Night thoughts - .7 - BECAUSE Y KNOT

Story by Jiblits on SoFurry

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Night thoughts - 7. - BECAUSE Y KNOT

These days...

Time keeps slowing down, fourth than I feel need be

I keep losing sight, all wrongs somehow right, but not to me...

Truth has become something numbing when spoken

Making me at times, jus feel unreal, in someway broken

I'm slipping further into a place I avoid like the plague

The solid foundations I walked on regularly are shadows of their past, just...vague...

Becoming voices seem to want to guide my choices, & the end is further away

I grit my teeth & smile, but beneath all the while, I breath uneasy into another day

I feel A need to get farther from this truth become common place

My dreams waving on, I just keep giving chase...

Somehow now, I gather feeling, but it's ever uneasy in the process

The clear thoughts have become clouded, just a mess...

One of which I've seen too often to know can be cleaned or fixed with ease

Even now, against my morals, I find myself brought to my knees...

Deliberate or Devine, I somehow feel a little, just a little fine...

Maybe it's me, maybe it's time passing me by with such a chill

Lately, almost nothing brings me that wanted thrill...

Cold as ice, I walk among the puddles of people I thought firm in mind

I still hear here, this echo of why I should remain gentle to them, to remain eternally kind...

Still, as I move, I don't see all I used to enjoy...what used to be...

What used to matter so...what mattered least to me...

Eh, another chance, choice, reason...

Maybe just stagnant in place for a moment...maybe better next season...

Regardless, it is what it was always meant to become

Perfect for many, as such, not to some...

Clouds still about, I whisper each shout

Knowing they hear, but it falls on deaf ears all the same

I have time...& for what's past, in a way, it's not meant to last...I only have ,yield to blame...

yeah... sounds about right... so...for that...I escape again to my dreams, & call it a day early...goodnight...

---Thanks for reading---

...if you have... ---Always---

(been quite a day)