
devine dependent deepening meaning with every word heard i'm speechless, mesmerized by your singing toward the unknown it echoes, finding a heart to heal unworthy i feel, to be graced by an angel so real if only one more wish i could ever have in this

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Something For My Mate Tania Jerfle

Life still is truly devine because today i can call you mine. the one day i can cherish having you in my arms. will make me a happy man, dont get me wrong. ill always have a special spot for you deep in my heart.

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Section 18

"i heard about you dying in some science experiment you had put together, devin." he said. telling him he was half right that a part of me did die though i was completely reborn. granted not how would've envisioned but, i'm healthy and happy.

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Angelic Muse

She came down to me and looked into my face for hours she examined me and narrowed in the space she then layed her hand on my cheek and i felt a change inside as her soft skin made contact with mine i opened my eyes to this angel devine


So after his parents had his other nine siblings ages 17-8 (john,kenta,robert,donald,iris,jane,janet,jasmine and kristina) they played around in their big house they grew up in before trent had moved for school in the united states and had bummed into devin


The Pannel

From the cast of pokemon: legends i give you devin kuroaki, rio, mocha, star, zhen, abby, midnight, amaya navela, and blaze bunsen from the cast of a pokemon story i give you paul, cream, luca, blake, and ella and once again i am your host demin.

Night thoughts - .7 - BECAUSE Y KNOT

Deliberate or devine, i somehow feel a little, just a little fine... maybe it's me, maybe it's time passing me by with such a chill lately, almost nothing brings me that wanted thrill...

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He doesn't speak that much around his friends his name is stereotypically black he has an iq of 102 he can bench 240 pounds and can do a handstand along with archie devin and maurice.


Beginner's Lessons

The dragon devin once met a group of furs on his way moving from one dojo to another. he passed on by them. but they recognized him as that dragon that ate others. they kicked scorn on them but did he eat them. no. he just passed on by.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 13

If they tried to make a run for it, they would only meet the same fate as devin. the wolf's eye flew open and its mouth split into a snarl. "where is she!?" it barked, shaking mateo back and forth. "where's who?"

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Original roster (in order they were introduced originally) payton,alex,max,nigel,dusty,takayuki,brandon,moon,ezekiel,hassan,archie,randolph,maurice,ethan,damarison,liam,lorenzo,daisuke,arthur,xander,devin,elliot,trent,christian.



Ready for any reply just a moment ago, i was now lost, my resolve, broken i simply looked away, unable to say a single thing to follow your eyes were anything, caring even, but slowly filling with sorrow i knew the steps too well, no powers needed of the devine

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