Something For My Mate Tania Jerfle
**_Oh how could you not know Id never let you go? You mean the world to me, you make it seem Like its a dream. I can never leave, you're the center of my life,how can I live without you? how could you not see what you do to me ? girl obviously I...
Its All For You
**_Here I am once again. Blood stained pillows. Here comes the pain. Help me drown my sorrows. and Pray for a better tomorrow. You kept my heat strong. Thats when we met it went wrong. Never knew Itd affect me like this. At night alone in bed, its her...
I Look Up To The Skie..
**_What Is It About The Skie That Is So Mysterious? It Just Makes Me Want To Reach Out To It, Although I Know I Can Never Touch It. I Reach Out To It, Hoping To Touch Its Clouds, Looking As Soft As Silk, The Spacious Skie, Running On For Miles. The...