots landed their ships basically wherever they could, and officials were using the temple as a base of operations. Earlier, Luke had asked Leia to make sure no one destroyed any part of the temple or its grounds, so everyone had to deal with the space they had. To the left of the temple, there stood a 30ft statue of an ancient Jedi.

"That is Grand Master Satele Shan," Luke stated, noticing Ray and Finn admiring the statue. "She was one of the first Masters of the Jedi Order. She helped build both the temple here and the replica on Coruscant."

"The stuff you told me earlier about Tython," Ray turned to Luke,"and did you discover this information?" Luke didn't answer at first. Instead, he walked to the edge of the platform, which stood 3ft above the forest floor. Away in the distance, a single mountain rose high, almost blocking half the sun.

"Han Solo...he told you that I was looking for the first Jedi temple?" Luke finally spoke.

"Yes, but you said that Tython was home to the first temple."

"The truth is," Luke explained,"...Ahch-To was where the Jedi first came in contact with the Force. Before I went there, I had traveled to Coruscant. There, I explored the ruins of the Jedi Temple. I found the remains of the countless Jedi my...Darth Vader killed during Order 66. I also found the old Jedi Archives. I studied countless star charts and systems, and that's how I learned about Tython and Ahch-To."

"But I don't get it," Ray said. "You went to all of these places. There must be something you were looking for?"

"There was. And I think I found it. The key to defeating the Sith forever."

Star Wars VIII: Shadows of the Past (9)

The outer edge of the display panel flashed a bright green, as Kylo Ren placed the holoprojector on a recess in the stone wall. He pressed a button, and a blue image of his master flickered into view. "You bring news, I trust," Darth Plagueis...

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Star Wars VIII: Shadows of the Past (7)

"FN-2187." Kylo Ren watched as the former stormtrooper walked into the interrogation room. He was sitting in a white chair with his arms pinned behind his back by plasma resistors. The white walls of the room were littered with windows, but there was...

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Star Wars VIII: Shadows of the Past (6)

"Lord Plagueis, Kylo Ren has been captured by the Resistance," General Hux reported. He stood behind the Dark Lord on the bridge of the Finalizer. Darth Plagueis was examining a holoprojector at the back of the room. A planet displayed by a blue light...

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