Something For My Mate Tania Jerfle
**_Oh how could you not know Id never let you go? You mean the world to me, you make it seem Like its a dream. I can never leave, you're the center of my life,how can I live without you? how could you not see what you do to me ? girl obviously I need to try harder in this game, cuz this aint like the same thing.
I..I want you to see whats inside of me. How I breath for you. How fast my heart beats, when I hear you're feet. You make my life like no other life, god has blessed me. Sent me an angel, one he could spare, so I can dig out of this despair Im glad you're here. True we may not have known eachother but my love for you is so strong. Its so incredible how we cant stand to go. Without either of us wantign to know whether are ok. I will sit here and sing. until My throat stings. Just to let you know how much you make me smile . The list goes on for MILES. Even though at first you truly werent mine. Life still is truly devine because today I can call you mine. THe one day I can cherish having you in my arms. WIll make me a happy man, dont get me wrong. Ill always have a special spot for you deep in my heart. The reasons why are so many, I dont know where to start. God knows if you were a star. Youd be the brightest Ive seen by far. All I can really say now. Is that no matter where we may go, you're always my girl hands down. Il Be your Anubis as long as you remain my Fox. <3_**